We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Not one politician will bring Obama up on charges. Trump is the one who will. It must be done. The crimes he and his administration have done against our Constitution mus be accounted for.He will do it. You know damn well he will...These crimes can not go un punished.

Why stop at Obama ? The situation is most of the politicians , on both sides, can be held accountable for violations to the COTUS. Not a big Trump fan, but like him more than most,,,

I hope that if he is elected, he will at a minimum shake the political world to its knees. 

I agree but I think we will have to see if he does bring Obama and Hillary up because truthfully they both need to be equally brought up on something I prefer treason but what do I know

Until the question of Obama's citizenship is answered definitively, our constitution is hanging over a shredder.  If we don't mean what we say applies to the eligibility of any candidate that can be legitimately elected to the most powerful office in the world, we are nothing more than meaningless blowhards. Further, if we are not willing to provide proof of citizenship in order to cast our vote in constitutional elections for office holders, how can we hold any of them to any accountability?  The longer we allow this evasion of our laws, the less we have to complain about loss of liberty and justice for all.  If one is above the law, there is NO law.

Totally agree with that...The best way to get back to basics of our constitution is to vote Republican to the point that the left does not exist. And then split the Republican party into two by always attacking any establishment taking hold. We must always pay attention to what our politicians are doing. The majority must never go back to sleep and be silent.

This video has Clapper admitting Obama is the one who initiated the Mueller investigation

Kevin, and others,

IF (and it's a huge "if") there are arrests and prosecutions, they will not happen until AFTER the election.  I sincerely hope it happens.

That said, I don't think Obama and Hillary will ever be held to account.  In all probability, underlings such as Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Brennan, Lisa Page, and others will take the heat, but not Obama and/or Hillary.  Arresting Obama would start a firestorm of protest and civil disobedience.  Cities could burn.  I don't think even Trump would open that Pandora's Box.

Just my opinion,


I know blacks who realized Obama screwed them harder than anyone else had since before the "Civil War". They have seen just how the Democrats have used them for votes and now are pandering to the ignorant Hispanics. If they were to turn on any one it would be the Democrats.

Hillary and Obama need to be brought down for all of their crimes against the people of the United States of America. President Trump after re-election can take appropriate action against them as well as many others deserving of a date with "Judge Rope" to be decided after a fair trial.

Excellent Thanks for sharing...

Establishment Republicans bet big on stopping Trump, but they may live to regret it




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