We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Tasers etc are also restricted ...
"Possession, ownership and use of a stun gun (including Tasers) by civilians is considerably restricted, if not illegal in all States and Territories."

Once these laws are in, they stay in. The anti gun lobby here is as strong as your pro gun lobby up there. That's the difference between a socialist collective society (Aust), and an individual rights society (United States). We don't have Inalienable rights down here, we only have United Nations human rights and domestic laws.

I mentioned two lessons to learn about gun control, but the biggest lesson to learn is how helpless one feels being unarmed when you're in an unfamiliar location after sunset or even in broad daylight in some places, you've got to have your wits about you. The Courts don't like it if you hurt the assailant more than they hurt you


Don't kid yourself, we have an extremely strong Anti-Gun Lobby here too. I believe that neither side wants to have a definitive win, as then they would lose all the donations they collect every year. I can offer another idea, Carry a tactical umbrella. Basically it's an umbrella that has a strong spring steel center rod with a blunted metal tip past the umbrella fabric on the end so it won't stab an assailant. Structurally it is many many times as strong as regular umbrella and can be used as a defensive weapon. Alternately a good shillelagh walking stick made out of solid oak can be used as a short Kenpo pole/Police Riot Baton for self defense and both can be devastating with a little practise, and they are in actuality just an umbrella or walking stick as far as any law goes.

Trump care passes the house and religious freedom bill was signed. A good day for the administration. Getting rid of the Johnson amendment is huge. Hopefully the Pastors and Priests will start putting God in the forefront of our society. We will never be fixed if we do not include Gods ways in our lives. Empowering our Christian heritage will Bless us Bigly.

I would like you all to really think about what Trump is doing. It is so easy to not see the truth of the things being accomplished by sitting in our easy chairs and arm chair quarterbacking plus the Monday morning exercise of same..The domestic issues on Trump`s `plate is a huge amount to undertake at one time.....Then to clean up the mess in the foreign policy aspect. These problems (especially Korea) have had the can kicked down the road so much over years that the can has welded itself into an un recognizable hunk of metal from all the friction.. He has met with and talked to everyone about the world problems. He will soon be talking to the Pope in hopes I would think to get his blessing and have the Holly one look into his vision of things. Trump realizes that God is important in the healing...Trying to settle the turmoil in Middle East is the impossible task, according to many well educated people on the subject. He is going to Middle East just before meeting with the Pope. This sounds to me that he truly wants to give this issue o good ole college try to fix. NOT JUST LIP SERVICE. I hope people around the world will see he is sincere. The left is attacking him relentlessly. NO POTUS has ever been treated like this.I hope Christians pray often on this. Please take the time to summon up the Holly Spirit while relaxing in the easy chair and have some thoughtful prayer. I promise you ,it will help...Thanks for taking the time to read..Have a great day.

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Obama is feeling it..... This is A red Carpet reception

Eat your heart out O bama....

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