We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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This is a video of the Trump Rally last night 12/8/17. It is 6 hrs long. It shows the early crowd with many interviews with people gathering in the cold rain ...This shows how much the Trump Army loves our leader. Skim through it to understand the truth of our mo vement.

Well here we are a year later and Prince Trump is thrusting his lance deep into the low crawl spots of the swamp to force the creatures our of their nests.

And look at what has crawled out! The pack of rabid dogs led by the pack leader John McCain and his toy boy from Arizona Sen Flake, a lot of truth in that title! NEXT!

Yes, Sci Fi enthusiasts, your passion is no longer beyond the realms of reality! The Swamp is spewing forth all sorts of vile creatures that once only resided in the hills behind Holly Wood Land. They are real! I guess we all owe the National Enquire a huge apology for smirking at their magazine covers as we scanned them while waiting for Granny in the isle ahead of us to find that 5 cent coupon in the bottom of her purse.  Perhaps CNN, NBC and the rest should have the editors at the National Enquire fact check their stories prior to going to air with them?

If I could pass on some few words of comfort to all the Socialist and pink Republicans out there that troll through these pages I would; but there really are no words of comfort to offer up to them. Truth be told Trumps agenda for 2018 is going to hurt, A LOT! So while they are screaming in pure agony I will do my part and laugh hysterically to in some small way drown out their blood boiling screams as the cleaning light of Trumpism burns their flesh into a foul stinking stench of vapors. And to put fuel to that fire there will be no Obamacare to cover skin and stench graphs afterwards.

So lets all reload for the New Year, tell that fat shiftless fecal compacted grandson sleeping on your couch all day and playing video games all night he can relocate to the nearest road overpass, tell that bum on the street corner to pack sand and the rest, Take American back from the parasites!

Remember, "No Pain, No Gain!" And the Gain is even sweeter if it is someone else's PAIN! Guns Up!



Drain the swamp but be sure to have a board with a very sharp nail in the end of it for what crawls out!

Trump will help the farmers.....speech in Nashville

Trump holds Bi-partisan meeting on DACA and border security. Has the cameras there so the people get the truth of it

Trump is and was prepared to pardon the Bundy`s

Many forcefully assert that Trump will clean house. Really?

Voted for Trump and wish him well but have no illusions about him.

As Machiavelli observed, leaders thru history who were transformative, were those who instilled fear and trembling in their enemies and Trump is most emphatically, not one of those.

Two examples suffice; the radical left media and rocket man.

Even better examples like  Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, or Ali Khamenei, or Bashar al-Assad. 

Thomas a question; How much knowledge do you think was lost from the giants of history when the Christians/proto-catholics burned the Alexandrian Library


I cannot quantify an answer; yet it most likely would have been significant.

One possible way might be to broadly categorize the data in the Library at the time, if possible.

Then measure the impact of each category at that time and project its impact on the future.

The burning of the scrolls and other text of the library of Alexandria set back the advancement of civilization hundreds of years. The Human Race would not achieve an equal level of knowledge to Alexandria will about 150 years after the end of the dark ages. And even then some of the learning would not be rediscovered till the 18th and 19 century.

For hundreds of years  the library collected all data from all cultures and all languages and beliefs. Every ship docking in Alexandria would be searched and all scrolls, manifests, and written word would be confiscated, taken to the library where it would be copied and translated and then the originals returned to the vessel.

Just as critical and devastating was that all the teachers and students studying at the library for it was also a university were flayed alive by the Christians used seashells to skin them. These students were from all cultures and nations. They were helping to spread the knowledge gained by studying there. At the time the Christians demanded that only the Christian Bible was to be the sole source of knowledge. Must like many Muslims today in regard to the Koran.

It has been estimated that had the Library continued to thrive and advance mankind the Human Race would have landed a man on the moon 200-400 years earlier and we would at this time possibly be have the ability and technology to send humans to other star systems.

One small example of the knowledge lost was a small scrap from a much larger work that accurately calculated the earth was round and its diameter. And that scrap is today over 3000 years old. Just imagine what else the tens of millions of scrolls that Alexandria held contained!

What Alexandria would/would not have produced is problematic speculation, at best.

What we do know is that Greece and Rome created/developed Western Civilization. as the recorded timeline of history attests

As for the "small scrap" tale, the mathematician Eratosthenes measured the diameter of Earth in the 4th century BC, allowing him to determine its circumference as pi had been calculated earlier by the Greeks.This was known to both Euclid and Pythagoras, the discoverers of Geometry w/o which structure is not possible.

The Romans internalized the wisdom of the Greeks, by making the latter their teachers; as they rose to world power. Then in the 4th century AD, Emperor Constantine elevated Roman Catholicism to the state religion.

As a consequence, the collective wisdom of the Ancients was available to the Monasteries and Universities of the Middle Ages reaching the Renaissance.That legacy, has produced the essence of the world we live in.

As for the descriptive "dark ages", it was an abusive term coined in the French Enlightenment which produced a gaggle of cranks and malcontents who inflicted progressivism on mankind.




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