We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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More on the Deep State?



Of course the Romans and ancients wanted people to fear them, most Nations were actively warlike then. Now we have reasons to have small "Border Wars" excuse the term, instead of WWII types because of the increased methods of destruction we have today. However I do see a difference in the way we intimidate. The Left has used terror tactics since 1918 for the Communist Russian people, but they have turned in it on their own population to keep them in line with the whims of their dictators including mass murder of dissidents. As did Hitlers Germany on primarily the Jewish Population as scapegoats and acceptable under the prevailing world Christian official dislike of them as Jesus killers as they used to be called. But Hitler did the same to Homosexuals and Gypsies and other ethnic groups too, including anyone who did not want the war. Don't forget Mao and what he did to his people. Kim Jong Un also is doing a close imitation of what Mao did to the N. Koreans. So my point is instead of turning outward except in wars like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other Middle East, the nations first turn inward to consolidate their power over their populace.We now use economic warfare primarily, along with nuclear threat intimidation, rather than actual combat. Maybe that's good, or maybe that's not so good,but it is what it is for todays methods used world wide. So, we haven't learned to "Stand on the shoulders of Giants of the past except in scientific knowledge. We have made little to nil changes in how we act, with only minor progress in social behavior to our neighbors. I doubt if we will ever learn.


Of course the Romans and ancients wanted people to fear them, most Nations were actively warlike then. Now we have reasons to have small "Border Wars" excuse the term, instead of WWII types because of the increased methods of destruction we have today. However I do see a difference in the way we intimidate. The Left has used terror tactics since 1918 for the Communist Russian people, but they have turned in it on their own population to keep them in line with the whims of their dictators including mass murder of dissidents. As did Hitlers Germany on primarily the Jewish Population as scapegoats and acceptable under the prevailing world Christian official dislike of them as Jesus killers as they used to be called. But Hitler did the same to Homosexuals and Gypsies and other ethnic groups too, including anyone who did not want the war. Don't forget Mao and what he did to his people. Kim Jong Un also is doing a close imitation of what Mao did to the N. Koreans. So my point is instead of turning outward except in wars like Korea, Vietnam, Irao, Afghanistan, and other Middle East, the nations first turn inward to consolidate their power over their populace.We now use economic warfare primarily, along with nuclear threat intimidation, rather than actual combat. Maybe that's good, or maybe that's not so good,but it is what it is for todays methods used world wide. So, we haven't learned to "Stand on the shoulders of Giants of the past except in scientific knowledge. We have made little to nil changes in how we act, with only minor progress in social behavior to our neighbors. I doubt if we will ever learn.

The assertion that we moderns are superior in scientific knowledge rests

almost exclusively on two notions; Evolution and Relativity, both unproven

theories which have been increasingly challenged as time passes.

Thousands of years ago, the Greeks created Botany, the science of plant life,

which birthed agriculture w/o which mankind would likely have stagnated and

withered away.

Further they created Biology and Chemistry which birthed Medicine as well as

Geometry and Physics which birthed Engineering.

The Greeks spawned ideas which allowed Man to endure and prosper while we

produce hand held toys which allow us to mind everyone else's business.

Yes Thomas,

Rudimentary basic principles gained from intense observation. Actually Agriculture came before Botany with the hunter gatherers. besides the ancients with the exception of possibly Heron, did not advance Electronic/Electric or Hydraulic principles nor did they advance Aerodynamic principles. Metallurgy was a step by step process building to the composites we have today, and I am sure it will be more advanced in the next hundred years.My point is everything is a step by step build up unless like the present day, Luddites and Cads bent only on self aggrandizement and Greed reverses the process.

M, respectfully it didn't.

Botany, itself a Greek word, is the scientific study of plant life

which gave rise to agriculture, an organized system of farming,

dealing w/the cultivation of products necessary to sustain life.

Anyway, consider the condition we'd be in had the Greeks and

Romans never existed!



We may have followed the Carthaginian model or the Persian tribes model. Ducked a bullet there.Imagine where we would have been if the Alexandrian library had not been torched by the Christians as blasphemy. Or if Hero/Heron had thought to create a steam piston instead of the aeolipile. Or the works of Hypatia even though none have survived she is thought to have contributed much to Mathmatica.

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/feb/8/trump-approval-rati... is starting his winning movehttps://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/feb/8/trump-approval-rating-tops-obamas-same-point-presi/?utm_source=GOOGLE&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=chacka&utm_campaign=TWT+-+DSA&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhoX24OKp2wIVlq_sCh3NcQUkEAAYAiAAEgLcQvD_BwE

Like all humans, Trump has both positives and negatives.

Most emphatically he is hardly the second coming of Jesus Christ or Pericles.

Glaring is his compulsive inability to judge character and the most catastrophic

result  of this was Sessions which allowed the collusion/obstruction fandango

to metastasize.

Thomas, have you seen this;

TRUMP GIVES SESSIONS NO CHOICE BUT TO STEP DOWN WITH HIS LATEST TWEET. Sessions has proven himself to be virtually worthless & also an obstructionist & would have immediately resigned for the good of America, if he had any integrity - the answer is obvious

How about Gowdy. He was briefed by Rosenstien and never seen a single document. He totally believed the briefing without it being backed up...Then goes on Fox and sticks up for the Deep State shmucks... He is looking like an idiot. I didn`t think he was the sharpest knife in the draw. But I gave him more credit than that...It is his egg to wear.




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