We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Minority Trump supporters challenge Politicon session. See how the Liberal Democrats act nasty and run away when someone asks them a incisive question at one of their mutual admiration society,Trump bashing events.


Yup..This young man is a great teacher of the TRUTH OF IT...... GOD BLESS OUR YOUNG LEADERS IN THE LIBERTY MOVEMENT..

Antifa Showdown 101;

ANTIFA members are George Soros Puppets . They have lots of cash behind them. But all the cash in the world can not match the Grit of Patriots with a strong belief and will to protect the nest. The nest is our constitutional freedoms and liberty`s....Freedoms and Liberty are God given. 

Good Morning Kevin,

     As of late, I am seeing the swamp monsters not only appear, but be created!!!!  Today's Wacko vote and Bolton's appearance has me spidey senses kinda in a dizzy, and lord knows what the MSM spiners will do .

For me , ther perfect moment would be to have the IG report on FISA abuse come out right now... before the vote.  but of course,,, wishful thinking on my part.  but would love to see the thunder on the left go silent.

With the ID if the Non Whistle Blower and his multiude of questionable connections... I can see why they tosses his hinney out to the wolves.

My one pet peve is that the MSM has complete general control of the networks many see every day and the trash they tell gets trasher.  Hindering such crap has got to be achieved in a much better way than it is now, or that swamp will not be trained empty... there will still be a few flipping around the drain clocking it all up to get the rest out.

I am trying to see how best to bust through the MSM mess and still hoping for some word.  Will keep all posted,

Thank you for letting me vent, but our POTUS needs better hekp than what he is getting there in DC,,, ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!!! as they say,,,,




We have a crisis in the making about the pending impeachment proceedings being set up by Pelosi and the rest of the Congressional Democratic/Socialist Traitors.


Democrat Alcee Hastings, Who Was Impeached and Removed, Makes Impeachment Rules


Democrat Alcee Hastings is setting the rules for Impeachment. Hastings argued that "DUE PROCESS RIGHTS DID NOT APPLY TO THE PRESIDENT DURING IMPEACHMENT" Everyone see what's happening here?



Democrats, who control the majority on the House Rules Committee, REJECTED all 17 amendments proposed by the Republican minority on Wednesday. In one telling exchange, Hastings argued that "DUE PROCESS RIGHTS DID NOT APPLY TO THE PRESIDENT DURING IMPEACHMENT", which he likened to the grand jury stage of a criminal trial.
ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THIS WILL BE ANYTHING BUT A SHAM TRIAL IS A FOOL! The Democratic/Socialists have abandoned every shred of decency and Constitutional Law. They MUST BE STOPPED IN THIS FAKE TRIAL, AND ELIMINATED AT THE POLLS.


They need to remember one thing and it simply this, we will regain the House and keep the Senate as well as the White House. They want to play with fire, well we have more than enough on the Democrats to destroy their criminal enterprise in arrests for treason, collusion, avocation of civil unrest and fermenting sedition. As we know once that occurs they will be screaming their heads off and wanting to make a deal. We could take the death penalty off of the table for a few of them, but they will spend the remainder of their lives in a Super Max in solitary confinement. 
Now for Impeachment, it is a double edged sword again they set up their own rules and I wonder how they would like to have those rules used against themselves?

Wolf. I love your love of Liberty. And I would share my foxhole with you proudly. But I must push back a little. Yes we need accountability for the criminals in our government. But to do the same thing to them as they did to us,is not the right answer. ....Yes the Democratic Party must be dismantled. But it must be rebuilt under the Guidance of God and the Christian values that we were founded under. Our nation moved away from our values because of Greed and Selfishness. ....Greed and Selfishness are truly tools of Satan.The devil is very crafty and we can not keep him in the shadows without God. To leave God behind as we turn the corner in our recent growing pain as a nation, would be a huge mistake.. THAT IS AS REAL AS IT GETS. That is the TRUTH OF IT..God put Pence and Trump together. Christians have rallied to Trump. When and if Trump gets to high and mighty on himself. He will be replaced by the next right leader for us. Trump is the right leader for now for sure. But term limits is a good way of keeping him and others in the right direction. And a stark reminder that he is human and is replaceable.

I do agree with you that they need a massive reformation, but for the worst of them what I had written seems to be called for. Let those become the examples and watch how quickly the others "Find God" and straighten out. Term Limits, I do agree with because when the nation was founded there were no "Career Politicians". I can see 2 terms in the Senate or 4 terms in the House, other than that they are out and no Lifetime benefits as we see today. That would have to go double for the states.

Let them have 401K for retirement like others in private sector. A matching 401 up to a certain amount..I would be ok with 5 terms in congress. And 3,, 4 year terms in Senate....Presidents first term being 4 years. And the second term being 6 years if re-elected. I just put this out there with just a little thought....But I would be fine with less years.........PS....I would like to see all civil servant jobs move to 401k`s....Teachers included.

Kevin you will find no argument with me on that one. I will admit teachers are underpaid grossly because of the children they are saddled with and their parents whining about B.S. that the "Teacher hates me".

A "Smart Wall" would be more effective, less expensive, and could be completed by election day.




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