We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Kevin and John,

Yes, I am angry, but not in the way you may think.

I think you missed one of my main points, to wit, that Trump is only told what his advisors want him to know.   Yes, he listens to us -- when he is allowed to and has the time.   I strongly believe that information is heavily filtered before being presented to him.   To a certain extent, I understand why.   But, that is not really my core point.

ALL administrators, from the President on down, are surrounded by 'assistants' and 'advisors' who act as firewalls, keeping irrelevant information and people away.   The problem is that these underlings each have their own agenda even if they don't always know it.   They truly believe that they know best and are best equipped to filter what the boss knows.   THAT is the problem.

When Kennedy was President he had a standing order that every 1,000th letter landed on his desk, regardless of who it was from or what it said.   Before computers, it was his way of staying in touch with the voters.

Trump could give a similar order regarding emails and such.

The above said, I stand by my contention that the ongoing invasion is, in reality, the ONLY issue we should be focused on.   Unless we can stop it and secure the country, we WILL be overwhelmed and changed forever, despite our best efforts.

AFTER, and only after, we stop the invasion, can we hope to return the country to its founding.


Oren, Trump has fired many because of what you say. That is how the Oval Office use to work. Trump is in charge. He is a very hands on POTUS  More than any in my life. I totally understand your concern.  Advise from me to you. Take a few days to enjoy our freedoms. Golf ,fish ,hunt , bowl.or just chase the old lady around the house. Do not put so much of the burden on yourself.  Pray for Trump. You can find peace within prayer....I guarantee that after a nice time of prayer you will find an even load that you can carry. Oren , Refresh yourself. You have important tools for our fight. Use faith to smooth your path....Love you man. 

The President does not need me telling him what to do. I put my energy into Teaching the truth of it. I talk to many, especially the young. One at a time. When I now go to Wall marts so many acknowledge me and my Trump hat. Many now know my name and what I am about. I have opened many minds up to the truth of it while not micro managing my message to the point of turning them off. A few of them have told me that they have learned much on their own. Yup. Me and my Trump hat get the job done  in a personal , genuine and productive way.....CHANGING MINDS ...ONE AT A TIME.....I wish more would not be afraid to wear the hat....But that is my way of doing it....I am rewarded when some one acknowledges me at the store ,gas station ,out to eat, or where ever I go...If every Trump supporter taught one person the Truth of it. We would (as Trump would say) WIN,WIN, WIN.

A John Lennon Parody;

Send it back to Hell.......Now that is a great idea....That would bring much peace to the world. Until the Devil Cooks up another evil fashion. 

Obama caught by the FBI lying about HRC E-mail 

Here is a video that exposes the intelligence operations and even some of the operatives that were placed in Trumps campaign to take him out of the running. Amazing how far the left went, and is still going in other arenas.


This vid is heart warming …..Teaching one on one.....Changing minds one at a time

The real cover up.

Manchurian Candidate. Are all the Democrats part of that ongoing plot to destroy America?

Puzzle of EVIL coming together. You have to WATCH this! It's critical that we understand every nuance of this if we want to remain Free and take back our Nation from the Evil Forces that have overtaken it!




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