We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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I do not hear of anyone reporting falsely. Slander is still open to law suit. If someone does it to me, I am sure when I get in touch with NRA they will be more than happy to give me the name of good lawyers who would love to get one third of what ever I get. That would make me happy to get a huge payday because of some hateful liberal...Anonymous will not hold up in court. You get to face your accuser.. The 9th district court system is a problem. But thank God for the NRA. SUPPORT,SUPPORT SUPPORT. 


Not to be rude, but I think you're missing the point.

First, believe it or not, there ARE people who DO file false accusations, more than you know.   As a retired cop I can personally attest to that.   I cannot count the number of times I encountered people trying to file false reports.   In almost every case, the accuser had some "beef" with a neighbor, family member, or acquaintance.   It happens!

Second, the above leads to the falsely accused having to hire an attorney and spend up to thousands of dollars trying to regain rights that should never have been denied or taken in the first place.

Third, the above nightmare is extremely time consuming.   It often takes weeks, months, or even years to undo.   It's somewhat like identity theft where the victim's life is totally disrupted through no fault of their own.   

Fourth, you are both right and wrong.   Yes, Red Flag laws are patently unconstitutional, BUT having the courts strike them down is both time consuming and EXPENSIVE, requiring time and money the victim usually does not have.   Do you really want to have to go through that?   Really?!   

Fifth, I suspect you are functioning under the illusion that courts are automatically on your (the peoples') side.   THEY ARE NOT!  They are on the side of the government.   Courts almost always take the position that government must have a point or it wouldn't file the case in the first place.   Courts, believe it or not, unconsciously assume you must be guilty of something, in this case, insane or dangerous.   Judges are government workers and they think and act like it.   I KNOW!   I have seen it way too many times!

Sixth, Yes, Red Flag laws, as written and used are clear violations of Due Process (your day in court), the right to face your accuser, and (in this case) the Second Amendment.   IF someone is perceived to be a danger to self or others, that person must be PROVEN to be said danger BEFORE his/her rights are taken away.   That person MUST be able to face their accuser, IN COURT, BEFORE being stripped of rights.   

Seventh, under our system of jurisprudence, the State has to "prove a positive", i.e., that the accused is guilty.   The accused does NOT have to "prove a negative, i.e., that he/she is innocent.   But, like so much of the Constitution, these "inconvenient" (for the government and the Left) rights are being openly ignored.

Sorry, Kevin, but these proposed and enacted Red Flag laws are just feel-good tripe, period.   They are just politicians' attempts to placate the public and the Left's attempt to disarm it.



You asked, "How do we keep guns out of the hands of sick people, then?"

Short answer:   You can't!  

Sooner or later, someone, somewhere, for some unknown reason will do something violent.   It's just a fact of life.   It's why we have police and courts.

At some point in everyone's life they are "sick".   Women have babies and suffer post-partum depression.   People lose jobs.   Relatives die.   Homes burn down.   Economies collapse.    Yadda, yadda, yadda.  

Please don't try to tell me you, personally, have not had something bad happen and experienced a form of depression, however slight or brief.

As JFK said, "The price of freedom is high and Americans have always been willing to pay it".

Plus, who gets to define "sick"?   The Libs would love to do it -- for our own good, of course.   Are you willing to surrender that to ANYONE, EVER, FOR ANY REASON?!   Not me!


Any one voting for those laws, need to be voted out of political office and have the hell sued out of them for willingly violating their oath of office to not only the Constitution, but the 2nd Amendment by conveniently forgetting the words "Shalt not be infringed"!


Being a retired Patrolman myself, I have to agree with Oren on this and add; Most of the people involved in Red Flag Confiscations would not think about going to court, they would stand their ground. 
Look what happened when that court order was executed in Maryland, and the gun owner was shot and killed. The mindset of the officers who shot him were probably in the response mode of considering the situation a "domestic argument, or armed and dangerous individual" because of the "Red Flag"and responded like they did because of that mindset. You usually have to make snap judgments about the armed persons mental state IMHO, and those conditions are by far the most dangerous situation to respond to.For the Police and the armed citizen. Add to the mix, most of the people who are getting their guns confiscated have not committed any crime, and will normally resist what they consider an unwarranted situation. If those victims don't actually realize the danger of the situation they put themselves in, there will be many more such incidents happen. the "Red Flag" laws need to be constructed to reflect that problem. Personally I would like to see a set of finite and clearly written guidelines created, open to public scrutiny, and those guidelines being the only ones used to determine if a person is dangerous to themselves and others. Those Guidelines are to be the only criterion used where the person being targeted by "Red Flags" be examined by an impartial professional to determine if those guidelines apply. After that is done, and the person has their day in court, then would be the time to confiscate. There also needs to be a review at the Governments expense, to periodically see if the conditions still exist, and if the conditions do not still exist, return the guns to the owner or the owners estate.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of sick people then.

First off what they want to do us 100% unconstitutional. That is why we need to get another strong Conservative voice on the bench of the Supreme Court. 

Well Kevin we make sure that Democrats can't have sharp objects or firearms, that's how you keep firearms out of the hands of some really sick individuals.


In response to your question

How do we keep guns out of the hands of sick people then.

The answer is We can't. the best way to minimize the damage,death and destruction is to arm Law abiding Citizens and correct the laws to allow them to defend themselves and others. There should be training in proficiency of use, and knowledge of the laws for every person who carries. The laws need to be standardized,clearly stated, and easy to understand, when and when not to use deadly force.

Kevin, M, Wiccan, and others,

It all comes down to the old saying, "An armed society is a polite society".


How to respond to Democrats.

Clapping hands to you M




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