Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Globalism takes a huge step backwards. It is Mid night on east coast and I am listening to Fox business . You know I am in favor of this, as most anti Globalists are. The markets will take a huge hit Tomorrow for sure. I will think the Dow might give back 700 points....The bilderberg boys are not happy..
Charles, You and I know how much of a dirt bag George Soros is. Many others know this also. He is very capable of doing very bad things. I think he will try his damned heart out to punish the United Kingdom. There will be many that will blame any down fall of the BREXIT on those who promote Liberty.The Bilderberg Group has many evil members who are just like George. I pray that the leaders of the anti-bilderberg group movement can expose the truth of it. You and I are 2 small guys trying to bring this NWO agenda to light. I admire your wisdom and commitment to the liberty project. Let me encourage you with knowing that there are millions just like us. Banging keyboards and spreading the truth of it.. Never give up. I know I do not need to say it to you. But it is always nice to know that many others are with us...... God Bless The United Kingdom.....PS I love how you are on that dirt bag George like White on rice..It will be important now especially because we know how sinister him and his cohorts can be.
Tories hire Obama campaign chief Jim Messina.
The Tories are hoping to emulate Mr Obama's re-election against a backdrop of economic problems. Many other governments that have sought re-election during economic turbulence have been punished by voters at the ballot box. is 10:30 Sunday night. My predictions for the Markets opening tomorrow will ease everyone`s nerves. With everyone running around saying the sky is falling has put the markets in a false panic. It happens all the time. The BREXIT will prove to be not such a big deal.Although the Bilderberg main core dirt bags want to see huge amount of turmoil.The elite members of the dirt bag club will try and manipulate things through influence of interest rates to cause a recession. Make no mistake. They have that power. They control the Euro and our Fed.But in the near future the market will settle down and be calm. But like I said they will do something in the not so distant future. They will especially try and punish Great Britain. It will be the Rothchild`s and David Rockefeller`s family who will arrange how to hurt the world economy.
Watch the PIGS , Soros on the prowl.
George Soros is a shrewd, ruthless, billionaire Western businessman. Heavy hitters like him just do not give away large sums of money, in this case, $100 million dollars to Human Rights Watch, out of the goodness of their hearts.
In some circles George Soros is considered to be a financial terrorist, who counts among his latest victims the PIGS family, as in Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. In the shadowy world of 21st Century finance, George Soros and his ilk can bring nations such as the PIGS to the brink of collapse, with their populations seeing their jobs, pensions and medical care disappearing into the offshore accounts of Soros and his fellow money mongers. This, of course, is nothing new, for Soros has been destabilizing and carrying out regime change for decades going back to his financial attacks on the Malaysian government for having the temerity, for amongst other things, to criticize Israel.
Far more sinister than the financial terror wreaked upon the world by Soros is the political havoc that he has caused under the guise of “democratic elections”. B,R or S its called, buy, rig or steal, George Soros has done it all. Under the code names of the “Orange Revolution”, the “Rose Revolution” and just plain “Unnoticed Revolutions” a long series of electoral coup d’etats have been carried out with the financial support of George Soros, all to often in close cooperation with the CIA.
One of his favorite targets has been the former Soviet Union states, though his electoral crime sprees aren't limited to such.
Soros will be looking to hurt the Banking sector of these countries.
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