We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Updated Re-Post; What's It Going To Take To Win In November 2012???

While we are still flush with our spectacular win in Wisconsin, I ask this Important question once again; What's it going to take to win in November 2012?
 To win big in 2012 our plan should be to sweep the election, with no less of a goal,than to get every one of our candidates elected to office. Coincidentally to that goal, our aim is to remove every Socialist leaning politician no matter which party they belong to, and to replace them with a true conservative who will adhere to our principles.
Let me restate our Principles;
 1.) A Federal Government that operates strictly within their Constitutionally Mandated Authority. ( Limited Government).
 2.) A Federal Government that spends within the Boundaries of what they take in in taxes and removes every program that is not specifically authorized for Federal Expenditures listed in the Constitution. ( Fiscally Responsible Government ).
 3.) A Federal Government that removes regulations and taxation, that only benefit specific Businesses and Corporations leading to a technical Financially enforced Monopoly, propagated by the Government, but keeps regulations that actually protect the public from physical harm. ( Free Markets ).
  That being said, I believe the current Congress and Administration is so far off the mark that they must be removed in Toto over the next three elections and replaced by average intelligent citizens who want to make America strong once again. In order to find those people and get them on the ballot we must downsize our quest to the Local Level. We must do our homework and commence  Vetting every candidate for every office we can vote for in the coming November Election. We can do that individually, or preferably we can form interconnected groups and have each group do a portion of the work. When the Vetting work is done we must publish our findings on the potential candidates, and use those findings a talking points for our boots on the ground in our neighborhood's door to door campaigning.
 We desperately need to fully vett the candidates running for Local Offices and remove the Incumbents; unless by their voting records and past actions, those incumbents have proved themselves to be truely conservative, and working in their constituents best interests. From there we have to move to the State Level and do the same things there, especially with the established Professional politicians who have rode roughshod over State politics for years. Again a microscopically close look at their voting records on Spending and on Legislation that impacts our Constitutional Freedoms and Liberty need to be the watchwords. The Federal Congressional Level is the next item we must actively deal with. To be accurate in the evaluation of our Congressional Representatives we need to look over all of their voting records on all the issues they created Legislation for or voted on and see if those laws were in line with Constitutional guidelines. Sites to check on how your Representatives are voting the issues. You can get a clearer picture if you visit all the sites to vett the candidates by comparing notes. HTTP://www.clubforgrowth.org/assets/files/CongressionalScorecard/20... , HTTP://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes , HTTP://thomas.loc.gov/home/rollcallvotes.html , HTTP://www.congress.org/congressorg/megavote , HTTP://clerk.house.gov/evs/2012/index.asp , HTTP://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/senate/1/votes/ .
 There is a lot of leg work needed to get a candidate on the ballot. The Candidate must file intent to run with the appropriate agency and in some locals there needs to be a petition signed by registered voters from their district presented to make the filing acceptable. If this has not already been done, and if it's still possible to do this; We need to form close knit Local Groups that will have to do certain things of an organizational nature. The groups will have to canvass and campaign for the person(s) being proposed for office. We will need to get our people Recommended for as many Precinct Chairs as possible. The elections are always won or lost in the Local arenas
 Splitting the Vote, is the one thing we must avoid at all costs this election; Splitting the Vote will only hand the Election to the Progressive/Socialist-Obama/Soros Camp. That means NO talk of Third Parties, or Independent Candidates running outside the two main parties, even if that is the most distasteful thing to some of us. We must unite against the common foe, for the common good of the Republic and maybe in the process clean up the Republican Party as an added benefit. The Primary Elections will have winnowed out the wheat from the chaff so to speak, and we must all agree going in to this, that we will fully and actively support the winners of the primaries without hesitation and recommend them to all of our acquaintances along with actively campaigning for them ( word of mouth recommendations is the strongest form of campaigning possible, and will outpace every slick ad or promotion) . 
We will also need to form groups of volunteers to do several necessary things:
 1.) We will need to form canvassing groups to get people registered to vote. We need to go through our own neighborhoods first going door to door and asking people if they are registered. I believe in most local areas, the clerks have blank registration forms that you can hand out and the people can mail in. (You must check with the clerks in each location for the legal protocols and the proper way to do this first so the effort can't be challenged). After going door to door check at the retirement communities and nursing homes to get people registered.
 2.) We will need volunteers to transport people to and from the polls in both the primary and general elections. The groups doing the registering can ask as one of their questions if the people they talk to need to be transported.
 3.) We will need volunteers in every single precinct to act as poll watchers to observe and if necessary to challenge voters. 
 4.) We will need teams of young strong volunteers to act as mobile teams ready to respond to any reports of violence or intimidation of people trying to vote. these teams should have two or three videographers or photographers to document the violence or intimidation from different angles in case it's necessary to identify the perpetrators for future court cases. Keep Cell phones handy and have emergency numbers to Local Police and Sheriffs Departments on their speed dials in case of trouble. Designate which of your group will call which agency. Be sure to call all of them to insure multiple responses from Law Enforcement.
 If we can ignore our differences and do these things, we can win the day in the 2012 elections. From the Local, on up to the Federal, and that will be a victory for Liberty and Freedom. It will also put every Marxist/Progressive on notice that we will not allow them to destroy our Republic. 
We only have four short months to accomplish this so we must GET BUSY IMMEDIATELY!!!  

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I'm no fan of Mitt Romney but about now that makes no difference. EVERYONE MUST vote, that means every single conservative in this country. We have to counter the dead vote, illegal vote, multiple single votes. DOJ is counting on their screwed up Immigration policy to get 20 million illegal votes, For those who only vote occasionally, THIS time is a matter of saving the Republic, or sliding into serfdom. So please get madder and more disgusted with the campaign, DOJ, 923 Executive Orders in 40 months, LIES, corruption and do what you are supposed to do.

We have to decide on what Strategy and Tactics we are going to use to oppose the Soros/Obama Administration and the Socialist Incumbents in Congress who are running for Re-Election this cycle. It seems that Obama has come out and publicly asked for the 'African-American' vote, and the media was just gushing with happy beneficent platitudes about Obama because of it. Consider this, if Romney came out publicly and asked for the 'Caucasian' vote, how soon would the media fill the news with vitriolic hatred and accusations of Racism against Romney? This is the perfect opening for us to flood the net and everywhere using the 'Race Card' against Barack H. Obama with Verifiable due cause, since it was him that first stepped over the Arbitrary Invisible Line the Progressives themselves have drawn repeatedly to their advantage. We need to throw everything back in their faces because it will serve a dual purpose. It will show them they are not intimidating us anymore, and if they complain we have a multitude of instances where they have repeatedly done it to us. When we publicize those instances, we show the Progressives up for the two faced scum they really are. It might even expose the real reasons behind the Politically Correct Ideology they Imposed on us, and wake the American Public up to the fact it was only put in place to deny us our Constitutional Freedom of Speech and control how we were taught to think.

We have to get organized if we expect to win in November. It is going to take every single one of us to successfully oppose the Progressive opposition. We did it in Wisconsin but just barely. We need to take it to a much higher level to combat the likes of the Soros/Obama Agendas, and clean out as much of Congress as possible this cycle.




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