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Urgent Action Needed… RNC Is Pushing to Eliminate Grassroots Influence …Update: Sarah Palin Weighs In

Yesterday, Michael Duncan reported at Freedom Works on a brewing fight in the rules committee of the RNC. Essentially, the Rules Committee is trying to disenfranchise grassroots groups by allowing the party nominee to dismiss delegates and silence opposition. Buzz Feed explained this new rule:

The Republican National Convention Rules Committee voted 63-38 to approve a new rule allowing granting the Republican National Committee — and Mitt Romney — sweeping new powers to amend the governing document of the GOP.

The move came at the encouragement of Mitt Romney supporters on the committee, including Romney’s top lawyer Ben Ginsberg, who stressed that it would grant “flexibility” to Romney and the committee to adapt to changing political environments. The rule allows the RNC to amend the party’s rules without a vote by the full Republican National Convention. And it offers the Republican Establishment a new tool to keep at b[a]y Tea Party initiatives that threaten to embarrass or contradict party leadership and stray from a planned message.

The ramifications for grassroots activist and state GOPs are vast. This rule change would allow a candidate to select his or her own delegates, essentially allowing the nominee to get to choose those who nominate him instead of the states. This proposed rule change is starting to sound more like an Obama executive order.

Tom Washington, who is speaking on his own accord but serves as the Assistant Treasurer for the Republican Party of Texas, told us, “If Romney, or any other candidate can select their own delegates the entire convention process will have been hijacked and eliminate the grassroots influence.”

Another source, Cathie Adams, the former chair of the Republican Party of Texas, told us that this could be destined to floor fight. Adams added, “We want the freedom to elect our own delegates. It’s motivated by the grassroots influence.”Adams also said Romney’s attorney may be working to influence members of the rules committee.

The RNC is trying to pass an amendment to RNC Rule 12 that would allow the RNC Committee to amend the rules. In the future, if the grassroots is able to influence the convention process and RNC leadership is displeased, they will have a contingency plan where they can reconvene and with a three-fourths majority rewrite the rules without the influence of any state party, grassroots organization or delegate.

Please Act Now– Please locate the phone number of your State Republican Party Headquarters below, call them immediately, and tell them to oppose Romney’s new rules that strip grassroots activists of the ability to participate in the Republican platform process:

Alabama (205) 212-5900 Alaska (907) 276-4467 Arizona (602) 957-7770 Arkansas (501) 372-7301 California (916) 448-9496 Colorado (303) 758-3333 Connecticut (860) 422-8211 Delaware (302) 668-1954 District of Columbia (202) 289-8005 Florida (850) 222-7920 Georgia (404) 257-5559 Hawaii (808) 593-8180 Idaho (208) 343-6405 Illinois (312) 201-9000 Indiana (317) 635-7561 Iowa (515) 282-8105 Kansas (785) 234-3456 Kentucky (502) 875-5130 Louisiana (225) 389-4495 Maine (207) 622-6247 Maryland (410) 263-2125 Massachusetts (617)-523-5005 Michigan (517) 487-5413 Minnesota (651) 222-0022 Mississippi (601) 948-5191 Missouri (573) 636-3146 Montana (406) 442-6469 Nebraska (402) 475-2122 New Hampshire (603) 225-9341 North Carolina (919) 828-6423 Oregon (503) 595-8881 South Dakota (605) 224-7347 Vermont (802) 223-3411 Wisconsin (608) 257-4765 Nevada (702) 258-9182 New Jersey (609) 989-7300 North Dakota (701) 255-0030 Pennsylvania (717) 234-4901 Tennessee (615) 269-4260 Virginia (804) 780-0111 Wyoming (307) 234-9166 New Mexico (505) 298-3662 Ohio (614) 228-2481 Rhode Island (401) 732-8282 Texas (512) 477-9821 Washington (425) 460-0570 New York (518) 462-2601 Oklahoma (518) 462-2601 South Carolina (803) 988-8440 Utah (803) 988-8440 West Virginia (304) 768-0493

Shane Wright is a FreedomWorks blogger and marketing strategist for Resist 44. Follow him at ShaneWright22

This was reposted at FreedomWorks.

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has more on the power grab.

UPDATE: Sarah Palin weighed in on the controversy today.

We have to remember that this election is not just about replacing the party in power. It’s about who and what we replace it with. Grassroots conservatives know this. Without the energy and wisdom of the grassroots, the GOP would not have had the historic 2010 electoral victories. That’s why the controversial rule change being debated at the RNC convention right now is so very disappointing. It’s a direct attack on grassroots activists by the GOP establishment, and it must be rejected. Please follow the link to Michelle Malkin’s article about this.

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 The GOP has, with this rule change, started a direct attack against those Grass Roots groups, and I wonder if Soros is somehow behind it to split our votes so his puppet can win another four years to facilitate our shift to the dark side complete? I have a funny feeling that this may be the impetus that causes us to form a New Viable Conservative Party right after the Elections and try to encourage the real Conservatives from all the other Parties to join us. Warning, this can only happen after the election or we will essentially hand the Country over to Obama and the rest of the Marxists in Congress if we don't stay united against them for this final fight.

you are so right .. soros is behind it... with his intimidating tactics... but if the GOP grew a backbone they would fight back and allow the grassroots conservitives , TPP  to come ... i find romney camp most disgusting for the way ron paul deligates and supporters are being treated... if ppl dont stand and fight now , we never will be ableto... THIS IS A DO OR DIE ELECTION.....

Personally D. I think the Republicans are just the other side of the single Political Party and not a separate entity like they would have us believe. Win or Lose, the day after the election is when we need to form a New Party to oppose both the Democrats and Republicans. At first to attract massive public support it will have to be a centrist leaning towards conservatism and respecting and based on the Constitution 




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