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It's things like this that are brought into question by the video showing the Flip Flop nature of Hillary and I however do agree with her that she is consistent; A Consistent LIAR! Do you really want someone like this with her checkered past and her proven lack of veracity, to become the Free World's Leader? I don't think she's qualified to run any public office, let alone become President!


Source; https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/news/147-fbi-agents-involved-hillar...

At least 147 FBI agents are investigating Hillary Clinton’s email practices after U.S. authorities confirmed last summer that the former Secretary of State sent and received classified information over a private server, The Washington Post reports.

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In a lengthy article published on Easter Sunday, March 27, the newspaper alleged that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is using close to 150 full-time agents to help determine whether or not Clinton, 68, violated the law by using her personal BlackBerry for all her email communications leading up to her Democratic presidential campaign.

The Post's Robert O’Harrow Jr. writes: “The FBI is now trying to determine whether a crime was committed in the handling of that classified material. It is also examining whether the server was hacked. One hundred forty-seven FBI agents have been deployed to run down leads, according to a lawmaker briefed by FBI Director James B. Comey. The FBI has accelerated the investigation because officials want to avoid the possibility of announcing any action too close to the election.”

As previously reported, Clinton sent over 3,000 messages — containing classified info — that were emptied onto the internet by the State Department last year. After the scandal came to light, the former first lady voluntarily handed over 55,000 pages of emails to aid the State Department in its investigation, according to CNN, and denied any wrongdoing.

"I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received,” she told reporters during a press conference in Winterset, Iowa, in August 2015. "So I did, but then I said, 'OK, so let's make it public. Now if I had just turned it over, we would not be having this conversation.”

"If we were not asking for it to be made public, there would not be a debate. This is all about my desire to have transparency and make the information public,” the two-term senator added before concluding: “The facts are pretty clear. I did not send or receive anything that was classified at the time."

Or, things like this, and it's doubly damning when a heretofore supporter and Uber lefty rag like the WaPo turns against her. It also shows by implication that she is being protected from every sling and arrow, but it doesn't name the power behind the protection. I'll venture a guess, George Soros and his Family.;

Source; http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/clinton-email-scandal-...

Media Bias: The Washington Post led its Monday paper with a story titled “How Clinton’s Email Scandal Took Root.” What it revealed was that, left to the mainstream press, the story might never have hit the ground.

No one reading the Post’s 5,000-word account can come away thinking that the Clinton email scandal is unimportant.

The FBI now has 147 agents chasing down leads. A key person involved in the scandal has been granted immunity. Hillary Clinton — who has already been caught in several lies — might be questioned by federal agents. There are fairly obvious violations of the law, even if it’s just those governing record-keeping. And there were, and continue to be, concerns that national security secrets were compromised, or at least casually disregarded.

The story details, for example, the many high-level security concerns that officials had about her use of a private BlackBerry to do her emailing, to say nothing of her homebrew email server.

Clinton got a warning from a State Department security official in March 2009 that “any unclassified BlackBerry is highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving emails, and exploiting calendars.”

Clinton responded that she “gets it,” but as the Post reports, she “kept using her private BlackBerry — and the basement server.”

The Post deserves credit for devoting so much space to summing the entire saga up. And for exposing something the reporter and his editors probably never intended: The media’s negligence as the scandal unfolded.

While the New York Times was the first national media outlet to write about Clinton’s use of a private email account last March, the Post summation makes clear that the mainstream press had almost nothing to do with uncovering the truth or advancing the story.

  • The Post notes that it was a nonprofit group called CREW that first cracked the story open, when the State Department responded to its FOIA request for Clinton’s State Department email addresses by saying “no records responsive to your request.”
  • The much-ballyhooed House Select Committee on Benghazi discovered her use of a private email account after demanding copies of her email traffic around the time of the attack on the embassy.
  • Private cybersecurity firm Venafi discovered how Clinton’s email server had been unencrypted for months. The company “took it upon itself,” the Post notes, to publish its findings on its own website.
  • The public release of all Clinton’s State Department emails resulted not from pressure from NBC News, CNN or the New York Times, but from a FOIA request by a startup online news site called Vice News.
  • Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group, has been more aggressive than any media outlet in going after Clinton’s records, and as a result uncovered several damning emails, including a chain of emails showing how her staff was “taking steps that would help her circumvent” Clinton’s own promise of openness and transparency.
  • And where has the “telling truth to power” press been during all this time? Sure, they’ve been passively sharing information when it came out — although often grudgingly and dismissively. But there are few elements of it that reporters themselves were responsible for breaking.

Normally, with a scandal this juicy and involving a would-be president, reporters would be falling over themselves to “advance the story.” But “normal” never seems to apply when a scandal involves a Democrat.

The FBI has 147 investigators focused on the Clinton email case. One wonders how many investigative reporters the New York Times, the Post, and all the other big media outlets have.

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