We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Watch out for Congress

*Under cover of the media's endless coverage of an airline incident in NY, the Senate gave passage to the remaining $350 billion in T.A.R.P. expenditures.

Since it would have been necessary for both House and Senate to vote down this measure, the funding is now assured and already in process. Just to be certain their tight vote passed, Burris (Obama's secret selection to replace himself in the Senate) was sworn in early that day and Joe Biden withheld his own resignation from the Senate until day's end, after the vote. You won't see reports of such maneuvers on MSM, but we've every reason to expect them to continue. Speaker Pelosi, for instance, appears to be planning a re-interpretation of House Rules to serve the purpose of "dead of night" measures to circumvent opposition. Rumors indicates she hopes to start taxing Americans Retirement funds, while evidence is clear she remains a strong backer of Acorn:



*The question that remains related to T.A.R.P. is what will the House of Representatives do to regulate its distribution and oversight. Barney Frank, Democratic Chair of the Banking Committee has presented a bill which claims to serve that purpose. This bill is subject to a vote as early as this week, following the Inauguration.



*Republican Minority leader has expressed "outrage" that no GOP were consulted or included in the preparation of the contents of this measure.

It appears, unless public protests reach a high-volume level, that Pelosi and company have every intention of controlling our government for their own purposes - and running it as a One Party System!

*Republican opposition appears questionable, as Congressional hearings demonstrated this week. Eric Holder was given a free pass by the GOP,

drawing criticism even by the media for neglecting to hold the Attorney General nominee accountable for his end-run around the Justice Department,

in the controversial pardon for exiled business mogul which he facilitated at the end of the Clinton administration. We could ask, should a crook run

the Justice Department he previously circumvented? We could ask - but the Republicans in Congress didn't do so.

*On related fronts we face a CIA director with no background in intelligence operations, a head of Homeland security who espouses open borders and a

Treasury Secretary who cheated on his income taxes. Who will the GOP blame if they continue to allow irresponsible appointments to slide through?

*Of even greater concern, however, are the currently nebulous contents of the "Obama Recovery Plan." Expected to multiply the initial costs of T.A.R.P.

this package of ten bills is currently a mere shell for the insertion of who knows just what. Apparently, all the Obama rhetoric has yet to be magically

transformed into substance. By contrast, another bill also introduced on January 7, to discourage teen pregnancy is four pages long - offering an

amount of detail greater than the 10 sketchy Recovery bills combined! Yet the headers of this package portend sweeping changes in almost every

aspect of American life. One, for instance, with a header related to "Fairness" for the Middle Class (?) includes, on its short list of potential laws, a

brief reference to CardCheck (Pelosi and Acorn's approach to storming small businesses with mandated unions, initiated with the peer pressure

of no secret ballot.) Note that is just 1 item on a longer list on one bill of ten! For a review of the massive scope but lack of content of this "Recovery Plan" see here:


There's every indication the Democratic power-party is preparing for diverse back room deals and dead of night maneuvers to turn our country's

standards and laws upside down as quickly as possible - all with the blessings of a co-operative Mass Media which is committed to informing

We the People of as little as possible of what is going on.

Take, for instance, the re-introduced Resolution of January 6, to eliminate term limits on the Presidency. Introduced by Rep. xxx of New York,

the history of its prior introduction (1995 to 2007) has been weak. To grasp the orientation of Rep. Serranno, just look to some other bills

he introduced that day: to provide federal funding for clean needles to drug addicts (with 31 co-sponsors!) and end our trade embargo

on Castro. This time around, the threat of ending term limits has meat on its bones - cosponsored, as it is, by Barney Frank. What we may

ask is the head of the Banking Committee thinking to sponsor a bill extending Obama's term in office - with no limits?! (Please note; Rep.

Frank's co-sponsorship is dated November, 2008 but buried in the record of an earlier record of the measure. Just an error?)


We the People can expect no good to come of any of this unless we remain vigilant and active in our protests as each of these critical measures comes up for a vote. Wake Up America movement (WAM) is enlisting volunteers to Watch Washington Now, track legislation and communicate to both Congress and the mainstream media what is acceptable and what is not. (Quick use sample letters and contact information for key figures will be provided.)

To get involved with W.A.M. please click this link. Preserving our democracy needs your support.


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Media cover-up, T.A.R.P. bail-out, Obama Recovery Plan, end term limits, tax retirement, one-party system in US, GOP inaction, Wake Up America

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it makes me sick to see "our representatives" pulling swindles like "dead of the night deals" and "back rooms deals". I know I have sent many e-mails to my house rep. and congressman here in pa. asking why each bill and resolution isn't voted on by itself and with no riders so that each one can be addressed on its' own merits. Some how there has to be a way that these guys in office can be made to do their jobs and fulfill their responsibilities to the American people instead of acting like criminals sneaking around in the night and behind the backs of others playing games with the lives of people like me. Free money , with no catches, to their friends in the corporate world,[who make generous donations come reelection time], control of the media so sheep like Americans stay dumb to their actions, more and more taxes, or increases in fees and services, bribery, kick-backs, political positions for unqualified friends, so many more criminal activities and not to mention the slow eroding of our individual constitutional rights so that they can keep preforming their "civic duties" in service to their country. Just thieves drunk with lust for power and authority and intitlement who think that are "better" than ordinary Americans. Like a bad movie, or an episode of the twilight zone, I keep waiting to wake up from my nightmare.




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