We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

We are in dire straights, and 2016 is the turning point for America!

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We are in dire straights, and 2016 is the turning point for America

2016 will be the most crucial election America has ever had to face.
The sad fact is; America is at a defining moment and at the crossroads where she finds herself, will determine the next Century of what America is to become. If the current crop of Progressive Socialists in the Democratic Party win both the Presidency and the Majority in the House, the Senate, or both, it will be 10 times as bad for Americans as the 111th Congress Super Majority was. It will determine if America remains a Republic,  or if it becomes another failed Socialist experiment like George Soros and the other Elitists behind him wants it to become, so he and his band of Elites can then take over control of the World. We can't afford to sit back and not vote like way too many of us did in 2012, or we will be in a much worse trick bag than the one Obama put us in. If we sit back and lose this time, there will be no coming back for generations of misery and poverty.
 I know from listening to the convention, the wide eyed Naive Democratic/Socialist voters are going to go out in massively large numbers to try and insure they get their people in office, so they can get, and continue to get, the "Free Stuff" we all have to pay for. I wonder what Hillary and the DNC promised Bernie to get him to endorse Hillary with such flowery speech? I'll bet they agreed to push most of his campaign agenda as part and parcel of the Democratic platform.
If you think I'm exaggerating you are a damn fool. It is that critical. The GOP has had a serious melt down, The DNC cheated Bernie to put Hillary in as candidate, Bernie was probably given something to make him support Hillary after what the DNC did to him. Judging by what went on at the Convention even his followers knew something was rotten when he endorsed Hillary. The bad guys in the black hats are winning.  If we want to do the basic and necessary damage control, we will have to acknowledge that the political paradigm has shifted, and having shifted, nothing is as it was before. We are in a new political reality and the opposition wants us to believe it has not changed. We must fight the opposition and not engage in internecine competition with others who are against Hillary and want to prevent the Democratic/Socialists winning so they can Forever change America.
One of the problems being, there are too many groups that "Intrinsically know what is the best course of action is for everyone else" when they are only pursuing their own agendas, and usually are at odds with others who are fighting the Democratic/Socialists. That means there is basically no cohesion or unified opposition, to a Highly Motivated, Superbly Financed, and Ideologically Fanatic Band of Opponents and their Political War Machine. Those fanatics are bent on Destroying America. This is the culmination of over 150 years of planning and scheming to take the Country down the road to an Elitist controlled and operated nation, where the Elitists are in total control so they can rule by their whim instead of by law. In short, a Dictatorial Oligarchy, controlled with an iron fist by the very few Elitists at the top .
We may not be able to completely stave off a disaster, but we should be able to hold it to the barest minimum of Damage. Lets look at the big picture. No matter which candidate wins the Presidency, they are only the figurehead for the already decided on agendas of their respective party. It's the other politicians who give life and form to that agenda. The President can only ask Congress (The House) to appropriate funds for his agendas. Congress must agree to spend the money asked for. the President can only suggest appointments to Federal Posts like the Supreme Court but it is the Senate that confirms those suggested appointments. The President can only order troops into combat for a limited time and then must ask Congress to keep them there or even if it's bad enough to declare war. 
We must stop kidding ourselves into believing the Democrats won't win. They will most certainly take back a few seats in the Senate and in the House. Hillary may even win the election because the GOP and the real conservatives are so fragmented some of them will think it's better to vote for Hillary now, and correct her damage down the road. The problem with that thinking is, the cumulative damage that has already happened, combined with the coming damage from the Socialist Programs that have become part and parcel of the Democratic Platform will finally bury us. We have to stop the wishful thinking the Democrats will see what is going on and curtail their actions. that, is as bat shit crazy as Feinstein's statement,  "when the gunman realizes that nobody else is armed, he will lay down his weapons and turn himself in, that's human nature.". ill tell you they will not. 
The best way to lessen the coming damage is to pay as much attention to the other elections for Congress Primarily and also for State Legislatures and Local Offices as you do for President. Everyone will have to do their own Vetting, but the guidelines are simple. Choose the candidates in your State and District who are the most Constitutionally oriented and Conservative leaning. Basing that on their past records. In some races it will look like the candidates are equally bad so you can do one of two things; Vote for the one that is marginally better than the other even though that is fraught with the danger of giving the Democrats more clout, or vote for the GOP candidate even if he is a RINO. Better a Republican RINO than giving the Democrats the numerical edge in Congress. Remember it's the majority in both houses that control those houses and we don't want another Pelosi or Reid calling the shots. These suggestions hold true for the State and Local elections too.
I know that everyone is sick and tired of having to hold our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. So; Lets make a commitment among ourselves to Immediately after this election, put together groups in every State to find suitable candidates for office, and then do the necessary things to force them on the 2018 ballots despite what either Political Party Leadership wants. We have the power to do that, BUT, Do We Have The Will To Do That? 
I can't stress this enough; If we lose this time, we lose for good, that means; Everything we believe America Stands for will be trampled in the dirt by the Elitist controlled Progressives! The very same Progressives who through years of machinations,corruption, and lies, have created all the Dissention and Inequality that is driving the factions who have been tricked into supporting them. Stalin used the same technique and called his rabid followers "Useful Idiots". 
Ted Nugent published a list of people who fall into the category of the users and abusers when he listed who was against Trump.
Nugent's List;
 "Obama is against Trump, The Media is against Trump, The establishment Democrats are against Trump, The establishment Republicans are against Trump, The Pope is against Trump,
The UN is against Trump, The EU is against Trump, China is against Trump, Mexico is against Trump, Soros is against Trump, Black Lives Matter is against Trump, MoveOn.Org ( a Soros backed activist/agitator organization) is against Trump, Koch Bro’s are against Trump ( they back the establishment Republicans ), Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump." 

Everyone on that list has a personal agenda and a personal stake in maintaining what has befallen America. All the names on the list are enemies of the Republic and would like to see the Constitution shredded to enhance their position and power. All the listed parties have an agenda against what America used to stand for, Yes, USED TO STAND FOR. If America still stood for the things it used to stand for, we would not be compromised like we now are. I believe the average American who is sitting in his web of denial about what is happening by losing themselves in the "Reality Shows", and the fantasies provided by Television and the Movies still believes this Socialist takeover is temporary. If we don't swallow our pride and unite against it, it will become permanent under 8 years of Hillary.
Instead of the internecine Ideological infighting our groups are conducting for the pure purpose of Hubris to say I'm the one we will follow, and I'll save America, we need to compromise to find a workable solution that will defeat the known enemies whomever they are. Democratic Socialists, Hidebound Establishment Political Leaders, Crony Capitalists, Hidden Elitists, Corrupt Media, and who ever else is hell bent on Destroying what America Stands for.
We won't be able to do that in our present condition. We won't be able to do that by fighting each other in the pissing contest our side is currently engaged in to see which tactic or plan we will use against them. We won't be able to defeat them if we duplicate certain tactics and forget about using other tactics effectively. We won't defeat them if we don't formulate and institute a plan to defeat Hillary and as many Democratic Socialists running in November elections as possible, while maintaining and increasing the numerical superiority of the Republicans in Congress to the point of Veto override capability. 
We know the Republicans have betrayed our trust and will do so again if it suits their Establishment Leaders. We also know if the Democrats get even a majority of one vote, we will have the same debacle that we had at the beginning of the Obama Takeover and Transition of America into a Socialist regime. We must go one more time with the GOP, but in doing so, we must start immediately after the elections, to find potential candidates to supplant the Establishment Republicans.
WE can do this by finding and fully Vetting them, then doing all the legwork and requirements for putting them on the 2018 Primary Ballots despite Republican Leadership Opposition to them. We need to pull a Trump Move against the GOP with our chosen candidates for office. We need to do this at all levels of Government, Congressional, State Legislature, and even Local Offices. This is one way to reform our Government.
Another way to reform the debacle that has become our Federal Government is; Rise Up and Unite in the single purpose of forcing our State Legislatures to petition Congress for an Article V Amendment Proposal Convention, a Convention where Congress will have no say in what is proposed.
Yet another way is to Unite and convince our State Legislatures to formulate an amendment or several amendments like "Repeal the 14th,16th,17th" or "Term Limits for Congress", or "Congress must not be allowed to exempt itself from any of the laws it passes." or "Congressional Pay will only be provided during the Congress persons actual term, with no ongoing pension or other benefits that have voted for themselves when their term of office is over."
It's things like these we must agree on, and unite behind, if we want to maintain our Republic with it's Liberty and Freedoms intact.
The one thing I hope and pray we don't is discount the potential for disaster and stay home or vote for Hillary instead of Trump like we did in 2012 when most disgruntled voters refused to vote because Romney was running. We can't afford doing that anymore and still think we will have a Constitutional Republic at the end of her term. She will load the Supreme Court against us and that will have decades of ramifications about how the Constitution is interpreted. She will attempt to subvert the past conservative rulings of conservative courts when she has loaded the Court with Communist/Socialist/NWO oriented Justices. She will find a way to disarm American civilians. She will open the doors to any and all immigrants and probably Sharia Law as well. So people, DON'T FOOL YOURSELVES, Hillary is 1000 times worse than Trump ever could be.
Those are the reasons why;
"2016 will be the most crucial election America has ever had to face!"

These are solely my opinions.
The Tradesman

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Trumps counter part across the pond?
British PM threatens Russia with nuclear strike again - See more at: http://www.pravdareport.com/news/world/europe/29-07-2016/135160-may...

“I’m sad to report today a death of a good friend to all of us…..Journalism,” Huckabee wrote in a post on his political action committee’s blog. “The once esteemed 4th estate of our nation and the protector of our freedoms and a watchdog of our rights has passed away after a long struggle with a crippling and debilitating disease of acute dishonesty aggravated by advanced laziness and the loss of brain function.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2009/09/huckabee-journalism-is-dead-0...
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