We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/we-must-reform-or-lose?edited=1

Today, we need to re-evaluate our position on what this country needs to do, to reform itself back to the original intent of the Founders. The Founding Principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence were categorized in the creation of the Constitution. Though it was a wonder in it's time, it still had many problems then, as it still does now. That is the reason the Founders included Article-V. 
Just as the authority was given by act of Congress to revise the Articles of the Confederation of the Perpetual Union, it also gave a one time authorization, to the delegates of what became the Constitutional Convention. Article-V gives the Congress, and also the people through their States, the rights to amend, not the wording of the Constitution, but the way the Justice System interprets the intent of that wording. On how to apply Constitutional Law to every law, regulation, or practice. 
Article-V allows Federal Legislators authority to correct any problem the changing times creates. It also gives the people the 'supreme authority' to overrule their own government. So far our government, through the actions of Congress, has modified the intent of the Constitution 27 times. 
There have been approximately 11,000 other Amendments have been proposed, and never ratified by the people into law. Affirming the people, as the highest authority in the land, have the final say on how they will govern themselves. 
(https://constitutionus.com/constitution/amendments/constitutional-a...) It is what keeps our Representatives from becoming our Overlords and Task Masters.
We have all seen how the Government has incrementally but consistently moved forward inserting itself as the ruler in our lives instead of it's proper designated role as our servant.
We have seen how President Trump tried to reform the Federal Government. Likewise we have also seen how quick the embedded elements who created the usurpation of the peoples legitimate power, changed them back by edict or executive order.
The only way to take back our rightful authority is through the Amendment Process. The process is so lengthy and complicated to make it hard to change the interpretation of the Constitution for trivial reasons, and acting as a check and balance. The Congress has the authority to create laws, but those laws are constrained by Constitutional limitations. The limitations are the checks and balances on Congressional law making powers.
Congress has seen fit to create all of the 27 amendments/changes interpreting the Constitution, since the Constitution was originally ratified. Strangely enough, the people through their States, have not had an amendment convention to propose/repeal amendments. In fact this action has been discouraged by many politically active naysayers over the years. If the people finally did get a proposal convention, the main losers would be Congressional powers taken from the people by some Congressionally proposed Amendments. 
As an example; The 17th Amendment gave the right to vote for Senators. Until then, the Senators by Constitutional Law, were the Representatives of their respective States Legislatures, under the Sherman Compromise, to insure Equal Representation in Congress, of every State in America. Since then the Senators have devolved into representatives of their political parties agendas, instead of representing the People or the States. My position is, this Amendment should be repealed like the 18th was repealed.
Another amendment which would benefit the people and their States would be to get a term limit amendment ratified that included: 
Pay to be voted on by the people instead of allowing Congress to just give themselves a raise. 
Retirement and healthcare packages for Congress to be the same as given to the people by Social Security/Medicare, but not to disallow any private packages personally paid for by themselves, and independent from the Government. 
Modifying the 14th amendment due process clause to forbid Anchor Babies. 
Preventing Congress from giving funds from social/welfare programs,et.al.to any illegal alien/s 
Eliminating the Federal Reserve and return money creation back to the Treasury under the original Tresury rules and regulations.
All laws rules and regulations to be written in common language as understood by average Americans. 
Allowing the Legal American Citizen Voters to overturn any law, regulation, or ruling by a 70% vote against it in a scheduled or special election. 
Plus any more proposals the people may want to see. 
Those posibilities are why a States called Convention, is the greatest fear of the hidebound politician or political party.

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