We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/profiles/blogs/we-must-take-back-o...

It's time to start reforming our beliefs about the fairness and impartionality and power limits of the American justice system. And doing something about it by demanding we get our rightful power back to decide the direction our Nation will take.
The only way to effectively do that, is to demand our State Legislatures petition Congress for a States Amendment convention. It's listed in Article-V of the Constitution, and was put there by our Founders, the Framers of the Constitution, to insure the people had a peaceful way to overrule any decisions our elected and/or appointed leaders do something the majority did not approve of.
An Article-V called for by the States, requires Congress to call it then step back and allow the people to decide what they want in the Amendment. Congress has no control over any amendment proposal, or any authority to change the wording of it. However, All proposed amendments must contain approved wording by the delegates to the states called convention, the safeguards in place for a Congressional amendment convention are fully in place for a states called convention, Congress must send all proposals out to all 50 states for Ratification by vote of approval by the people tell their States through an open vote, how their States will vote on the Ratification. It takes a vote by 3/4 of the States to approve a new amendment or the modification or removal of an existing one. The basic Constitution CAN NOTbe opened or it's wording changed by an Article-V convention by either the Congress or the people. Contrary to what the politicians want you to believe, an Article-V is not a Constitutional Convention to open the basic Constitution, it only has the power to add or remove Amendments. The scare tactics you hear to the contrary are from politicians and other power brokers/elites/billionaires, who are afraid of losing their power over the people. 
It's not the Judges or even Congress who should have the final say. 
The Highest Authority in the United States are the PEOPLE of the United States. 

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