We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

We've been asking the tough questions. We need to hear from you.

We have to do something Now or what we have been fighting for since 2009 will be for nothing!

I know I don't usually endorse ads for contributions like this, but this one I do endorse. If you want to contribute or don't, that is your personal choice. However the other things like suggestions, the survey, etc. are necessary to go forward..


Warning: this email is not for the faint of heart. It has some cold hard truths in it. It challenges you to think. It challenges you to act, if you have the guts.

How do I even begin to address the omnibus? I have heard from so many of you over the last few days, and while the individual comments have varied, there is a clear underlying theme – we’ve been had, and what are we going to do about it?

And how do we react to the March for Gun Control in DC and around the country that happened Saturday and is being planned to take place again in schools nationwide on April 20?

Perhaps most importantly, where does Tea Party Patriots go from here?

This is the essence of the questions that have been on my mind all weekend long. I think it is essential we face the cold hard truth before we look at what to do next.

10 cold hard truths:

  1. The Republican establishment is not our friend.

    They may be our allies on some issues from time to time, but they are not our friends. They talk a good game. But when push comes to shove, they will not fight against spending like drunken sailors, they will work against us as they did in 2014, and as they did against Trump when he was the nominee, and they will protect their positions as much as possible.

  2. We are disappointed Obamacare still is the law of the land.

    Many question whether it can ever be repealed at all. Most think the GOP was lying when they made promises to repeal it since they have still not done so despite the majorities in the House, the Senate, and control of the White House.

  3. The Republican Party isn’t doing what we want it to, but we have few options.

    The fact is, we have a two-party system. History shows that third parties only rarely succeed – the last time it happened was in the 1850s, when the Republican Party was born as a third party, eventually replacing the Whigs. Unless we want to stop to build another party, which will take time and money (precious resources for a grassroots movement) and likely result in electoral victories for Democrats for quite some time, we have to accept that for the foreseeable future, we are working in a two-party system.

  4. The laws passed in DC impact our lives and we have to engage at the national level to affect those laws.

    Many want to amend the Constitution, whether through an Amending Convention or via congressional votes. Either way, that is a long-term game plan. Unless you want to cede ground for today, you still have to be involved in what happens in DC while working on the long game at a state and local level.

  5. President Trump – like all politicians – is human.

    We appreciate President Trump’s successes: Supreme Court nominee, rolling back regulations to expand freedom, passing tax cuts to grow the economy, defending the forgotten man with better trade agreements, and protecting our country by strengthening our military. Those successes are tempered by concerns about why he did not fight harder on the omnibus. The fact is, President Trump is human – like all politicians – and he will disappoint from time to time, especially when the Republican establishment writes the bills he will have to sign.

  6. The left have not backed down despite their losses in 2016.

    The left did not stop when they lost elections in 2010, 2014, and especially in 2016. They have not stopped one day since 2016. They may have cried and been sad that Hillary did not become president, but they did not stop. They have worked to “resist” President Trump every single day since Election Day, 2016. They have worked to undermine the legitimacy of the President’s election. They do all they can to shame us and isolate us today. Every. Single. Day. They continue to advance toward their goals despite their losses in 2016.

  7. The left now has found their issue to campaign FOR.

    Last year the leftist, liberal resistance movement was “anti” and stood for very little. They were anti-Trump and actively resisting his presidency. They became anti-men with the #metoo movement.

    Now, that has changed. They are advocating FOR something – FOR gun control under the guise of safe schools. In their minds, the more they can infringe on our Second Amendment Rights, the better. They are bullying and intimidating our children and grandchildren to join them.

  8. Momentum is going against us and toward the liberals.

    Historically, the year after a Presidential election the party in the White House loses seats. Despite all the mockery toward the tea party for eight years, the left now claims they have their own tea party. They very well may have that. It does not mean the tea party or Tea Party Patriots have gone away. We still exist and can make a difference, if you are willing.

  9. The left will do its best to impeach President Trump if the Democrats win a majority in the House.

    Let me repeat that: the Democrats will do their best to impeach President Trump if they win a majority in the House. Impeachment is a political effort, and they will find some reason to impeach regardless of whether we find it a legitimate reason or not. It only takes a simple majority in the House to impeach. If you think last Friday was bad, imagine this time next year, on the anniversary of Obamacare passage, if we do not engage: not only will we have a bad spending bill that will have passed, we will also risk losing some of our Second Amendment Rights AND watching the impeachment of President Trump.

  10. The odds are stacked against conservatives.

    Just look at this list. The odds are against us. But guess what? The odds have ALWAYS been stacked against conservatives. The odds were stacked against us when we launched this movement nine years ago, and they’ll be stacked against us nine years from now. If that were a reason not to engage, we would have decided not to engage nine years ago.

So, what do we do?

Now is the time for some deep soul searching for each of you in this movement. Are you willing to look those cold hard truths in the face and fight? Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and give all you have this year to make a difference even if it means the less than deserving Republicans keep the majority? Even knowing they failed to repeal Obamacare? Even knowing they cannot figure out how to reduce spending, much less balance a budget? Even knowing they passed that spending bill that just passed into law?

Are you willing to make calls for conservatives to get out the vote? Are you willing to go door to door in your own community to spread the word to your neighbors about what is at stake and why we our values matter? Are you willing to sign and hand address letters and postcards to voters in swing states? Are you willing to donate to help pay for the supplies for these grassroots efforts and to pay for traditional mail and calls to get out the vote? Are you willing to keep going despite the tremendous work ahead?

I, for one, am NOT going to stop fighting for our freedom. I will never, never, never, never give in when it comes to freedom. We knew from the beginning of this movement that our work was cut out for us, we were up against 100 years of liberalism in our country and it would take years, if not decades, to fight to win it back. We knew we would have wins and losses along the way. We believed the only real loss would be if we gave up and ceded the entire ground to our opposition.

I’m NOT going to do that. I REFUSE to do that. I RESIST doing that. We owe it to generations past, present, and future – to those who have stood for our freedom in the past and those who will do so in the future – to pass the torch of liberty from our generation to the next. This is a timeless battle that each generation must fight. It is still our time to fight for our own generation and so we pass it to the next. Ben Franklin said it best, we have a republic if we can keep it.

So, if you are willing to face these odds and stay involved, what do we do?

We have goals for rest of this year:

Get Out the Vote Goals

  • 5,000,000 volunteer phone calls
  • 1,000,000 hand addressed letters and postcards
  • 250,000 doors knocked
  • 12,000,000 robocalls
  • 1,000,000 traditional campaign mail

Grassroots Advocacy Goals

✓  Protect the Second Amendment and assist the students who are standing for our freedom at their schools

✓  Protect our borders and stop amnesty

✓  Expand health care freedom and continue to work to repeal Obamacare

✓  Continue to stand for personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt free future

Every week we are going to advance our efforts toward these goals and keep you apprised of what we have done.

Here is what we need to do this week:

  1. Take this survey to tell that you agree with the goals and are still in the fight.
  2. Make 5 calls to thank these Republicans who voted no on omnibus. They stood for our values.
  3. Volunteer to make calls or write letters for Chip Roy in Texas. We made 57,000 calls for him before the primary. We need to make 2 more rounds of that many calls before his runoff on May 22, and we need to get that many letters addressed to voters in his district asking them to vote for him.
  4. Now that the omnibus is over, watch as we begin to roll out endorsements in earnest. We will need your help to elect each of the candidates. If we send a survey asking you if you want us to endorse in your area, then please fill it out quickly.
  5. Use social media to thank others for their efforts to pressure Congress to do the right thing on the spending bill. Many worked hard to keep this bill from being even worse than it was, and they deserve our thanks. Let them know you appreciate them and their efforts.
  6. Finally, let us know your volunteer preferences (if you have not done so already) so we can connect the get out the vote call to action with your volunteer preferences.

Churchill said: “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”

If you are not giving up, then let’s get to work. It will take less than an hour to do all of the items listed above this week. Even if you only have 5 – 10 minutes to volunteer, you can still take one or two of the action items. Let’s do this.

Watch for more emails over the next two weeks as we roll out more endorsements and action items. We need your help now more than ever.

Thank you for allowing me to stand with you for our freedom!

In liberty,

Jenny Beth




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M, your right....We need to get the TEA PARTY  back in full gear...The RINO`s have it in their heads that the TEA PARTY has weakened ...And they are right....We need to kick in....GOOD CALL M.....SARA PALIN....WHERE ARE YOU.

Here is the Letter I sent to Jenny Beth and Kevin;

JB & Kevin,
We need to be careful on the priorities we set or we could working at cross purposes and waste our time and troubles.
1. We know from experience that any law the Congress makes, no matter what they say about it initially, they will find a way around it if it suits their agenda. I cite Social Security. The original law passed by the Democrats was supposed to protect the funds forever but the Democrats found a way to legally strip out our money for their use. The second way a law can be superseded is through SCOTUS declaring it Unconstitutional and then Legislating from the bench. I cite the Gramm-Ruddman act that was supposed to be for a Balanced Budget, suspiciously put in when the States almost had the necessary votes to petition Congress for an Article V Amendment convention, to make a Balanced Budget part of the Constitution, and Tie Congress and SCOTUS hands in the matter.
2. From experience we know that Congress will never do anything to lessen the "Stolen" powers they gained through the three toxic words in the 14th Amendment "NO STATE SHALL". Those words turned the power flow of the Constitution upside down and gave unwarranted powers to Congress and SCOTUS. The 14th is the most litigated amendment ever. To see what the originators of that amendment intended it to do, and to see how it has been bastardized into the mess we now have, See; http://www.14thamendment.us/amendment/14th_amendment.html . This Amendment at the very least will have to be Modified, but should be Repealed. Even Amendment X is overshadowed by the provisions as changed by SCOTUS, until even it has virtually no force anymore. 
3.  We know from experience that anything done can be rapidly undone, so lets work on changing things that are hard to get done and even harder to get undone like an Amendment, or preferably a group of Amendments. We also know we can't get everything we want, so, we have to make it so Congress can't either. What we want most will have to be codified in Amendments or it will evaporate when the progressives again take the lead. 
This will entail forming a confederation of the various groups working to stop the progressive onslaught. The TPP no longer has the funds or the membership to make a go of it alone, and neither do the other groups. We at TPP can no longer afford to be a bottom up organization, we must become a balanced organization with Top Down and Bottom up working a compromise. This will have to be the working order of any Confederation of groups to oppose the Progressives and RINO's. I chose the word Confederation for psychological purposes instead of Coalition. We are going to be a Rebel Group, constrained by Constitutional Law (Article V), to fight this fight with the Federal Government.
4. As I said, we need to form up with every other Conservative and/or even Libertarian group out there, to be able to fight back. Those groups will have to set up a council of sorts to co-ordinate efforts and keep duplication's to a minimum, to preserve funds, and create the most forceful message possible to our Government leaders. The best defense is a strong offense. Therefore I suggest we work on getting an Article V rather than a COS, because the Article V has more scope ( multiple Amendment proposals worked out with Legislature oversight etc.) than a COS. 
5. Now for the opening shots; We will have to get every group to push their State Legislatures to do two things, first pass laws that follow the principles of the  Indiana Model Laws (  http://www.in.gov/apps/lsa/session/billwatch/billinfo?year=2013&...
 ) to insure there will be little interference from outside sources like Soros organizations trying to take over the movement, and secondly get the State Legislatures to petition the Congress after those model laws are passed.These laws are critical to get done before delegates are chosen and how they will legally have to act at any Convention.
6. For various reasons I feel we will need to endorse several amendment proposals and really push them. Repealing of the 14th,16th (replacement apportioned taxation, contingent on the repeal of the 16th) and 17th Amendments. as the first to insure Congress will again be reined in.
it is a good resource and source of information for the coming fight. We will have to repeal at the very least the 14th and 17th Amendments to flip the power back to us as the foremost important change we can make through Amendments. 
When and if we repeal the 14th the States will again be in control of Congress and we will have a better chance of controlling State Legislatures with their Term Limits in almost every State in force.
We will need to Repeal the 17th to put the Senators back in their Constitutional position ( Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth's Connecticut Compromise/Great Compromise) of being under the control of State Legislature to give the States EQUAL representation in Congress. Instead of them just representing their Political Party Agendas like they are now doing.
Concurrently we will have to propose a true Term Limit amendment for Congress, possibly Two terms for the Senate and Six terms for the House to allow for only 12 years for anyone in Congress. 
We need a true Balanced Budget Amendment that is based on the previous years collected taxes with provisions for disallowing tax increases to raise the amount of spending, and With provisions for serious disciplinary actions for a non-compliance from Congress by the target date.
I would even go as far as making a clarifying amendment for the 2nd without modifying it, that directly says clearly; the Second Amendment means: Adult Americans who are not convicted Felons have the right to own, keep, and bear arms they chose to. Felons can do the same if they get their conviction status resurrected for firearm ownership purposes by court/legislature action, allowing them to own firearms again. 
There will be a massive opposition to the Article V because the Congress or people in power have been spreading false rumors about opening the Constitution proper. That can't be done under an Article V because of the provision for modifying the interpretations of the Constitution through amendments contained in Article V. A States petitioned for Article V means that Congress must call one and then step back to allow the people to directly propose amendments through their State Legislatures, and all the safeguards remain, just like a Congress proposed amendment. Including the Ratification process.
All of that being said, we also need to focus on many things for the coming mid-terms. 
Conservative Voter Registration. Volunteer poll officials, vote counters, and challengers. Neighborhood canvassers ( the equivalent of six to ten city blocks per canvass group. we can also use the counter protests to organize registration drives like the anti-gun groups are doing for the Democrats.) to see to it that everyone is registered and has a way to get to the polls, or is signed up for an absentee ballot. Somehow we need to re-energize conservative voters who have the impression that their votes don't count, and turn that around to show that they do count and are even CRITICAL. We must get them to the polls or we will lose control of Congress.
Please look over these suggestions, and Have Bill Pascoe look at them too. Any suggestions or modifications to these basics are welcome. We don't have a lot of time, but what we have should prove sufficient to get these things done.

Again, if you don't want to donate then don't. This is an Informational post


Remember when ex-Speaker of the House John Boehner would always cave in to Barack Obama?

  • Well, the current group of Republicans are still caving in to Obama even though he’s long gone from the White House!

The recent budget deal was a total betrayal of patriotic, taxpaying citizens like you, Tea, and it only reinforces the urgent need to toss more weak-kneed RINO’s out of office this year.

With a 1st Quarter FEC filing deadline looming on March 31st, and Republican Primary elections coming up in nearly a dozen states over the next eight weeks, your Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund gift of $15, $30, $50, or mor....

This 2,200-page budget cooked up by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell is a total betrayal:

  • ✘  Sanctuary cities are not being defunded.
  • ✘  Bloated agencies are seeing their budgets shoot up by billions of dollars.
  • ✘  President Trump wanted $25 billion to build the Wall. They gave him virtually nothing!

The whole thing is a pile of giveaways, corporate welfare, pork, and an influx of cash for D.C. bureaucrats that will pile over a trillion dollars on top of our nation’s debt.

President Trump said he will “NEVER” sign another bill like this, but for that to happen, we need to get more big-spending liberals (of both parties) OUT of Washington and more Tea Party conservatives in, so please make your best donation ASAP.

In liberty,

Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund

P.S. If we can rush urgently-needed financial support to campaigns of real conservatives before the FEC deadline on March 31st, that will give our side some much-needed momentum, so please be generous and act quickly.

Our “no compromise” conservative friends in the House like Dave Brat, Mark Meadows, Louie Gohmert, and Jim Jordan; along with Senator Ted Cruz, all voted “NO” on this Obama-sized budget. We need to support their campaigns and bring them more allies in No...





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