We are in Deep Deep Trouble in this Country. We are fighting an Organized and Regimented Political Force for Socialism and the NWO, in some ways it's like an invading Army. Key positions in Government have been infiltrated by people who have totally embraced the Socialist/NWO Ideology. They are using those positions to Fundamentally Change everything we stand for. The Establishment, is now the opposition to our Constitution. By the actions it has taken, it has proved it is bent on removing our Personal Liberties & Freedoms, and destroying the Constitution. Unfortunately, our Opposition to the Administration&Congressional Socialists, has been late in coming, fragmented, unfocused, and still is not embraced by the Majority of American People. History has shown us that the Large Organized, Coordinated, and Regimented Force, will win the Original Victories, and they have. They have won almost to the point of obliterating us. History teaches us, Asymmetrical Tactics, used by small loosely confederated groups, will win over the large Regimented, Coordinated, and Centrally Organized Groups every time, over time. However; If we act right now, we still have the required time to defeat them, and restore our National Honor and our National Soul. What we need to do is to FOCUS on our stated Goal of removing them from power.
Our only hope at this late in the game, is to Unite all the Small Conservative Groups, that are situated all over the United States, and give them a simple yet Primary Focus, necessary to win. Those groups must learn Asymmetrical Campaign Tactics, and take part in a series of Guerrilla Style Political Campaign Actions, geared to removing the Socialists from power in the 2012 Election Cycle, and Restore the Republic. We must be ready to fully discredit their Political Attacks and Lies against us, and against the Constitution.We must develop ways of doing things in our Campaign that will make it counterproductive for them to continue with their destructive plans. We must find ways of getting the truth out about their We must hit them so often with random patterns of opposition, they can not adapt to fast enough effectively counter it. That's basic tactics. Take the sticky note campaign, it was very effective when it first started but it is losing effectiveness through too much repetition. This type of action works best when it waxes and wanes building up to a massive effort two months before the Primary Elections, and maintaining that thrust through the General Elections.
We need groups formed in every State that will blitz Congress with Letter,Fax,E-Mail, and Calling Campaigns when asked to, and on very different subjects, and even several subjects at once to keep the opposition off balance. These Campaigns must be waged periodically for the tactical Advantage of keeping as much diverse pressure on our opposition targets as possible. In these campaigns we need to stick to the truth and keep the messages as simple as possible to offset the Rhetoric the opposition will use to gain votes. We will also need to out any and all Lies, Spin, Half Truths, and other Propaganda they will use in their Campaigns. Sometimes these Tactics will have to be Coordinated and sometimes they will have to be spontainious and sporadic. The benefit to that is if we don't centrally know what is going to happen next they sure as hell won't.
We will need to print out short concise briefs of all the conservative information in hand out form, again guaging the distribution to create the maximum effect without going past the point where the average Citizen becomes bored with it and doesn't even see it anymore. We need to start dialogues with people where ever we go to promote our Ideas about what needs to be done to save the Country and how the opposition is not only incapable of doing them, they are diametrically opposed to doing anything that will lessen their stranglehold on Unconstitutional Changes they have decided to make to the country. Where ever we can we should use their tactics and plans against them. Don't forget or discount the need to get massive numbers of our people involved across the Country in their Local Precincts and Campaigns.
We will have to be ready to anticipate, expect, and have plans to counter, every possible legal move or regulatory ploy, to block and destroy us and our effectiveness. That will take a Cadre of Conservative Lawyers who believe as we do, and are ready to take on Pro Bono, our potential cases as the needs arise.
We can't afford to stop there. We will have to be ready to promote our chosen Candidates as hard as we will work to discredit theirs. Our Candidates will have to be thoroughly examined before hand to eliminate any who have fatal flaws the opposition can exploit. All these things will have to be done in conjunction with what the other Groups are promoting.