We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Great-Grandmother whose son was killed by DWAI Driver Adair back in March, 2014, charged with assault and ordered to appear in court on December 31, 2015, to face charges. Apparently she encountered Defendant Adair , The "alleged" driver who killed her son, in a Nevada Court hallway; he turned his back to her and she "allegedly" struck him in the back with her fist twice! Note: Linona Thompson is 5'2" Tall and has Multiple Sclerosis; now this Great-Grandmother must appear in Court New Year's Eve to face charges! Mrs Thompson, if found guilty, faces up to six months imprisonment and a $1,000.00 fine; the "alleged" murderer of her son is out on bail, don't ya know?! Where's Bama with his phone and pen, esp, now that he has let over 6,000 criminals walk right out the prisons' front doors with no where to go???--not having finished their sentences, nor being on parole--free as a freed-jailbird! Estimates put fully 1/3 or 2,000 freed inmates status as "unDocumented", aka, you know! The PC Police Busy These Days! facebook "took my cursor" while trying to post re: City Council majority Muslim and proposing to change Michigan Town name from Tramrack (sp?) to Tramrackistan! Shut me right down, yes they did!  But I found another way and it is posted on FB now on my page!

Re: Treasonous Traitor Obama, anybody know about the Provost Marshall? Is there such a named individual; and is that the person who has the responsibility of bringing Charges of Treason against, e.g., USA POTUS,, Barack Hussein Obama?  If you know, very much appreciate information!

A great-grandmother said Thursday she attacked a defendant in a Las Vegas courthouse hallway because she was frustrated by postponements in his trial in…

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That is a good question. But one must ask where is the US Congress?




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