We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Print this out and keep it with you.  When asked if you want the jab, or any other vaccination, tell them you have a few questions first:  This is a list of questions I have compiled.  Please feel free to share.

  1. Can you name 5 vaccine ingredients? 
  2. What is MRC-5? 
  3. What is WI-38? 
  4. What is vaccine court?
  5. What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
  6. What is the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act?
  7. How has the CDC schedule changed since 1986?
  8. How much money has been paid out by vaccine injury court? 
  9. How many doses of how many vaccines are in the CDC schedule between birth and age 10. 

10.Do vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue? If so, which vaccines? And how many aborted babies were needed before they found one with the virus necessary to create the vaccine? 

  1. Do any vaccines contain dog, monkey, pig, and human DNA?
  2. What is an adjuvant?
  3. What is an antigen? 
  4. Which arm of the immune system do vaccines stimulate? 
  5. Which arms of the immune system do natural diseases stimulate?
  6. What is transverse myelitis? 
  7. What is encephalopathy? 
  8. What is the rate of autism in 2017, what was it in 2000? What was it in 1990?
  9. What is glyphosate and is it in vaccines?
  10. If your child is injured, who will take physical, emotional, and financial responsibility?
  11. What was the Supreme Court’s statement on vaccines in 2011?
  12. Can you provide a study showing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated health outcomes? 
  13. Can you show me a safety study proving it is safe to inject multiple vaccines?
  14. What is shedding? 
  15. Do vaccines shed? Which vaccines can shed for up to 6 weeks? 
  16. Which vaccines are live virus vaccines? 
  17. What is the VICP? 
  18. What is SV40?
  19. What is MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)? 
  20. What is an acceptable amount of aluminum to ingest per day and how much is injected via the hep B vaccine on day one of life?
  21. Can someone who was vaccinated for pertussis still spread pertussis after being exposed to it? If so, for how long?
  22. What is the death rate from measles in the US from 2005-2015? From the MMR vaccine in same time frame?
  23. What does attenuated mean?
  24. Where can I find information about vaccines?
  25. Are there vaccine consent forms? 
  26. Can the vial stopper cause allergic reaction?
  27. Can there be serious reactions to vaccines?
  28. What is NVIC?
  29. Is there any compensation for physicians who have a certain percentage of their patients vaccinated?
  30. Do you believe Bill Gates (who has no medical training of any kind nor any medical degrees) should be considered an authority on vaccines and if yes, why?  

41.If it’s so effective why are we being bribed to take it with food & drinks that are dangerous to our health?

42.If it’s so dangerous, deadly and contagious, why hasn’t the homeless population been completely eradicated by it?

43.If people are truly so terrified of it, why aren’t they staying home?

44.How do the Plexiglas dividers protect us when the cashier will touch everything we are purchasing and then most pay with the keypad (that have keypad protectors) that has been touched by literally hundreds of people?  Does the virus know not to go around the plexiglass? 

  1. If one must cover their face after getting the jab/Covid, just how effective is it? 
  2. How many times has the CDC changed their narrative?
  3. If “medicine” is being given away for "free", why aren’t ALL medications given away for free?  (all "free" medications are from our tax dollars)
  4. Why is it so important that we cover our faces when we walk into a restaurant but do not have to wear one once seated?
  5. What was the point of one line/6ft apart lines in stores when we were all breathing the same air anyway?
  6. Why are there no attendants at gas stations to make sure gas handles have been wiped down between each use?
  7. Why are face coverings, which would be horribly contaminated especially after being worn a full day, not disposed of in biohazard containers?  Why are there not biohazard stations for this disposal?
  8. Why do we have to wear a face covering when visiting any medical facility but then have a barehanded receptionist hand us paperwork and/or a barehanded nurse take our blood pressure, pulse, etc.
  9. Why do fast food workers hand us our bag, take our $$ or payment card with bare hands?  Where are their fresh protective gloves between each transaction? 
  10. How are protective gloves helping if we touch our phone and our faces constantly? 
  11. When flying, what is the point of social distancing prior to boarding the flight when you will be closely seated to basically everyone on the plane?
  12. If face coverings are so vital and work so well, why is there not one universally required mask for everyone?
  13. Why do illegal immigrants not have to be fully vaccinated for all viruses/diseases yet our children are forced to have dozens of vaccines and we are forced to have an experimental substance into our body just to keep our jobs?
  14. The European data base has declared over 28,000 deaths from the Covid injection.  In past days only a handful of deaths would warrant removing such a dangerous risk.   In the US: December 2020 to October 29, 2021: 856,917 Adverse Events; Deaths: 18,409. These numbers are shocking. They are higher than the adverse events and deaths from all other vaccines in America from 1990 to the present. Why is this carnage allowed to continue?

  1. There have been 12,787 total drug recalls issued by the FDA. On average, 1,279 drugs are recalled every year. 1,317 Class I drug recalls have been issued by the FDA. 10,168 Class II drug recalls have been issued by the FDA.Jul 1, 2021  Please note that the drugs that were pulled had been approved by the FDA as safe for use.  With so many deaths and side effects, why do you feel I should trust this injection?  
  2. If those that have had the injection are getting/spreading Covid, why are they not losing their jobs?
  3. How could the FDA approve Zohydro ER when there is no abuse deterrent built into the drug so when it is crushed, chewed or mixed with alcohol — the high probability of death exists?
  4. Didn’t the FDA violate their own directive that opioids would only be approved by them if there were a built-in abuse preventative in the drug?  Isn’t Scilex a pharmaceutical company engaged in the development and commercialization of products focused on the treatment of pain?  

63.Why is the media/commercialization pushing the Covid injection before its safety has been proven?  Why has the media been allowed to create such a fear frenzy over a virus with a 99.99% recovery rate?

  1. Why did a FDA expert say the following about the injection for children regarding death and side effects….. ‘We Won’t Know Until They Are Jabbed, And That’s Just The Way It Goes’.
  2. Since direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner, can you explain why this injection has not been halted and why people have no way to sue those who demanded every human being, including children, be injected with this substance?
  3. Why are there no ingredients listed or side effects in the packaging insert of the injection?  Why are no side effects mentioned on the mass media commercials for this injection as there are with other pharmaceuticals? 
  4. What are the long term side effects on Covid injections for children and babies?  Where can I find the clinical trials and how long were those conducted? 
  5. Can you please explain to me why 2/10,000 children had autism in the 1980’s and why 1/34 children have autism today?

 “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” (Elbert Einstein)

When will you value your freedoms, liberty, and independent thought more than compliance?  It's not the government's job to protect my health. It's the government's job to protect my Constitutional rights. It's my job to protect my health. When you trade liberty for safety, you end up losing both.

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