We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



This is something critical to the Restoration of our Republic, and needs to become a grass roots agenda to put the Federal Government back in it's proper place. It will take many of us working together to bring it about!

My First attempt at an informational article on what the Federal Government can arbitrarily confiscate under FEMA to benefit the Collective.
First let us start with what can and in some circumstances has already happened when the Federal Government started taking over programs rightfully the control of the States, under Article 10 "to the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791. It makes clear that any powers that are not specifically given to the federal government, nor withheld from the states, are reserved to those respective states, or to the people at large." 
That means things like control of Education, State Militias now called National Guard, Civil Defense now usurped by FEMA, and a plethora of other bureaucracies that once were the under sole authority of the States.
Here is what can happen in an emergency right now should the Federal Government declare one exists for any purpose whatsoever!  8 Items FEMA Will Confiscate in an Emergency. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBr4aNJZQj0  
Federal Emergency Management Agency;
Anti-Hording Laws; 

50 USC 4512: Hoarding of designated scarce materials

This can be used by itself in certain operations or in conjunction with FEMA confiscating anything they arbitrarily decide is necessary for the Collectives needs.
Partial List of what they can confiscate;
50 US Code 4512 
Executive Order 10998 
Executive Order 10995 
Executive Order 10997
Clean Water Act (CWA) 
Defense Production Act of 1950
The anti-hoarding provision of section 102 authorizes the president to “designate” materials necessary to promote the national defense and prohibits the accumulation of such materials “in excess of the reasonable demands of business, personal, or home consumption.”8 Furthermore, the anti-price-gouging provision of section 102
Food Supplies (Farming Equipment) 
Water Supplies 
Ham Radio's
CB Radio's
ETC; Meaning many other things they decide they need to confiscate from the public for the good of the collective.
All this can be enforced by application of Martial Law and was enforced during Katrina.
Be sure to watch the video several times and take notes.

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