For any form of Socilism to work, it takes a self installed ruling class. A ruling Class promoting the form of government they see something in, that benefits them personally, instead of their publicly stated benefits to the common folks about helping them.
They start with a program specifically constructed to play on peoples moral principles and charitable natures. A program supposely to make everyones lives better and more equal. In retrospect after that's established, it starts their existing civilization falling into disrepair and dissolution and collapse.
They do this using misdirection, lies, innuendo, false compassion, self destructive programs, ridiculing religion, destroying morality, bastardizing science, rewriting history, all disguised as helping the downtrodden. This goes on until the overburdened social order collapses under it's own weight.
Concurrently, they gradually impose their new order, traditions, morality, religion of non-religion, to realign the mindset of the populace. From the beginning on, they set themselves up as benevolent leaders, promoting the same goals and lifestyles as the common people, while living the lifestyles of Kings.
For example; Look at the contrast between what Senator Bernie Sanders promotes for his voters and what he does for himself; He advocates they should live in financial and lifestyle equality. Have their 'rich oppressors' turn over all profits and money above the common financial and lifestyle level. Have those profits distributed equally to the people.
Compare that with the actual lifestyle he lives, and his increasing monetary worth.
Now compare all of this, with what the Democrats have done and still are Advocate doing. They have been trying to take down everything built up since the beginning. Generation upon generation of tried and true societal morality and traditions. Doing it under under the false flags of diversity, equality, inclusion and compassion. In fact the way they do it, actuality destroys everything they say it's accomplishing, while setting up their few as a ruling class unto themselves. They believe they are razing the existing society to benefit themselves. Until we can make them believe that won't happen, we will be at risk of total destuction. Same goes for the players on the world stage.
Compare them with what Trumps doing; Trump advocates restoring the once common principles of our floundering society. A return to common decency. A return to tried and true morality and integrity. A Return to common sense and honesty. A return to a hand up, not a hand out and self reliance. A return to a meritocracy not to the lowest common denominator, just to name the basics Trump wants to see America embrace as a nation again.