Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
My US Senator Jerry Moran (R-Ks), along with eleven other RINOs, voted "yes", in agreement with Democrats, to support the House Resolution seeking to stop President Trump from declaring a State of National Emergency on America's southern border and divert Executive Branch funding to secure the border by building a wall or other barrier to stop the invasion of illegals, including drug traffickers, human smugglers, sex-trade smugglers, gang members, criminals, possible terrorists, and others, currently approaching 100,000 illegal entries PER MONTH!
This is an INVASION, plain and simple, and everyone but the Democrats and RINOs knows it! It CLEARLY requires drastic action. Yet, "Fortress Washington" sits on its collective hands and bemoans ANYTHING President Trump tries, filing lawsuits and passing a Congressional Resolution while ignoring the elephant in the room -- THE ONGOING INVASION!
Webster's (copyright 1943) defines "Invader" as, "One who invades; an assailant; intruder." it defines "invade" as, "To enter (a country) with a hostile army; infringe upon; violate". It further defines "Invasion" as, "The act of invading; hostile incursion; encroachment".
Before the vote I, along with many other Kansans, called Senator Moran's office in D.C. and urged him to vote in support of the President. He ignored us, instead voting with Nancy Pelosi and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I subsequently received a mass email from Senator Moran trying to justify his vote. in it, he waxed eloquent on his support for the President and the need to secure the border before pivoting and excusing his vote by claiming he was "defending the Constitution" from Executive Overreach. I think NOT!
Since 1970, there have been 40 or 50 declarations of National Emergency on all manner of subjects, foreign and domestic. Yet, in the history of National Emergencies, there has NEVER been ONE Congressional Resolution condemning ANY of them, EVER! And, NONE of those supposed "Emergencies" have even, remotely approached the level of crisis we face on our southern border, a crisis so severe that even Democrats now call it a crisis!
More likely, Senator Moran and his fellow RINOs are defending "Fortress Washington", the Chamber of Commerce, their big donors, and the Swamp from a man the People sent to drain it.
Senator Moran claims to know and love the Constitution, yet ignores Article IV, Section Four which states, "The United States SHALL (my emphasis)...protect each of them (the States) against invasion...".
Further, there is 10 USC 284, federal law that empowers the President to use the military in just this [invasion] scenario AND allows the military to erect walls, fences, and/or other barriers necessary to complete its mission. U.S. Representative Mo Brooks is very familiar with this law, has advocated for its implementation for months, and can brief the President on its content and legality. Yet, this information is apparently being kept from the President, intentionally or otherwise.
Use of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284 would instantly take both Congress and the courts out of the fray.
Despite Senator Moran's insistence that he is a staunch defender of the Constitution, I do NOT see him advocating for Article IV, Section Four and/or 10 USC 284 OR making an appointment with the President to brief him on their use. IF (and it's a huge "if") Senator Moran actually does agree with the President on the urgent need to secure the border, why does he NOT, PERSONALLY, make the effort to advise the President of his legal and Constitutional options?
President Trump is apparently the ONLY one in Washington who recognizes that we are being invaded. These are not "migrants", "immigrants", "asylum seekers", or "refugees". They are invaders. If they truly are migrants, immigrants, asylum seekers, or refugees, they can go to any official Port of Entry, file their claim, and await adjudication -- IN MEXICO as ordered by the President. But, when they illegally sneak across the border, at illegal points and in mass numbers they become invaders and nothing else.
Why is it important to call them "Invaders"? Words have meaning! Calling them "invaders" automatically activates Article IV, Section Four and the use of 10 USC 284, allowing the President, as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, to send the military to the border, REPELLING the invaders. THAT IS IMPORTANT! "Invaders" are not given attorneys, court dates, housing, welfare, Social Security, healthcare, or anything else. they are just REPELLED, PERIOD!
The President is not a Constitutional Scholar; he is a businessman. He relies on his supposedly "learned" advisors to tell him of his legal and Constitutional options, something they are not doing, again, intentionally or otherwise. If the President was told of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284, the wall could be built in short order, the invasion would stop, and the border would FINALLY be secured.
Oren Long
That is a big 10-4....Uncovering the NWO and exposing the fake news propaganda machine seems like has just made them not even care about the light being shined on them. Can not even shame the evil anymore. The light of truth does not work like it use to . Probably due to a higher % of the lack of God with in our lives. Especially the millennials.....I wonder if the burning of Notre Dame is a sign of things to come. We are living in perilous times for sure. We are on the right side....BUT,,,,, We must keep GOD in our hearts and minds !
Kevin, the Bible says that in the last days "right will be wrong and wrong will be right". We have arrived. I daily pray and live 2 Chronicles 7:14 and pray for our nation to turn back to God before it is too late!!!!!
More and more, as time goes by...The further away from God we get .I also pray for our country to get closer to God. We did not do well teaching our young. I see little hope in the millennials fixing it .To much arguing about which sect has it right. That is how millennials see it. And then guys like Benny Hin chase people away with his type of phony crap. Bottom line, The devil got within our houses of worship.
Amen, Kevin, one thing I have noticed is that pastors are afraid to speak of the path our nation is taking. I don't know if they fear the government or fear losing donations from members who like the liberal turn our nation has taken. I favor pastors speaking out strongly against islam, abortion, and homosexuality but they won't. I'm not one to tiptoe around controversial subjects and as a result have been kicked off facebook and had "conservative" blog sites edit my articles to conform to political correctness. As a result I no longer have a place to submit my articles because sites fear liberal baxcklash for publishing the truth about morality and the rule of law. The nation is in deep trouble and God won't help us until we turn back to Him as stated in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. We the People MUST return to God if we are to save the nation from destruction. In the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah Lot was told the cities would be spared if he could find 5 righteous men. He couldn't and the rest is history. I have asked God how many we need but have yet to hear a number but I am sure there is one. I keep praying it, living it, and urging others to do the same but can't get the message out fart because no sites will publish my ideas because they are afraid of liberal flack.
Your post struck a chord. You have been kicked off Facebok? No "conservative" sites will publish your ideas? Because they are afraid of liberal flack?
I believe you, but surprised how pervasive the liberal thought control became. They scream freedom and democracy, but are the first ones to deny them to those they disagree with. Years ago, I was able to have my conservative ideas published in NYT comments sections on regular basis, and I know, oh how well I know the viciousness of the liberal flack. So little logic, so much venom. They are so filled with hate that they are convinced all others are too. I found it impossible to have a calm, cool, logical discussion with a liberal.
And after 2016 election, after the unleashing of the Obama troops on the society (think antifa gangs), I stopped writing to NYT, on my own, voluntarily. I became afraid of retribution. The electronically submitted comments are first screened by computer, and after passiing the basic politeness tests, they are referred to low level workers (not the letters to the editor dept) who then say yes or no to publication. I can easily conjure some low level workers, all liberals, having antifa friends in my left wing state of Marylan, and calling them about this character who actually supports Trump and is willing to tell NYT readers about it.
I don’t want to take the risk of rocks smashing my windows. (Mind you, from my email address in NYT files is it very easy to find my address).
And I am sure every word we type here on this site is available to the left wing censors. Our addresses are at the tip of their fingers, should they wish to take any action. I just hope nothing happens to anyone posting their stuff here.
So, to me, it is not a matter of being kicked off; rather, it's a matter not wanting to take any risks. I am not brave enough.
sounds to me like someone is trying to shut down opinion through fear.. That`s why there was only 3% of the population who were true Patriots and fought for our freedom against England...Your right marrand. It takes a real Patriot to fight the righteous fight.
Are you a 3 %er
…..LAND OF THE FREE...HOME OF THE BRAVE..Kevin, I am definitely a 3%er but I am old and disabled so not much help in my current physical state. I have much more willing than able. God is going to restore me but hasn't done so, yet. Once I am again physically able I will be more than a factor because of my military training and experience (I was a weapons man in Special Forces). I can be easily startled in my current physical state but I am not afraid of anything. God is with me, who can stand against!!!!!
Please look at it this way. The 3% did the fighting, but they had the suuport and assistance of at least 83% of the remainder population. Without that support, both moral and material, they would never have fought. Throughout history, in every society, it is the small fraction, the 3% as you say, who do the fighting, and the remainder simply support them. It is the "remainder" who make their fight worthwhile, who will speak up for them, who will provide them shelter when they are in flight. One doesn't have to be the fighting 3% to be a patriot.
marrand, the history I learned, back in the stone age, was that in the colonial days 33% of the colonists favored liberty, 33% wanted to remain a colony, and 33% just wanted to be left alone. that is a far cry from 83% but also a long way away from 3%. In every war this nation has fought a small minority actually goes into combat (in WWII for instance only 1/6 of the military engaged in combat while the other 5/6 were support/logistics assets. It will take all of us to win our nation back, some on the front lines and others in support. I am too old and disabled to be much good on the front lines but will do all I can to help. In my younger days I was one who actually fought, although it was in the realm of clandestine ops that will never be acknowledged by the government, and would do it again if needed and I am able.
I totally understand what you say. Every war has a civilian effort behind it. It is that effort that decides winners and losers.
You have the best war fighters in the world, but you will lose without the backing of many who want the same ending. But if you do not have true grit within your fighters ,they will run and hide when the going gets tuff. The Patriot I mention ,have that grit. They are called American Fighters. They are the best in the world. They fight for love of country, and love of Liberty that dwells within our country.
Believe it or not, your post actually made me smile. Let me tell you my story.
I live in Kansas where we have open/concealed carry, no permit required. I am always armed and I wear my MAGA hat when I go out. Strangely I am never challenged -- imagine that.
I write to the state 'paper of record' (a "moderate" paper and we all know what that means) on occasion and my letters are usually published. Recently, I wrote an extensive letter when my Senator Jerry Moran (R-Ks) voted against President Trump on the border issue. My letter was long enough (but good enough) that it was well beyond the paper's 300 word limit, so they published it as a 'guest columnist' piece. In it I hammered Senator Moran for his vote. I also sent it to the other major newspapers in Kansas and they also published it. I touched a nerve with Senator Moran, so much so that he wrote a reply. Now, he won't even talk about the border. Oops!
Over time I have developed a relationship with one of the editors at the paper and we communicate. Marrand, I realize that we are not talking about the NYT. I realize that there is no way for you to do the same thing, so forgive me if I am trying to compare apples to oranges.
Yes, I occasionally receive blowback from libs. I always tell them the same thing, "Come on down my drive. I'll give you a little touchup". Or, as I told my brother, "When there is nothing you will die for, you have nothing to live for".
I have an advantage over you, I live in Kansas, I am legally armed, and I live in the country in a relatively isolated place. My attack dogs let me know if someone is within a mile of my place.
To be sure, we have libs and, even here in Kansas, they can get ugly. But there is just something about that .45 on my hip and the look in my eye that keeps them polite.
Yes, I, too, have lost friends and even family because of my vociferous conservatism. I suspect that applies to you as well. So be it. Little do they know, I am actually fighting for them as well. Either all are free or none are free.
Sir, we have no choice. We MUST keep fighting! Failure is not an option!
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