Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
My US Senator Jerry Moran (R-Ks), along with eleven other RINOs, voted "yes", in agreement with Democrats, to support the House Resolution seeking to stop President Trump from declaring a State of National Emergency on America's southern border and divert Executive Branch funding to secure the border by building a wall or other barrier to stop the invasion of illegals, including drug traffickers, human smugglers, sex-trade smugglers, gang members, criminals, possible terrorists, and others, currently approaching 100,000 illegal entries PER MONTH!
This is an INVASION, plain and simple, and everyone but the Democrats and RINOs knows it! It CLEARLY requires drastic action. Yet, "Fortress Washington" sits on its collective hands and bemoans ANYTHING President Trump tries, filing lawsuits and passing a Congressional Resolution while ignoring the elephant in the room -- THE ONGOING INVASION!
Webster's (copyright 1943) defines "Invader" as, "One who invades; an assailant; intruder." it defines "invade" as, "To enter (a country) with a hostile army; infringe upon; violate". It further defines "Invasion" as, "The act of invading; hostile incursion; encroachment".
Before the vote I, along with many other Kansans, called Senator Moran's office in D.C. and urged him to vote in support of the President. He ignored us, instead voting with Nancy Pelosi and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I subsequently received a mass email from Senator Moran trying to justify his vote. in it, he waxed eloquent on his support for the President and the need to secure the border before pivoting and excusing his vote by claiming he was "defending the Constitution" from Executive Overreach. I think NOT!
Since 1970, there have been 40 or 50 declarations of National Emergency on all manner of subjects, foreign and domestic. Yet, in the history of National Emergencies, there has NEVER been ONE Congressional Resolution condemning ANY of them, EVER! And, NONE of those supposed "Emergencies" have even, remotely approached the level of crisis we face on our southern border, a crisis so severe that even Democrats now call it a crisis!
More likely, Senator Moran and his fellow RINOs are defending "Fortress Washington", the Chamber of Commerce, their big donors, and the Swamp from a man the People sent to drain it.
Senator Moran claims to know and love the Constitution, yet ignores Article IV, Section Four which states, "The United States SHALL (my emphasis)...protect each of them (the States) against invasion...".
Further, there is 10 USC 284, federal law that empowers the President to use the military in just this [invasion] scenario AND allows the military to erect walls, fences, and/or other barriers necessary to complete its mission. U.S. Representative Mo Brooks is very familiar with this law, has advocated for its implementation for months, and can brief the President on its content and legality. Yet, this information is apparently being kept from the President, intentionally or otherwise.
Use of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284 would instantly take both Congress and the courts out of the fray.
Despite Senator Moran's insistence that he is a staunch defender of the Constitution, I do NOT see him advocating for Article IV, Section Four and/or 10 USC 284 OR making an appointment with the President to brief him on their use. IF (and it's a huge "if") Senator Moran actually does agree with the President on the urgent need to secure the border, why does he NOT, PERSONALLY, make the effort to advise the President of his legal and Constitutional options?
President Trump is apparently the ONLY one in Washington who recognizes that we are being invaded. These are not "migrants", "immigrants", "asylum seekers", or "refugees". They are invaders. If they truly are migrants, immigrants, asylum seekers, or refugees, they can go to any official Port of Entry, file their claim, and await adjudication -- IN MEXICO as ordered by the President. But, when they illegally sneak across the border, at illegal points and in mass numbers they become invaders and nothing else.
Why is it important to call them "Invaders"? Words have meaning! Calling them "invaders" automatically activates Article IV, Section Four and the use of 10 USC 284, allowing the President, as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, to send the military to the border, REPELLING the invaders. THAT IS IMPORTANT! "Invaders" are not given attorneys, court dates, housing, welfare, Social Security, healthcare, or anything else. they are just REPELLED, PERIOD!
The President is not a Constitutional Scholar; he is a businessman. He relies on his supposedly "learned" advisors to tell him of his legal and Constitutional options, something they are not doing, again, intentionally or otherwise. If the President was told of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284, the wall could be built in short order, the invasion would stop, and the border would FINALLY be secured.
Oren Long
You raise salient, sentient, and coherent questions. They beg the ultimate question, "What is the long term solution?" The answer is both simple and difficult; an Article V Convention of States (COS). A COS could draft and propose amendments that could destroy the well-crafted "Fortress Washington" status quo and bring America and the Constitution back to its Original Intent as envisioned by the Founders.
Will it happen? Well, not at this time as I see it. The voters have essentially been 'bribed' into submission with Socialist promises like Social Security, healthcare, food stamps, etc. True adherence to the Constitution rejects any and all forms of Federal Government 'assistance' (bribery for votes).
As has been the case throughout all of human history, things have to get so bad that there is literally no place to go but up or into the grave. Sadly, many will choose the grave. Historically, it has always been the task of the committed few to save the many from themselves, often despite their ignorance.
Sorry to be a bummer.
marrand, if the corruptikrats in congress would end the benefits of illegal alien invaders they would quit coming here. I get $19,000 per year in Social Security after paying into that communist Ponzi scheme for 50 years but an illegal alien invader who never paid in a dime gets 2 or 3 times that plus a cell phone with unlimited service, medical coverage, food stamps, rent paid for, and lots of other things while I get called a "thief" because I collect social security. A revolution is coming ad the political ruling class knows it so they are trying to both disarm us and overwhelm us with illegals so they can outnumber us. instead of a wall I would like to see our military brought home from 3rd world Islamic toilets and put on our border with orders to shoot to kill ANY illegal alien invader. why should they be protecting the entire moslem world from each other while their own families get no protection?????
Oren, you are spot on in this comment. President Trump is hated because he won't play politics and sell out We the People for the benefit of career political hacks. I left the gop after how they cheated Ron Paul in 2012. People think hitlery invented the Bernie Sanders thing but she just copied what mitty the poo and the gop establishment TRAITORS did to Ron Paul. I was a state committeeman in Oklahoma and was told there was no place in the republican party for people who wouldn't sit down, shut up, and do as leadership told them so I got out and refused to be a part of the swamp/sewer that the gop has become. I am not very well liked by republicans in Rogers County or the entire state of Oklahoma because I think for myself and won't sit down, shut up, and do as I am told.
Mangus, I agree that illegal alien invaders should get NOTHING from the government but the political ruling class in both parties (the elephant and donkey wings of the New World Order Socialist Party) needs them to overcome We the People and establish their one world government. electing republikrats over demonkrats isn't the answer because neither care about us and hate liberty or government of, by, and for the people!!!!!
The answer is here join us and then bring all your family and friends. This simple 20 word amendment would restore our original Constitutional Construction. Leaving the main powers in the hands of the State government elected by the people that know them well - not like DC where we know none of them. The state legislators are business and professional people that we see every day in our home cities.
I like the idea but state legislators are still members of the same corrupt political parties so I am very skeptical that it will work but it is worth a try.
Thanks, but . . .
Ironically, I think Trump is stopping a COS from happening, though not intentionally.
People tend to wait for someone else to save them so they don't have to take a stand and save themselves. It's just human nature. I think that a lot of people who would otherwise support and push for a COS are waiting (and hoping) to see what Trump can accomplish. This also includes State Legislators.
Sadly, humans tend to wait until things are so bad that there is nowhere to go but up to salvation or down into the grave. Given our current state of affairs, by the time we get to that awful choice, it may be too late.
Oren, I believe many state legislators are controlled by the same corrupt apparatus as the federal level politicians are. they are afraid they will lose their seat if they go against the powers that be in the party. I may be wrong but I don't think I am.
Forty one GOP vote against the President in 2018's "Preserving America's Future" Bill.
Not the first time Republicans have blocked reform of open border policy.
the gop is part of the deep state that hates President Trump because he is trying to drain the swamp and they are as much swamp rats as the demonkrats. I refer to the political parties as the donkey and elephant wings of the soros/satan headed New World Order Socialist Party!!!!! McConnell and ryan are just as TREASONOUS and evil as Pelosi and schumer!!!!!
you are so right...
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