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The recent polling you’ve heard about the Iowa Republican caucuses this week could be inaccurate. As usual, whomever has the best ground game going into next Monday night, has a larger chance of success.
According to a new Iowa State University/WHO-HD Iowa Caucus Poll released Monday, Sen. Ted Cruz leads billionaire Donald Trump by 7 points.
With less than one week till the caucus, more than “one third (34.2 percent)” of those polled have yet to pick their candidate. 27 percent of those polled said they’ve changed their mind over the course of the campaign. The two most common factors for a voter switching their vote was their perception of a candidate’s electability or learning something new about that candidate.
Conservative Review’s Steve Deace wrote about the methodology of many polls yesterday. Deace argued that the voter universe suggested by recent polling methodologies was too large. This Iowa State poll seems to confirm what Deace has been saying. Deace has repeatedly wrote that caucus-goers often change their mind after attending their caucus, this poll seems to confirm that.
Terrorism remains the top concern for 21.2 percent of Iowa voters who responded to the poll. 4 out of 10 voters said foreign policy was “very important.”
“In light of the terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, concerns for national – and personal – security have definitely increased, as these results show,” Political scientist James McCormick said.
For the Democrats, Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders narrowly 47.4 percent to 45 percent. The socialist is now within a 3-point striking distance of the mainstream Democrat.
The new ISU/WHO-HD poll was compiled through phone interviews with 722 registered voters Jan. 5-22. The margin of error is approximately 3.5 percent for the full set of respondents.
In a world where as Deace said recent polling, “under-reported the size of the GOP wave in the 2014 midterms, and were off by 14 points in last November's Kentucky governor's election,” turnout and GOTV efforts looks to play a greater role in turnout that polling.
- See more at: just wow...
Walking away from a bad deal is always a good move.
Just because you love listening to reason so much here is some more.
Well Mr. Trump...Mouse that roared????? Paper tiger ????...I think you stood up and shot your guns in the middle of the street.....and shot yourself in the have let your rear end over load your mouth one too many times...Warriors do not run from GIRLS....You have no debating skills....that became painfully apparent in the debates..You turn into a monstrously NASTY name calling sissy..if anyone gets the best of you ..YOU ARE THE MOST OVER ACTING EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING THAT MOST OF US HAVE EVER SEEN...Cruz is the MAN IN THIS RACE FOR POTUS...HE IS STILL STANDING WHILE YOU ARE IMPLODING ..shaking in fear that you might lose to him in IOWA....You love CNN..NBC..MSNBC...and all TOTALLY liberal news sources...FNC is not perfect but tho they lean Highly moderate and Establishment...the do attempt to be fair and balanced... You are not a brilliant man and you talk big in generalities with some tough guy rhetoric...You cannot think well on your feet and this enrages you when you are asked the really tough questions...Shame on you up and get your panties out of a wad..You are playing with a big boy in Cruz...stop shaking and be a man.!!!!!!!! I pray that you lose and if you do lose ...God Willing...AMERICA WILL HAVE REALLY DODGED A BULLET BY YOUR LOSS.....
Next time DV ...I will tell you what I really think...;)
Ya you kept your real feelings very oblique, so I look forward to the next post. ;)
A new poll finds Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ahead of the GOP field in Iowa, with an almost seven point lead over business mogul Donald Trump in the run-up to the caucuses on Feb. 1.
The poll, conducted by Iowa State University and WHO-TV, showed Cruz out ahead with 25.8 of the vote, with Trump second at 18.9 percent.
Trump had recently been shown ahead in the Hawkeye State. However, most pundits agreed Cruz had the better grassroots support and organization in the state, and he had been shown ahead for much of the autumn.
Third in the poll was a somewhat resurgent Ben Carson. The retired neurosurgeon’s 13.4 percent was surprising, given the recent turmoil in the Carson campaign. Fourth and fifth were Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, with 12.3 and 6.9 percent, respectively.
Those weren’t the only surprising findings in the Iowa State University/WHO-TV poll. While Cruz had a fairly substantial margin, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton didn’t. She had only a 47.4-45 lead over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, not even out of the margin of error.
Perhaps the most number was the number of voters who had yet to make up their mind — a staggering 34.2 percent.
The poll was conducted between Jan. 5 and 22, with a margin of error of 3.5 percent.
“Trump has done an excellent job of motivating non-traditional Republicans and people who don’t typically vote to support him and attend his rallies. However, our poll has shown — twice now – that he is not the leading candidate among people who are the most likely to go out on caucus night,” said David J. Andersen, an assistant professor of political science at Iowa State.
“Trump probably has more supporters than other Republican candidates overall in Iowa, but if those supporters don’t show up to caucus it just won’t matter. It is not just popularity that wins the caucus; it is turning out your supporters.”
If only Trump could learn to be so gracious.
But, he won’t. Trump’s big bully shtick catapults him from one controversy to the next, purposely evading any real vetting of his previous beliefs and statements. After all, that’s what caused Trump’s tirade against Kelly to begin in the first place, when she asked him about insulting things he had said in the past about women.
With Trump on the stage or not, conservatives must discuss his previous support for the bailouts, the stimulus, abortion, eminent domain, and liberal politicians. He’s a big-government Wall Street wolf in a black sheep’s clothing.
Trump is afraid people are finally finding that out.
That’s why he’s manufacturing yet another media sensation. To avoid being questioned.
Duck, Donald, duck.
Glory to Gol Almighty....please let this begin to be the first of MANY VICTORIES FOR CRUZ AND HIM WINNING THE NOMINATION.............Our next Washington/Reagan !!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. One veterans group is saying they will decline any donations from The Donald’s event because they don’t want to be used as a political stunt:
WISN – At least one veteran’s group doesn’t want any donations from Donald Trump’s fundraiser for veterans.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America founder Paul Rieckhoff tweeted Wednesday that he would decline any contributions that came from the event, which Trump has proposed in place of his attending Fox News’ debate this week.
“If offered, @IAVA will decline donations from Trump’s event. We need strong policies from candidates, not to be used for political stunts,” he said.
Rieckhoff did say that supporters are welcome to contribute to his group directly.
Will other groups follow IAVA’s lead? I doubt it. While it’s a good sentiment, I’m sure there are plenty of other veterans groups that would be willing to take The Donald’s fundraising money
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