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Will Iowa step up and hand Cruz a victory?
Polling data out of Iowa continues to point to a tight race and as we head to the first in the nation caucus all eyes will be on Trump or Cruz to pull out a win. If you ignore the national media and polls and look closely at the people of Iowa you see Cruz has a better chance then many expect.
Its clearly a must win for Cruz as the next primary in New Hampshire is far to liberal to give him much more then a second place finish. A forget the name of the man I say in a CNN interview but he has correctly called every Iowa caucus since he started calling them over the last 16 years and he stated that Cruz will win. Lets hope he remains on target.
A win in Iowa followed by a second place finish in NH should set Cruz up nicely for those super Tuesday primaries in the south. If Trump can be derailed it will be in the south as Cruz PAC adds and his personal advertising lets Trump in his own words describe NY vales to voters. The south is much more conservative then the rest of the country and this could change the dynamic in Cruses favor.
One thing is certain though, Cruz needs a win to insure the media cant paint Trump as the inevitable winner. We await Iowa and the choice they make for America.
God bless them all the fate of the republican party is in their hands.  

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The media in Iowa has never been to a GOP caucus!
How do I know? Well it is obvious based on the reporters own words, they keep talking about the GOP caucus as if it was the run like the democrat. Every time you read how voters might switch sides based on speeches given on caucus night they are talking about democrats.
You see in the democrat caucus people get in groups supporting a candidate, then speeches are given and people have an opportunity to switch groups based on a vote change. the process goes on for 3 4 or 5 hours before final votes are counted.
On the GOP side people do not line up in groups behind candidates they just come listen to speeches supporting all the candidates and then do a secret vote at the end. The process lasts a little over 2 hours, unlike the democrat caucus no one knows who is voting for whom.
This morning I've read several pipe dreams from the media suggesting that when people go to caucus night and see how much support Rubio has others will switch to him from Cruz and Trump. That's as heritage foundation put it a pipe dream of the establishment in Washington. It also ignores the differences between the GOP and DNC caucus styles.  
The establishment is trying in every way to avoid a two man race between Trump and Cruz we will see Monday if the FOX debate supporting Rubio did any good. I hope Iowa voters realize Frank Lutz has been a paid staffer of the Rubio campaign and FOX news staff have children working for the Rubio campaign. 

DV..I lean so much from you...Thanks buddy...I wondered how thos morons could switch back and forth so much...I did not know that the dems alone do this ..I thought all of IOWA must be composed of idiots...and Hey...as usual it is the dems that do this...brainless idiots...few loaders...

More laughs in the media over the past week! No real surprise
I keep reading about how the 50% of the GOP is going to coalesce around one candidate to create an establishment lane. My only question is where are they going to get this 50% other then New Hampshire?
When you view the national polls for Bush, Christy, Kasich and Rubio you see less then 20% support nationally.
So what if one candidate grabbed it all, it would still put that candidate behind Cruz and it would remain a Cruz Trump race. This also ignores the fact that the Carson Fiorina and Hukabee votes would likely go to Cruz over Trump. Putting Cruz and Trump both in the mid thirties with this establishment candidate in the high teens.
So every time you hear about the establishment lane just laugh there is no hope for that lane this year. 
After all the bullshit polls we have seen over the last few weeks IBT/TIPP hits with the first poll some of which was taken after Trumps no show at the debate.
Trump dropped to 31% Cruz rises at 21% and Rubio the media darling remain down at 10% after seeing his support rise to 18 after the media and FOX started to push him on us. LOL With Carson at 9 Bush at 5 all the others came in at 2 or under.
What's important to note is Cruz took a hit in the polls after Trump reminded voters he was born in Canada but he has recovered and is starting to move higher as Trump slides. 


We will see Monday night, but I think based on your comment that you will be surprised when the news hits. 

I am wishful thinking. Cruz has many fooled.

People are just at that stage of grasping straws while avoiding and attacking anything that makes them more uncomfortable than they are currently.

None of these people are worth an ounce of belief, hell everyone of them in a position to do so has already betrayed everyone supporting them multiple times. But so far BFYTW is holding up far better than I thought it would. What is needed is some warrior mentality out here, it not about making one's own life easier any longer, kiss that goodbye like it or not.

At least they wont be able to use that to manipulate you any longer err?

Cruz is not fooling anyone, his supporters know and like him better then the rest. When it comes to constitutional conservatives he looks perfect because the others are so bad. He has my heart and my vote and I tell everyone who will listen.
 I live in a light blue district in Florida and he's very popular here, Trump has his supporters as well but he is also appealing to a lot of Democrats here. My neighbor went down and registered as a republican just so he could vote for Trump, he told me the people at the court house said they have had a lot of people doing the same thing this year. More over the longer he supports Trump the more he has decided he has been fooled by the democrat party, who knows at the rate he's going he may just turn out to be a permanent convert.
At the moment I can say that for the two gay ladies down the street and yes much to my surprise as well. For them it was Obamacare not Trump.  They went from private insurance at 365.00 a month each to over 580.00 each for less insurance. 

He is a career politician who knows how to play the constitutional conservative card. He is in it for himself. He is no Patriot. That is plain to see. It is starting to become obvious to many. Except those who have bought in to his act ,lock stock and barrel.

Every time at look at that cute little kitten and his reflection I chuckle and think how true. 




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