We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

With Confiscatory Gun Control On The Horizon, I Submit An Amendment Proposal

I submit an Amendment Proposal to bolster the protections of the Second Amendment to put Government back in it's proper place.

Proposed Amendment;
To further clarify the intent of the words 'Infringe', 'Arms', and 'Militia' in the Second Amendment;
All currently existing Federal State and Local Laws, Regulations, and Rules are hereby deemed Unconstitutional.
They are infringing on the Second Amendment. They  are hereby repealed.
Any new Laws, Rules, or Regulations, must be approved by a 3/4 margin of registered voters. Paper ballots are to be used for the voting. The ballots to be retained intact for 20 years. Permanent records will be made of them and retained in perpetuity.
Thereafter, All firearm Laws Rules or Regulations will be clearly written in plain everyday English, specific and to the point, to be voted on.
The Definition of Arms in regards to the word 'Arms' in the Second Amendment. It will be interpreted to mean any Firearm now in existence, and any new firearm development that will come into existence in the future
The Definition of Militia. In regards to the word 'Militia' in the Second Amendment, it will be interpreted to mean any adult American Citizen over the age of 18 years.

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I proposed this Amendment because;

Federal Government and the Court System, has consistently ignored the Founders Constitutional intent, and found ways around the Constitution, directly opposite of the intent of the Founders.

They will not change unless the wording is forceful and direct. We must rise to the occasion and directly Forbid certain actions to the Government in a specific way the Courts can not finagle an interpretation around them and legislate from the bench through that inventive interpretation. They have proven through repetitive acts, they are no longer able to be considered honorable men who are willing to do the right thing. They must be forced to do what the people want, not what they want to dictate to the people under Color of Law.

Further the Government is forbidden from taxation of Firearms, Ammunition, and component parts beyond a 1% sales tax of the purchase price.

The Biden administration's goal is total disarmament of American citizens and the nullification of the 2nd Amendment through regulation and taxation. We must stop them at every turn. Demand States call for an Article-V to propose this amendment or one stronger than it. 

We are running out of time.

Start screaming and hollering at your Local, State, and Federal Representatives. Especially the Democrats. Write caustic letters to them telling them they will be Primaried, and will never serve another term if they vote to pass any Gun bills or fail to override Biden's proposed Executive Order. Tell them to obey Constitutional Law and stop trying to find end runs around it!




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