We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

WTPUSA: Election 2014 - May 20 Primary Results - Through the Looking Glass

Matt Bevin TEA Party challenger to Senator McConnell

This writer is just going to set fingers to keyboard and see what comes out.

This writer is having problems understanding this current election cycle.

First we have the Main Stream Media reporting on this division within the Republican Party between some portion of the GOP and the TEA Party.

This writer's first confusion comes in trying to understand how the Republican Party is at odds with the TEA Party. This writer wrote about this confusion to some extent here:

Is McConnell's TEA Party code for rank & file Republicans?

This writer's point being that everything the TEA Party promotes is contained in the Republican Party Platform. Which leads this writer's to assert that the Real Battle within the Republican Party is between its Progressive RINO Establishment Leadership and its rank and file members. This as opposed to the Main Stream Media Propaganda that the Republican Party division is between Mainstream Republicans and the radical TEA Party element.

But as this writer's regular readers know, this writer believes that the True Grassroots TEA Party groups have actually been usurped by paid GOP political operatives. As such, the majority of TEA Party groups are little more than cheer leading clubs for Republican candidates. (Democrat loyalists assert that the TEA Party was never a grassroots movement but a GOP invention from its inception. The writer believes his position, in this regard ,is more accurate.) This writer is quick to point out that members of the Occupy movement have stated as similar usurpation by elements of the Democrat Party has occurred to the Occupy Movement.

Meanwhile back on the Main Stream Media Propaganda front, this years primaries and caucuses were hyped as a major confrontation between the Republican Insiders and the radical TEA Party. And GOP Senator McConnell won and announced that he had crushed his TEA Party opponent. Followed
quickly by an announcement that the TEA Party would now back the Republican Establishment DC Insiders.

A recent (May 22, 2014 Page A4) Minneapolis Star and Sickle Article headlines "GOP Insiders new life of Party?" announced:

But was more amazing in the aftermath was how quickly the TEA Party -- symbolized by the outside conservative groups that once were calling for the Senators defeat -- rushed to embrace this embodiment of the Washington GOP establishment and call for party unity this fall. (This writer would have preferred to provide a link for this article but mysteriously the article no longer is available on the internet. Bad link here)

Now lets back the truck up and see if my review of what transpires gives you the same "Though the Looking Glass" puzzlement this writer has.

First, we have the....

To continue reading for free, please click here http://goo.gl/fHUnp6

Those were my thoughts.

In Closing:

Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.

If what is written here rings true to you, perhaps you should contact your local elected officials and let them know. If you are afraid of repercussions, snail mail it anonymously and ask them to respond in the
local paper or their own monthly/quarterly internet newsletter. Even if this article refers to something outside you geographic area, it still likely applies to your location. Remember all those taxpayer training
junkets we taxpayers send the bureaucrats on? They all learn the same “livestock management” techniques to use on WE THE PEOPLE.

And that leaves WE THE PEOPLE with this conundrum: While our #Government works full time with compensation and funded with our money for the cause of #Tyranny; WE THE PEOPLE are forced to work part time without compensation for the cause of #liberty with what is left over of our time, money and energy.

Finally, this article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense” http://amzn.to/kbRuar

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

In Liberty,

Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
Don Mashak Google Plus http://goo.gl/1AUrE


End the Fed(eral Reserve Bank System) #ETF
National http://bit.ly/ta3Rju Minneapolis http://bit.ly/tjZJKF

Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP

Lawless America #LawlessAmerica

Term Limits #TermLimit

Justice in Minnesota #JIM

Critical Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking (http://bit.ly/ubI6ve) in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective

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