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Defeating Gun Control


Defeating Gun Control

The Second Amendment to our Constitution is constantly attacked. We must maintain this freedom. It is a fundamental right which must never be lost.

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Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2020

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Started by George W. (gfwjr) "Oath-Keeper". Last reply by kathyet Oct 26, 2015. 1 Reply

Gun Free Zones are Death Traps

Started by Mickie Johnson Oct 10, 2015. 0 Replies

What does the Bible sy about Gun Control?

Started by John Klempel. Last reply by M Oct 5, 2015. 4 Replies

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Comment by Robert Millward on February 24, 2009 at 8:28pm
Great James. I appreciate the dedication. I too have relatives from the 1600s. Please, in the mean time, educate our young about good and evil and motivate those old enough to know good from evil.
Comment by Jerry Dean on February 24, 2009 at 8:23pm

I think that Robert is not aware of the fact that we are thinking about defensive issues, an how we can organize should that eventuality happen. none of us want to attack anyone. However it is pretty clear that about 65-70 million gun owners are not going to give up their weapons, and violate their Second Amendment rights.

We, as citizens, have not been tested as a nation since the Revolutionary War, and interestingly we were not a nation at that time. It is very difficult to imagine that we, citizens and Americans would even be thinking about steps as drastic as those discussed here and on many other sites.

Relative to Blackhawks and turning our homes into toothpicks: Many believe that the US Army will never fire on citizens defending their homes. I am not sure this if the case, but according to many who have far more military experience than I have, that would be true. I certainly hope this is the case. I suppose one should plan fo toothpicks and hope for reason and patriotism to prevail, as foolish as that may sound to some.

For the moment, we need to organize into political militias. What is a political militia? Simply a group - hopefully a large group - of people who inundate their representatives with emails, letters, faxes, and whatever and let them know we will not stand for losing our Second amendment rights, Eric Holder and the Brady group notwithstanding!

Let's remember that all here can play a role. Perhaps Robert, an folks like Robert, can lead the effort that is more diplomatic and causes the politicians to believe that there is a groundswell of millions of people who oppose the plans to remove us from our constitutional rights. Others can plan do do more research into how other means might be studied, and subsequently used, to protect us, and our loved ones, from the hegemony of the Left.

Jerry Dean
Comment by James Casteel on February 24, 2009 at 8:21pm
The discussion started on the state militia. I explained the age guidelines for Ks. and Mo. I then stated that we older and disabled could still form a defense line of last resistance. If it would come to this, it wouldn't matter if they did bring in the Black Hawks because we would be the last patriots standing. And I will never accept an enemies terms of surrender. I come from a long line of patriots and of our founding fathers and cannot accept the fact that our nation is being stolen from us one liberty at a time. If it comes to a choice of living under oppression or dying for the cause of liberty, I, then will die with my weapon in my hand. I do not surrender.
Comment by Robert Millward on February 24, 2009 at 8:12pm
I read, James. And I paraphrase what I said before: I take one shot at an officer even in self defense, and a black hawk helicopter will show up in a few minutes an turn my dwelling into toothpicks. I am willing to do that, to die instead of being deprived of this right, but a better solution, because it will be long term, is to educate young voters and to motivate senior voters. My apology for any apparent harshness.
Comment by James Casteel on February 24, 2009 at 7:52pm
Yes, this was the topic!
Comment by Dave J on February 24, 2009 at 7:50pm
I must be available as a home guard, which is a last ditch defense.

this is what we were talking about. after all else fails !!
Comment by James Casteel on February 24, 2009 at 7:27pm
I am not advocating an attack! I said in defense. Please read.
Comment by Robert Millward on February 24, 2009 at 7:26pm
Yes, take one shot at an officer and a black hawk helicopter will show up in a few minutes and reduce your dwelling to tooth picks. Please stop looking for short term solutions to these problems. We need all the help we can get with things that will really help. My apology for being a wet blanket over your fire.
Comment by James Casteel on February 24, 2009 at 7:12pm
I think each of us can do our share as long as we have our weapons and the ability to aim and pull the trigger. I shoot not only modern weapons but also black powder and can make my own powder and shot.I have also been trained in survival methods and household bomb making. Also there are several of us who were military during "Nam and Desert Storm.
Comment by Dave J on February 24, 2009 at 7:03pm
well James - i am well over 45 and partially disabled but i still have my guns and shoot at least once a month to stay sharp i when the SHTF i can get my share !!!!

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