In creating any Grassroots Movement, there is a learning curve. However, we have the advantage of learning from the experience (good and bad) of other groups and organizations that have come before us.
Before we start, we must have an effective game plan in place. An effective game plan starts with education. We must educate ourselves on "HOW-TO" do what is needed to draw attention to our Unification effort and create momentum so more groups/organizations join us in our effort.
This must be done BEFORE we start to plan strategies. The best strategy will NOT work if there is chaos in the organization and there are NOT enough people involved that are passionate about this "UNIFICATION" effort and want to take an active role in making this movement successful.
I know that many of you that are on this site or those of you who have joined the United Coalition Group are looking to take action immediately, so this is your chance to contribute. The first step in organizing our movement will be to outline a "HOW TO" manual that any Coalition Member, anywhere in the Country can refer to and follow. In effect, we first NEED to create a "best practices" manual that can constantly be changed and updated as we find more effective and efficient ways to accomplish our objectives.
Below you will find a list of "HOW TOS" that need to be researched so we have a good idea of WHAT TO DO and HOW TO DO IT before we begin inviting other individuals and groups to join the United Coalition.
Much of this information should be available online, but the list is too extensive for me to research myself. The list is not a list of what I THINK needs to be done, it is a list of what MUST be done. We have to educate ourselves, so we can educate others!
Please donate your time to research one of the "HOW TOS" or "ISSUES" that are listed. If you can perform a Google search and copy and paste, then you can successfully perform this task. Each "HOW TO" or "ISSUE" should take about one hour to research.
Please collect information from reputable sources, web sites and orgraniztions. Try to use at least different sources. Once you complile the information, if you can, condense the information and put it into a One or Two page Word Document and email it to me with all of the links where you found the information. If you find videos, articles, e-books, ect, please provide links to those too, so we can post that information on the new Coalition site.
If you don't have the talent or writing skills to consolidate the information into a One or Two page Word document, just email me everything you find and I will ask someone else to consolidate the information. Don't forget to include your Sources.
Please Help Us Unify by picking a "HOW TO" and/or "ISSUE" and helping perform research. Once you find a "HOW TO" or "ISSUE" that you want to research, post what you will research in the Comments section. I will then assign this "HOW TO" or "ISSUE" to you.
Grassroots Initiatives: How Tos
1. Effectively Use The Internet to Advance Grassroots Movements
2. Effectively Use Social Networking Sites to Advance Grassroots Movements
3. Effectively Use Blogs and Forums to bring Attention to Grassroots Movements
4. Effectively Re-Educate the Public on Issues
5. Effectively Get People Involved and Behind Your Grassroots Movements
6. Effectively Organize Events in your Community
7. Effectively Use Other Methods (Define Other Methods) to Bring Attention to Your Organizations Causes
8. Effectively Organize TownHall Meetings within your Community and Online using available technology
9. Effectively Organize Petition Drives
10. Effectively Work with State and Local Officials To Make Them Aware of Your Concerns and Your Organizations Issues and Objectives
11. Effectively Reach Out to Non-Profits and Other Organizations to Make Them Aware of Your Organization, your Objectives and Your Grassroots Movement
12. Effectively Work with Your Local Media to Promote Your Grassroots Movement and Get Them To Publicize The Issues Your Organization is Working On
13. Effectively Engage Military Members and Get Them To Support Your Organization and Causes
Next Step.....Defining and Explaining the Issues.
No Group or Organization can Re-Educate the public if they have not clearly defined the issues that the group believes people need to know about. My goal is not to make everyone who visits the United Coalition site an expert on Immigration or the Economic Stimulus package, but hey.....we all live in America, we should have some idea about these issues which should be presented in a bite sized chunks that are easy for people to digest.
Knowledge truly is POWER and I believe we are in the mess we are in, because the majority of Americans have been "dumbed down." If you don't believe me, just watch Jay Leno and his
"Man on the Street" interviews. This is one of the reasons why "We The People" are so powerless. Again, Knowledge is Power, and most Americans have been kept in the dark without power for a very long time.
In my experience, I have seen people become very passionate ONLY when they finally discover the TRUTH. This is especially true if they feel that they have been lied by those that they trusted in the Media and by their elected officials that they chose to represent their best interests.
Again, pick a HOW TO (above) or ISSUE (below) that you can research and then post a comment in the Comment Section below to let me know that YOU are going to research it so I can assign it to you.
Issues Needing To Be Addressed and Questions That Need To be Answered
The Executive Branch - Analysis, Policy, Obama's Experience, Senate Record, History as a Community Organizer, etc.
Obama's Cabinet - Analysis, Cabinet Members Experience, Outside Influences, Past Gov and Private Positions, etc.
Congress (House and Senate) - Key Players, Rule Breakers, Ties to Special Interests, Committees, etc.
Supreme Court - Analysis, Experience, Political Affiliations, Outside Interests, etc.
Federal Reserve - History, Players, Power Elite
Income Tax - (DONNA) Is it Constitutional? Do we really have to pay it?
Fiat Money - (CHERYL) Gold Standard vs. Legal Tender
Bank Bailout - How did this happen? The history behind the bailout?
Automaker Bailout - Why do the automakers need money?
Government Transparency - What are they doing with OUR money?
Economic Stimulus Package - What are we going to be spending our money on next?
Activist Judges - Legislating from the bench, not upholding the constitution, etc.
Unconstitutional Laws - Which laws are really unconstitutional and why?
Analysis of Juries and Grand Juries - Are Juries always given accurate information? Are Grand Juries really the 4th Branch of our Government?
State Militias - (SANDRA) Why don't we have any? Should we re-institute State Militias? What are we going to do if catastrophy hits our home state?
Martial Law - (HUGH) What is it? Is it coming? Is it legal?
Analysis of The Bill of Rights - Let's define why we have each and every one of them.
Natural Born Citizen Clause of the Constitution - What Does It Mean? Why did our Founding Fathers include it?
Government Corruption - Blago and Others that have been exposed
Incompetence In Government - Take Your Pick (this one may take 3 or 4 pages)
Election Fraud - (ROBERT) Voting Machines, Caucus Fraud, etc.
Acorn and Other Get Out The Vote Organizations - (ROBERT) Political Ties, Affiliations, Ties with Elected Officials, etc.
Qualifications and Process To Hold Elected Office - Who is responsible for making sure candidates meet eligibility requirements?
Immigration and Border Security - Issues, actions, the fence, problems, etc.
Media Bias - Who is fair and balanced? And why isn't every journalist? Why isn't the media reporting the issues?
Terrorism and Terrorist Organizations - Who are they, where are they and what we should watch out for?
Energy - Oil, Gas, Coal -- Analysis, Where are we now with Energy and where do we need to go?
Foreign Policy - (HOLLI) What is Foreign Policy, What is the UN? Why should we care?
Global Warming - (VICKI) What is the real truth? Why have we been lied to?
Iraq War - Did Saddam Hussain have WMD? Was he behind 9/11 attacks?
Gitmo/Torture - Where are all the bad people going to go? Should we torture?
Credit Crisis - Fact vs. Fiction?
Patriot Act - (PATRIOT SISTER) What does the act really mean to average citizens?
Our Education System - (JOYCE) What are our Children really learning? Who are they being taught by?
Family Values - Does anyone care about family values? What are they?
State of Healthcare in America - (RENEE) Why are medical mistakes the number one leading cause of death in the USA? Are there really that many uninsured people?
Socialized Medicine - (MICHELE) What is it, what will it mean for America if we are forced to adopt it?
Welfare Programs - What are they and who uses them?
Social Security - What are the issues associated with SS? Should we invest our own SS money?
Special Interest Groups - Who are they and who is in their pocket?
New World Order - (KAREN) What is it? Does it really exist? Is there really a plan for a one world government? Who made the plan and who is advancing it? What current events have taken place or are being considered to advance a NWO?
Council on Foreign Relations - (WILLIAM) Why is membership so secret? Who is a member? Do members choose who runs for office?
Bilderberg - (KAREN) What is it? Who is a member? What influencr does this Organization have?
Secret Societies - (BETH) What are some of the Secret Societies? Why are they secret?
Lobbying and Lobbyists - What does a Lobbyist do? Who are the Lobbyists? Which of our elected officials are in the Lobbyists pocket?
Just a reminder, the Coalition is a Group of Groups and the New website will be a sort of "switch-board" to connect Individuals/Groups and Organizations together. Members joining the Coalition will keep their Identity and Members and will work with other Groups to advance their Causes. The secure software platform will allow Groups to work collaborative and in a more organized fashion, no matter where they are located geographically, so progress can be made in a shorter time-frame.
This means groups in Texas working on Securing the Border can work "virtually" with groups in Arizona working on Immigration. How cool is that??
The Coalition site is now "Live" but it will take a week or so to completely populate, so please don't sign up yet! Therefore, in the meantime, I am desperately asking for your HELP. The above MUST get done. We can not move forward unless YOU help! I can't do it all myself and if I have 63 people (those who signed up for the Coalition group) that can volunteer to help with the above, we can jump right from Prep mode to Planning and Strategy Mode.
I've already spent an enormous amount of my time away from my job and my family just to create the "shell" of the United Coalition of We The People USA website. If you believe that in order to really change things in America we have to UNITE, you have to pitch in. Without YOU, the Coalition is just an idea on paper and it will never really happen unless we lay the proper foundation we can successfully build upon.
Brick by Brick, Citizen by Citizen....Now is The Time For ACTION! Get your Bricks and Mortar!
You can take a peek at the United Coalition website at, but again, DON'T sign up yet, because the web site is still under construction.
The new web site is being configured so All Members will be required to answer a series of questions and will be screened by telephone to assess how the member can best help support this movement.
I'll keep you posted on when you can officially sign up!