We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Bureau of Land Management - Part 4 Resource Theft

                                                        Resource Theft

The Johannesburg Summit 2002 defines the U.S. responsibilities for land management.  Program implementation includes, "internationally accepted principles for environmental management and governance"; "influence use of land...dealing with water and wildlife habitat"; "the ESA can constrain the use and development of private land"; "Government regulations, conservation easements, contracts, or other instruments that arise out of law, custom, and the operation of private markets serve to regulate both landowners' and society's rights to use land."; "The BLM and FS (Forest Service) are...mapping them using Geographic Information System"; "The BLM manages federal lands using multi-jurisdictional approaches to ensure that planning decisions are developed in concert with sustainable development concepts"; and "The U.S. Departments of State...and Interior...actively participated in activities to negotiate the International Convention to Combat Desertification".

And the federal government, having actively implemented these objectives, have enough structure in place to easily and rapidly control all land within the next 5-10 years because nobody is stopping them.

GIS deserves an explanation.  It is the acronym for geographic information system which uses layers of geographic data to produce spatial analysis and derivative maps, while geospatial refers to the applications of geographic data.  This means that every blade of grass, rock, water body, tree, elevation, city growth, or other land attribute and activity is captured, stored, manipulated, analyzed, and managed.  This video is short and explains what can be mapped while this video frighteningly explains just how much detail GIS can capture.  As noted in the previous Johannesburg Summit report, the BLM uses GIS.  What they don't tell you is that GIS information is passed on to the UN.  See number 4 on page 4.  The federal government, part of the UN cartel, hands over our GIS information and other data to the UN.

Going back to the Part 2 note, "Keep the renewable energy in mind", what is the BLM goal taking land?  Most BLM land is rich in resources.  Remembering the UN wants control of not only people, but resources as well, then BLM involvement in resource use should be scrutinized.  Renewable energy projects on BLM managed lands include wind, solar, oil, gas, coal, mining, helium, and geothermal projects.  Renewable energy projects are complicated and the reader is encouraged to learn more about it.  With the UN goal to take as much land away from us for its resources, while transforming us to a "green" economy, the BLM is assisting with this goal.  The DOI is pretty open about its intent in using public land for renewable energy.


Starting with wind farms, here is the BLM map of Oregon listing renewable energy projects.  At this point Idaho does not
require utilities to generate a certain percentage of electricity from renewable sources as does Oregon.

The BLM has contracted with Iberdrola.  Why are wind projects being farmed out to foreign companies?  Aren't there any wind developers in the United States?  About 75, but bets are on each one of them is connected in some way to a foreign corporation or the UN.  It makes sense that the BLM actively needs more land, free from humans, to develop these projects.  The BLM has ballooned so much they need an outside source, Ameresco,  to manage their finances.  According to their website, the BLM "generated $75 billion in sales of goods and services throughout the American economy in fiscal year 2016."  What are they, a business or a government agency that is suppose to manage land?

While there is no requirement for wind farms in Idaho we do have some.  Here is a dandy USGS interactive map that pinpoints where the farms are located with added information.  Private land owners can contract with a wind developer and are paid to have the turbines placed on their property.  One such farm is in American Falls.  There are negative aspects to wind energy such as it being unreliable and very expensive.


Called "Solar Energy Zones" or SEZs, the BLM created the "Western Solar Plan" which contain these zones.  Their first zone brought in "$5.8 million for the U.S. Treasury".  Now cows and people just might cause interference in these zones. Idaho hasn't been sucked into this plan yet, but with the new aggressive ecosystem management requirements it probably won't take that long to force Idahoans off their land, as in the attempts with the Hammond case in Oregon, and the GIS mapping is already in progress.  And what are the ranchers suppose to do when their grazing rights are taken from them and they can no longer afford to live there?  Sell their land to the BLM for peanuts and move, and that is what is happening.  Taking water and grazing rights, raising grazing fees, and seizing land with refuge and wilderness areas are just BLM ploys to force humans off the land, leaving it ripe for resource seizure.  Restrictive ecosystem management will be the nail in the coffin, for everyone.  At least Oregon Representative Walden understands.

Now just who is the beneficiary, what company builds and manages these solar developments?  Why one of them is Google, an UN business partner!  Now Ivanpah, the outfit building this mess, is part of BrightSource, a global company and Clinton favorite, and has had some questionable history including nearing default on contracts, low energy production, and killing birds.  $1.6 billion from the U.S. Energy Department, your tax dollar, was loaned to this outfit.  Think Solyndra.  But BrightSource has some good backing from other UN business partners like Morgan Stanley so the federal government was mindful in keeping more UN cronies in the loop.

According to the BLM, "Distribution of revenue from renewable energy varies depending on the authority used.", but substantial money is made for the federal government from other energy projects.  And plans have been started to site "...new transmission projects that would cross public, State and private lands."  Has anybody notified the cows?  Maybe dumping more of your tax dollar into the BLM will accelerate the takeover of land and resources, say 1.1 billion, that should hasten the job.


One last resource to mention is uranium, which the BLM also wants, but it is a non-renewable form of energy used for nuclear production.  Multiple federal agencies are involved with uranium mining as it is very profitable.  Once again foreign companies are involved in reaping the profits such as Russia, again with a Clinton hand.  This contributes to the "world economy" as do the foreign benefactors with solar and wind projects.  Millions of dollars in tax credits and other federal gimmicks are given to companies for renewable energy.  This money is being stripped out of America.  It is no wonder America is dying.

Oregon Energy LLC, a
subsidiary of Austrailian company Energy Ventures Ltd, gave a presentation for uranium mining in Malheur County, starting the process in 2011.  Page 4B of this USGS map shows "mineral resource potential" in Harney county, Oregon.  That is how long they have been drooling over the amount of money they can reap for their coffers.

This BLM energy map site shows maps for other Oregon projects on lands with "Federal Interest", Biomass Energy Projects and Non-Renewable Energy Projects.  At this time there were none listed for Idaho, but there is little doubt it will come as the Western Governor's Association, of which Governor Otter is a member, is working on creating renewable energy zones with the Department of Energy. 

In 2014 the DOI was on the hunt for reclaiming and 
re-mediating uranium mines with multiple government (pg v) agencies involved.  It was also noted that potential human risks indicate further restrictions on use may be required (pg 20).  One more way to get you out of the way.

                                                             Renewable Energy Credits

This is where the story becomes more complicated, and corrupt.  Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) are part of the scam, and it costs you more money.  Companies are issued these credits for solar and wind energy production.  Utilities are forced to pay higher rates for these credits and that monetary loss is passed on to you with higher rates.  This subject is beyond the scope of this post but it is one more BLM method for land and resource theft, being in charge of transmission grid permitting.  And those pesky cows and humans just keep getting in the way, better move them out of the way and off the land.  A fellow Idahoan, Vicky Davis has written about RECs on her website, Technocratic Tyranny, The Renewable Racket, and how it started with Agenda 21.


Ok, now it makes sense.  The ultimate UN goal is to move humans off land, take control of resources, and feed their crony partnerships.  This can all be justified with saving the planet.  Hopefully the reader now understands why the BLM is an enemy and how we are being forced away from the land they control.  It is all about taking and controlling resources.  Very simple.  A memorandum giving the DOI and other federal agencies a directive to create regulations advancing this land and resource theft was issued 11/3/15, completely bypassing Congress.  And why not, Agenda 2030 has put a renewed emphasis on protecting ecosystems, habitat, wetlands, and species in Goal 15 with increased financing and national and local implementation.

Dear God, how long before Idahoans and Americans stand up for their Forefather's endeavors to give us the greatest Republic in the world?  How much freedom and liberty must be stolen from us before we stand up and say it is ending now?  Idaho, wake up, stand together in a mass protest against a foreign entity dictating our lives.  It must be done now.


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Comment by IdahoMtGal on October 27, 2017 at 6:52pm

Educating and teaching people serves no purpose if they don't choose to take some form of action.  From all that I have written, and the thousands of people who have read it, none have taken any action that I know of.  As hard as the folks in my area have been working on different issues, even with state legislators, they have not been able to effect any change.  I have had some success on my own with some other unrelated issues, but I had some help from a few others.

Yes, the BLM and so many other federal agencies are out of control but we are doing nothing about it, unless there is something I am not aware of.  What have you or others you know tried?  What did you do?  If you really want the BLM disarmed, what is your strategy to get it done?  Do you know any others who are working on a strategy on this issue?

For me, I can research and write all day long, tell everyone look what I found, but it doesn't change anything.  In my perspective, if we, meaning us as Americans, don't start taking action soon, I predict the absolute destruction of America within the next 10 years. This is a conclusion based on what I research, it is from the mouths of those who are doing it to us, that is how close they are in getting it sdone.  I most likely won't be here then, which tempts me at times to do something very drastic, but I'm not sure others would join in, too afraid.  Seems everyone is too afraid.  I'm past the point of being afraid anymore.

Comment by kevin kiernan on October 27, 2017 at 3:52pm

Getting back to the BLM. When I learned about how well armed the BLM was ,I was shocked. We need to get them disarmed . When they have a land dispute that warrants and Armed response. It should not be a bunch of yahoo failed jar heads doing it. That is what we have Sheriffs for. Remember all the Ammo Obama had purchased for all the different bureaucracies.

Comment by kevin kiernan on October 27, 2017 at 3:28pm

Every journey starts with the first step. Teaching and educating is our job. One person at a time. If we all educate one person ,that will be a huge win. To create other teachers who can change one mind in their pier group. Is a big win..Maybe your so close to your work .You do not notice the changes that are going through our people.. Just take a little break once and a while. I wear my Trump Hat out all the time and you would be surprised how many people smile in agreement with out saying A word. Constant thumps up from people. I was surprised in the number of Black people showed me a smile and thumps up. All though some Blacks do give me snarly looks as well. But far fewer than the positive ones.2018 is a huge election The primaries are very important to rebuilding the R party. I see Mitt Romney will be running for Orin Hatches Senate seat in Utah. His Niece took Prebus`s position as RNC Chair. The Globalist establishment will not give up easily. I would rather Mitt lose to a Dem...We will pick up about 4-6 seats in the Senate ,,We can afford to dump him for sure. That could be the Spike in the heart of the establishment Vampire RINO`s.

Comment by IdahoMtGal on October 27, 2017 at 1:23pm

Sadly, this will not stop the bigger agenda, and has not slowed down land grabs because there are too many mechanisms in place to take land.

Comment by kevin kiernan on October 27, 2017 at 1:08pm

Thet is for sure, But at least it will be one less vehicle they can ride their bigger Agenda of a NWO on.

Comment by IdahoMtGal on October 27, 2017 at 12:44pm

Unfortunately, his directive to revoke regulations that limit energy development from natural resources will not remove land grabs, it is far more massive than just Wind and Solar, that agenda will continue.  In spite of Zinke issuing his own order to revoke Obama mitigation memorandums and orders, we are not seeing any reversal in their activities.

Comment by kevin kiernan on October 27, 2017 at 12:34pm

Trump has gutted the regulations concerning energy. This should slow down the grabbing of land for Wind and Solar. 

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