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WUT? Facebook Claims 'Kill Trump, Hang Him, Hunt Him' Page Doesn't Violate Their Community Standards.
4/24/18 Gateway Pundit by: Jim Hoft
Tech Giants Google and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on all social media.
In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on the social media platform.
This was after Facebook announced it was losing 50,000,000 user hours a day in the previous quarter.
The algorithm change caused President Donald Trump’s engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping 45%.
In contrast, Senators elizabeth warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) do not appear to have suffered a comparable decline in Facebook engagement.
Top conservative Facebook pages with daily traffic in the millions have seen 75% to 95% drop in traffic.
Young Cons, Western Journalism,, Independent Journal Review, Right Wing News, and several others have seen dramatic loss in traffic.
On Tuesday Senator Ted Cruz blasted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on the company’s censorship of conservative news.
Mark Zuckerberg said it wasn’t happening.
Mark Zuckerberg was lying.
Facebook has cut off traffic to all the top conservative and Trump-supporting websites.
But at the same time Facebook allows hateful pages calling for President Trump’s assassination.
Facebook administrators recently decided the “Kill Trump, Hang Him, Hunt Him” page did not violate community standards.
President Trump's call for National Guard to support the mission of the Border Patrol is needed and welcomed.” Arizona governor
USA Today Apr/9/18 By Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ)
The most fundamental responsibility of government is to protect its citizens. This is an issue for all governors, but it has added meaning and complexity for border governors.
For years, Americans, particularly in border states such as Arizona, have been calling on the federal government to secure our border!
It is frustrating to hear the rhetoric from the talking heads on cable news on this issue.
Despite what some may say, our southern border is NOT secure. That is the truth, plain and simple.
That is why I am grateful for this administration’s actions to address border security. The announcement by President Trump to call up the National Guard to support the mission of the Border Patrol is needed and welcomed!
Unfortunately, there are those who like to play politics with the issue.
Those of us on the border don’t have that luxury.
But with a border nearly 373 miles — longer than the entire length of Pennsylvania — we can’t do this on our own!
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said Monday that 225 members of the state's National Guard were heading to the U.S.-Mexico border to support President Donald Trump's call for troops to fight drug trafficking and illegal immigration.
Trump Is Beating These World Leaders In The Polls.
4/24/18 TTN Staff
In mid-April, the President Trump's approval rating hit 51%. Considering that the liberal slime machine is running at capacity, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, that's remarkable. If liberals have succeeded at one thing, it's publicly shaming anybody who supports the president.
We want to make it easier for you to show your support, as we show you that the president's support is not only on par with the rest of the world but is actually among the most popular leaders in the world's democracies.
Just hit 50% in the Rasmussen Poll, much higher than resident obuma at same point. With all of the phony stories and Fake News, it’s hard to believe! Thank you America, we are doing Great Things!"
Donald J. Trump
Yeah, we said it. On April 16, 2010, obuma's Rasmussen Approval number was 47%. President Trump's on April 16, 2018, was 51%. At the time, obuma had just signed the ironically named Affordable Care Act, obumacare, against the wishes of the American voter.
Trump has overcome an unending barrage of reporting to get there, while the media was doing infomercials to hock obumacare to the American people.
President Trump is twice as popular as Enrique Peña Nieto, according to Reforma, a Mexican news.
Mexico is coming apart at the seams, with 2017 being their worst year for murder in history, at 29,168 deaths!
Justin Trudeau, Canada's costume wearing liberal prime minister finished March with a 40%.
French President Emmanuel Macron has 40%.
British Theresa May has 36%.
Down under, Malcolm Turnbull, 36%.
Venezuelans President, Maduro 25%.
Trump Is Beating Putin, Too? Putin only has a 48.4
'Real Indian' Running Against Liz Warren
"Pocahontas" in Massachusetts.
Cortney O'Brien Apr/24/18 3:15 PM
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) is known to many Trump supporters as "Pocahontas." The president gave her the nickname because she has claimed to have Native American heritage. Reports suggest she used the heritage to secure a job as a tenured professor at Harvard, including making unsubstantiated claims about Cherokee ancestry.
The senator defended her purported family tree at a speech before the National Congress of American Indians in February, noting that her mother's family was part Native American.
“The story they lived will always be a part of me,” she said. “And no one — not even the president of the United States — will ever take that part of me away.”
A self-described "Real Indian," Shiva Ayyadurai is challenging Warren's ethnic credentials - and her Senate seat - in the race for the midterms.
Ayyadurai, who was born in Bombay, India, is reminding voters about the Warren controversy by posting a slogan on the side of his campaign bus that reads, "Only a REAL INDIAN Can Defeat the Fake Indian." The bus is parked in front of an office building owned by Ayyadurai, only a mile from Warren's home.
When officials demanded he take down the signs, he sued, charging they were violating his constitutional free speech rights.
“We will not remove the slogan from our bus,” Ayyadurai told the Washington Times. “We will defend the First Amendment, and we will fight this egregious attack on the First Amendment, at any cost.”
The city building inspector has threatened $300 in daily fines should Ayyadurai refuse to remove the signs. The candidate, however, said the threat is moot because a bus is not a building.
He smells a political agenda.
“This is a political vendetta by City officials who are supporters of Elizabeth Warren.”
DOJ Just Struck a Deal to Turn Over Documents.
Katie Pavlich: Apr/24/18 1:50 PM
House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte announced Monday evening the Department of Justice has agreed to turn over a number of previously withheld documents.
"The Committees have reached an agreement with the Department of Justice to access the documents we have been requesting for months. We look forward to reviewing the information to better understand the decisions made by the Department of Justice in 2016 and 2017," they released in a joint statement. "Congress has a constitutional responsibility to preserve the integrity of our justice system by ensuring transparency and accountability of actions taken."
The documents are related to the following investigations launched by each Committee:
-In October 2017, the Committees opened a joint investigation into the decisions made by the Department of Justice in 2016 and 2017.
-In December 2017, the Committees sent a follow-up letter requesting documents and information regarding the FBI's decision making in 2016 and 2017.
-On March 22, the House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena to the Department of Justice for documents pursuant to the Committees' joint investigation.
-On April 11, Chairman Goodlatte and Chairman Rowdy Gowdy met with U.S. Attorney John Lausch to discuss the Committees' access to documents related to our joint investigation.
The Department of Justice has been roundly criticized by Republicans for refusing to turn over relevant documents to Congress for months.
Former Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz has said Attorney General Jeff Sessions is no different from former Attorney General eric holder when it comes to document production.
YEHAA! ~~~~~
Trump Sends Legal Group To Border!
04/24/2018 Daily Wire by: Emily Zanotti
Last week, the Trump Administration ordered the National Guard to the border in some states to provide extra support to US Customs and Border Patrol during the illegal immigration "high season."
This week, they also announced they're sending a cadre of immigration attorneys and judges to help process members of a "caravan" of asylum seekers, currently crossing Mexico and inching closer to the southern U.S. border.
According to the Texas Tribune, legal professionals will begin arriving at the border this week. When the migrant caravan finally reaches the border, anyone who crosses illegally "will be referred for prosecution."
Anyone claiming asylum will have their claim processed almost instantly!
If their claims are "without merit" they will be deported back to their country of origin!
“If you enter the United States illegally, let me be clear: You have broken the law!
And we will enforce the law through prosecution of illegal border crossers,” the Department of Homeland Security official in charge of the operation told media in a statement.
“DHS encourages persons with asylum or other similar claims to seek protections in the first safe country they enter, including Mexico.”
DHS isn't sure how many migrants -- if any -- will actually make it to the U.S. border. At one time, the caravan, which happens every year, had more than 1,500 participants.
Most of those people trailed off in Mexico. A handful were captured trying to cross the border into Mexifornia at Tijuana.
VP Pence: North Korea Has Been Warned!
Vice President Mike Pence completed his first day in Japan where he met with Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera, participated in a bilateral meeting and a joint press conference with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and reaffirmed the United States’ unwavering commitment to the United States-Japan alliance.
The Vice President’s day began with a visit to the Japanese Ministry of Defense.
There he saw one of the Patriot missile batteries that protect Tokyo. The Vice President said that the full range of American military capabilities is dedicated to the protection of Japan.
Afterwards, the Vice President arrived at the Kantei to begin his meetings with Japanese Prime Minister Abe. The Vice President announced the United States will soon unveil the toughest and most aggressive round of economic sanctions on North Korea ever.
“We have brought unprecedented diplomatic and economic pressure to bear on North Korea through our maximum pressure campaign,” the Vice President said.
“We will continue to isolate North Korea until it abandons its nuclear and ballistic missile programs once and for all.”
Mike Pence Vice President of the United States
and Second Lady Karen Pence joined the Prime Minister and his wife for a dinner at the end of the evening.
Tomorrow, the Vice President will travel to Yokota Air Base to receive a briefing on our bilateral ballistic defense capabilities and address the members of both our Armed Forces. He will then travel to Seoul to further discuss security and stability on the Korean Peninsula.
This is Vice President Pence’s second visit in less than a year to Japan and the Republic of Korea.
I am amazed at how some Americans still criticize our great president for his tweets. They fail to understand why he tweets in the first place.
They must not realize just how bad our press is and thus, he has to tweet in order to get his message out. I love his tweets and believe me when I say, "he will not get us in a nuclear war because he understands what that would mean."
He is increasing the pressure on Kim Um via sanctions and more are to come in the future.
If Kim does not stop his belligerent actions. I fully support President Trump because he is doing a great job; in spite of not being a politician.
The Real Constitutional Crisis Is Congress' Unwillingness to Do Its Job:
From Syria to spending, the legislative branch has lost all interest in performing its basic constitutional functions.
Matt Welch Apr/16/18 2:30 pm
Another week, another volley of American bombs on a Middle Eastern country that wasn't remotely posing a direct threat to the United States.
By letter of the law, Congress is supposed to provide the necessary authorization to use force, but if any single pathology marks our crappily governed 21st century it's the legislative branch's full-scale retreat from anything that even resembles performing its basic duties.
So we maintain on the latest editors' roundtable edition of the Reason Podcast, featuring Katherine Mangu-Ward, Nick Gillespie, Peter Suderman, and me chewing on the news of the day/week. In this episode, that also includes James Comey's ABC interview on Sunday night, the latest in the Mueller investigation, President Donald Trump's caliber of insult comedy, Paul Ryan's failures, horror stories in advance of tax day, and a look at what cultural products the editors are binging on these days.
Stossel: Armed Teachers
Are armed teachers a solution to school shootings?
Maxim Lott & John Stossel | Apr/24/18
President Trump says one solution to school shootings is to allow teachers to be armed.
He was mocked for that, but John Stossel says it's a reasonable idea.
Hundreds of schools already allow it.
Keene Independent School District in Texas embraces the idea!
Its superintendent, Ricky Stephens, tells Stossel: "We know our staff and our teachers are gonna go [to a shooting]—do we want them to go with a pencil or go with a pistol?"
People worry armed teachers will do more harm than good, but Stossel could find only one case of harm to a student.
One teacher mistakenly shot at the ceiling and a student was slightly injured by falling debris.
On the other hand, armed teachers have stopped school shootings.
An assistant principal held a school shooter at gunpoint until police arrived.
Teachers at Keene saw how, during the Florida school shooting, the security guard waited outside. "It made me mad," says one teacher who brings a gun to school. "We have to have a fighting chance if something should happen!"
Keene's program goes further than Stossel would. Instead of just letting teachers with concealed-carry permits bring their weapons to school, Keene buys selected teachers guns and pays them a $50 monthly bonus for carrying.
The school also requires those teachers to get 80 hours of training, and then 40 hours each year after that.
Stossel says at least Keene's policy is less expensive than what his hometown does.
New York City pays 5,000 police officers to patrol city schools.
Oops! Amtrak Trains Don't Fit in Miami's $2 Billion Train Station.
The Miami Intermodal Center opened five years ago, but is still unable to service Amtrak trains.
Christian Britschgi|Apr. 24, 2018 1:25 pm
When the $2 billion Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) started construction in 2011, the plan was to have its central station serviced by long-distance Amtrak trains.
Construction finished in 2013 and while three different rail services currently operate at the station, Amtrak is nowhere to be found. The reason? The platform built for Amtrak is 200 feet too short for Amtrak's long-distance trains.
The problem was first discovered shortly after construction began, but who exactly is to blame for the multi-million-dollar mishap, or what is to be done about it now, remain open questions.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) claims that it was only informed of the platform length issue months after construction started. Amtrak insists that it kept FDOT fully informed of its needs throughout the pre-construction design and review stage.
Whoever is at fault, the problem is not easily remedied. Extending the platform an additional 200 feet would put it smack dab in the middle of the city's bustling 25th Avenue. In other words, extending the platform wold mean new construction in and around a busy thoroughfare.
FDOT initially considered this solution but has since rejected it. Instead, transportation planners have kicked around the idea of just having Amtrak trains temporarily jut out into traffic while they service the station.
An Amtrak spokesperson told the real estate blog The Next Miami that it is still in discussions about serving the MIC, but that it has no immediate plans to do so.
The Miami Herald listed the cost of the central train station—referred to as the "crown jewel" of the whole MIC complex—at some $88 million. Even on a $2 billion project, which also includes a massive rental car facility and bus station, that is not chump change.
FDOT planners realized this themselves. A 2008 presentation outlaying financial risks for the project ranked spending on Amtrak "high cost risk" given the money required and the uncertainly at the time about whether Amtrak would actually run trains to the station.
Of course, even if the platform did function as intended, it would still not be a win for taxpayers. The kind of long distance trains Amtrak was planning on running to the MIC are notorious money losers that are in large part responsible for the service's $227 million losses last year.
President Trump's latest budget proposal called for ending subsidies for Amtrak's long-distance service, but Congress chose not to make the cut.
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