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Started by George W. (gfwjr) "Oath-Keeper". Last reply by kathyet Oct 26, 2015. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by John Klempel. Last reply by M Oct 5, 2015. 4 Replies 1 Like
In reality the military has select fire from single to 3 shot burst to full auto most soldiers learn very quickly that full auto isn't good for much and only wastes ammo. Most prefer 3 shot if fire fights and single/manual shots for precision work or low ammo. We used to take about 100 rounds and 20 grenades into the bush when on patrol unless we had a SAW or Remington combat shotgun. The SAW had usually about 500 rounds taken into the field with it, and the Remington usually had 30-60 rounds 12 Ga. I always found the 12 Ga best for close work in heavy bush and preferred the grenades because the enemy really don't know where grenades are coming from to shoot back at you..
M is correct in the look alike military assault weapons. Where the misnomer has occurred is over the years the "semi" has been dropped from the vocabulary description of the weapons. Semi-automatics have for years been available to the general public.The look a likes function no different than a Remington 30-06 semi-automatic. M-1 Garands from WWII are still available today.
And reality, the military does not have every assault weapon set to automatic fire verses semi-automatic fire. Only designated individuals utilize auto, most are set to semi-auto. Even when set to auto they are trained to do short 3 to 5 round burst. Anything above that and the shooter looses the ability to maintain rounds on target due to the natural recoil of the rounds taking the weapon off target.
Let's all start using the term Assault Weapons Look alike's instead of Assault Weapons. We must take control of the rhetoric and turn it back against the real; enemies we are feced with.
I really like Gowdy and he is right. What really scares me is the lady he was asking the questions. Would not knowing what she is doing or being just plain dumb be the correct description of her!
Exactly Blades,
"We" should not fear what they are going do. They should fear what "We" are going to do.
"As far as foreign terrorist on this soil or against Americans overseas, kill'em dead and then bomb the crap out of the country they operate from." Include the the violent action of citizens within this country. Roll over and over and cower away, and they will step it up a notch. Kick'em in the teeth and balls, is the action of responsibility to our families and neighbors.
Here in UT it would never pass. We love our guns and do not want anyone to take them away.
Start locally within your county and States, the FEDS be damned. :) The responsibility lies with us, not them. The powerof rule is ours if "We" exercise it.
Thank you Pody. I didn't think of it that way but you are right. Our Court system is a joke. There are a lot of changes that need to be made. We do need to get a strong Conservative in office because of all the judges that are picked. A lot of liberal judges have helped with the destroying of America. We need a Couple more STRONG Supreme Court people that are REALLY Conservative and follow the law!
Amendment II - The debate of gun rights verses gun control - Gun access and type is not the issue. The violent act is the issue, at all levels and by whatever means it is carried out. The problem IS the Criminal and Murderer.
To correct the problem and resolve the issue, requires a strong court system with penalty to fit the crime. Receive a minimal time sentence that is cut in half for GOOD BEHAVIOR ___ Really & Seriously!!! That is the problem. In the USA, laws are toothless for violent offenders. Correctly respond to their crime, any crime involving threat of harm or actual harm; regardless of means of implementation - meaning gun or other means. Deserves the severest of penalties. Toughest laws/sentences are for the wrong types of crimes - all the while a slap on the wrist for the more egregious crimes. "We" keep letting our criminal system wipes its (our) arse with no paper; and I tell you my friend, IT STINKS. : ) Three strikes your out. BULLSHIT! Start putting 25, 50, LIFE sentences, no early parole for the 1st two and none for last, on violent acts (all inclusive) will significantly reduce violent crime overnight.
As far as foreign terrorist on this soil or against Americans overseas, kill'em dead and then bomb the crap out of the country they operate from. Love what France, Russia, England and the USA are doing in Syria today. (insert big shite eating grin here)
Until the "People" of this land realize and accept that responsibility of correcting the court system; "We" will continue to suffer the consequences of the criminal action by the lack of our action.
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