We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Sharon Rondeau
  • Female
  • Stafford Springs, CT
  • United States
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Posted on December 31, 2009 at 9:35pm 0 Comments

Everyone, while there's still time...go to www.thepostemail.com and sign the petition to Hawaiian officials demanding that Obama's vital records be released in accordance with Hawaiian law. We want tens of thousands to sign ASAP!!

Also log on to www.americangrandjury.org and sign the letter to Judge Royce Lamberth!


Posted on September 21, 2009 at 10:05pm 0 Comments

Take the three minutes to read this.

Maybe he is wrong.

What if he is right?

David Kaiser is a respected historian whose published works have covered a broad range of topics, from European Warfare to American League Baseball. Born in 1947, the son of a diplomat, Kaiser spent his childhood in three capital cities: Washington D.C. , Albany , New York , and Dakar , Senegal .. He attended Harvard University, graduating there in 1969 with a B.A. in history. He then spent several… Continue


Posted on September 18, 2009 at 9:44am 0 Comments


TO: Congressman Joseph Courtney

Senator Joseph Lieberman

Senator Christopher Dodd

FROM: Sharon Rondeau

DATE: September 18, 2009


I thank all of you again for voting to defund ACORN, either partially or completely. My opinion is that it should be defunded completely and forever.

In light of the criminal activity that has been uncovered recently,… Continue


Posted on September 6, 2009 at 10:30am 0 Comments


TO: All Members of Congress

FROM: Sharon Rondeau

DATE: September 6, 2009


Van Jones, the avowed communist who said that a Columbine-type massacre would never be committed by “a black child, only whites” has resigned. Good. That’s one step in the right direction.

During the campaign, King Hussein stated that to determine his views on things, one simply needed to look… Continue

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At 10:08pm on July 16, 2009, Paul A. Ibbetson said…

At 4:00pm on July 12, 2009, Paul A. Ibbetson said…

At 1:03pm on May 15, 2009, Daniel Smith said…
Comment by Daniel Smith just now Delete Comment To Sharon: You are right Sharon. Devote "Catholic's" should
NOT DONATE" to any institution that permit's, or give's praise to "anyone" who allow's and support's Abortion.(unless imminent death may occur)
This was a perfect oppourtunity for Catholic's and All "Pro Life"
advocate's to make a statement on their fundamental view's
on abortion and stem cell research. During his campaign, Obama stated, "that if one of his daughter's became pregnant
at an early age, he would suggest they get an abortion".
Notre Dame is giving a Honorary Degree to someone like this?
Alert! Former Presidential Candidate, Alan Keyes was just
arrested "again" along with several other protester's (including
Priest's) at 12:15 pm on Friday May 15th by merely stepping
on Notre Dame property. Dr. Alan Keyes has a current "Lawsuit" against Obama concerning his "eligibility" to
be president. I suspect that strong arm tactic's are being used
toward's Notre Dame by the Obama administration, like they
have used to the state of CA, General Motor's, Bank's,etc., and probably threathening to cut off fund's.
A majority of the student's are most likely "unaware" of the
current "lawsuit's" against Obama/Soetoro, and of course
the MSM will not report it. ......Dan
At 11:10pm on March 7, 2009, netty wisbaum said…

Focus only on state legislators. Cort Wrotnowski had his case against the CT SOS brought to SCOTUS by Leo Donofrio to no avail. Cort is very active in CT. Contact him at Metaqubit@aol.com or me at netty@tasteofaz.com, and please always suggest a solution when sending info to friends and loved ones. I believe that 1776 TAB has the optimum plan, but it's imperative that we buld the team. Hope it helps.

Network with the 1776 Take America Back Team at www.tyranttamer.com/signup.php. There is nothing to join nor any cost involved. The 1776 initiative team described at www.thecnc.org/Documents/1776.htm holds a weekly teleconference at 6 PM EST each Saturday for individuals and organizational leaders whose goal is "to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution." See scheduling at http://www.tyranttamer.com/teleconference.php to become part of history.
At 6:54am on March 7, 2009, Charles Kolb said…

To: U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. - March 6, 2009

Copy text: http://www.teamsarah.org/profiles/blogs/to-us-attorney-general-eric-h

At 8:37pm on February 25, 2009, netty wisbaum said…


Ayn Rand had it right! "We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

It's absolutely essential that we find a way to network with one another to Take America Back to its lawful foundation. We must unite in spirit and on actions of common concern through a process that assures each of us are free to pursue our special interests. Such is the philosophy of those 'teaming up' through the 1776 initiative. I hope you will consider becoming a part of the team. There is nothing to join and no dues to pay; only a promise to be civil to your fellow team mates as we work with the 29 of 52 states which have now enacted or passed legislation for state sovereignty from an over-reaching federal government.

BE PART OF AN ORCHESTRATED SOLUTION: Lend your patriotic support to preserve our US Constitution while it’s still intact. Please join The 1776 Take America Back Team at www.tyranttamer.com/signup.php.

The 1776 initiative team holds a weekly teleconference for individuals and organizational leaders dedicated to a common goal; "to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution." It begins at 6 PM EST each Saturday. Their primary objective is the creation of a team capable of satisfying the goal. See scheduling at http://www.tyranttamer.com/teleconference.php and www.thecnc.org.

Thank you,

Netty Wisbaum
At 11:16am on February 3, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Sharon, thanks for stepping up and taking the CT state coordinator position. I have approved you to join the State Coordinator Group. Please see if you can do a bit of networking and find an assistant coordinator that you would like to work with. As soon as we get people aboard from other states, we'll start to plan a course of action.

Additionally, could you please edit your profile to Sharon Rondeau/Connecticut State Coordinator.

And, please announce that you accepted the position on my blog posting, Please Read: State Action Groups (Important Message). This way, we can encourage others to step up and volunteer in their own state.
At 3:59pm on December 27, 2008, Jerry Dean said…

Welcome to Conservative Nation. Have you had an opportunity to read the longer version of what CN could be like if we develop it? If so, wha tare your thoughts?

I am originally from Meriden, CT, and my family live in Guilford and Watertown. Where is Stafford Springs?

See you at CN!

At 8:26am on November 17, 2008, CW said…
They are all wrong. At some point proof will be required. The law is clear, even if it is not explicit about responsibilities for preventing electoral fraud.

There is an "interface" between state and federal election law. That will have to be improved after all this is done.

The game is this: Separate what is supposed to be joined together and claim you are right. In this case, separate CT statutory law from U.S. Constitutional law, then you can claim you are right. Problem is they are not separate. The trick is getting a judge who is not in somebody's backpocket, not a partisan, not ignorant, not afraid, and not inclined to defend the U.S. Constitution. They are out there, but I haven't found one yet.
At 11:58pm on November 16, 2008, Cynthia Osburn said…
We are going to be in for a ride no matter how this turns out. You are right to say that all the people that voted for him have been had. Sometimes I wonder how people can be so blind with the terrorists are happy he won and even before that they were pulling for him. Something obviously is not right with that picture, but the msm never said a word about it unless I missed that. I have to also wonder if God has/is allowing them to be blinded ...



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