We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

SonOf1776/Missouri State Coordinator
  • Male
  • Lone Jack, MO
  • United States
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Virginia Foulk liked SonOf1776/Missouri State Coordinator's group The Plan to Take Back Our Country
Mar 5, 2024
valerie joined SonOf1776/Missouri State Coordinator's group

The Plan to Take Back Our Country

To introduce a plan of action and re-focus our presently divided efforts into a massive and tightly focused end objective to win the next election.
Dec 29, 2020
Phil Tawa joined SonOf1776/Missouri State Coordinator's group

The Plan to Take Back Our Country

To introduce a plan of action and re-focus our presently divided efforts into a massive and tightly focused end objective to win the next election.
Sep 20, 2020

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SonOf1776/Missouri State Coordinator's Blog

Watch This Libtard Congresswoman Admit Their Agenda to Take Over Everything

Posted on April 6, 2009 at 2:52pm 0 Comments

Maxine Waters Spills the Beans

After watching this you must ask yourself, "How much trouble are we in if someone such as this can get elected to Congress"?


Posted on April 2, 2009 at 9:18pm 2 Comments

I need 50 Mo residents to sit on a Thomas Jefferson (common law) grand jury and hear evidence of YOU KNOW WHOs eligibility.

Georgia has already done it. 20+ other states are now forming these.

Let's roll!

Teach Them Young!

Posted on March 16, 2009 at 8:18am 2 Comments

My ten year old son can tell you every detail of why 0bama is ineligible.

He can also explain most of the Federal Reserve scam.

Even better is my friends 8 year old son who came home from school (not where my son goes) telling mom and dad all about how 0bama isn't eligible and isn't president. They never taught him, so it means he got it from school! And it is a large city with a huge "minority" population!


MSNBC Poll Rigged! Also Not Secure!

Posted on March 12, 2009 at 9:29pm 3 Comments

Okay, suddenly today the MSNBC poll started jumping by astronomical amounts. And it was all 'A' grades. In the course of the day it went from 20% 'A' to 40% and 59% 'F" to 40%.

So I monitored it over a ten minute period just now and it is going up by the same amount every minute. The rate is about 140 votes per minute or 8000 votes per hour. But this morning I saw it jump by like 80,000.

So, it only took me 2 minutes to figure out how to defeat it.

I can now… Continue

VOTE AGAIN! We are losing ground in MSNBC Poll!

Posted on March 12, 2009 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

Vote Now on MSNBC How is Obama doing.


We were up to 59% 'F' and only 18% 'A' earlier today with 175,000 voting.

Suddenly it has jumped to 255,000 voting and only 44% 'F' and now 35% 'A'.

And in just 3 minutes it jumped another 4,000.

Where the heck did those 80,000 new votes suddenly come from? And almost all 'A's.

Sounds rigged to… Continue

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At 7:29am on July 12, 2011, M said…
The Democrats and the Soros Organization are hoping we will do just this and guarantee them a win in 2012. Remember the 92' and 96' Elections where Ross Perot pushed a third Party and gave both elections to Clinton by splitting the vote? The same thing is going to happen with your idea. The best way to accomplish what you want to do is to get your people elected to run in the Primaries. All the Conservative differences can be worked out in that venue without splitting the vote and ensuring another victory for the dark powers controlling the Democrats. Seriously rethink your position unless it is your plan to hand the election to the Democrats in 2012, because that is exactly what you will do. The proper time to form a third Party is after we have cleaned out Congress. We can then replace the corrupt Democratic Party with a Conservative Third Party.
At 8:24pm on July 11, 2011, Catherine Linton said…
Are you mad? At this point in time, it's too late for a third party. What part of 'split the vote and Obama"s back in' do you not get? In case you haven't been keeping score, we are getting our asses kicked!  We're in some pretty deep sh*t here!  The best we can hope for  now is a military coup or tribunal to drag Obama, Congress and SCOTUS out in the open, try them for treason and crimes against the Constitution and the people of America.
At 11:40am on March 16, 2009, Holli Nass said…
I have never been intimidated my whole life. That is the trouble with being online you never really know people. I can dish as good as I get
At 3:36pm on March 13, 2009, Holli Nass said…
I will keep posting don't you worry about that
At 8:02pm on March 9, 2009, Mark Christopher Frimmel said…
Thanks Brother! I've just posted the link on craigslist Dallas, in the "politics" section. It should show in about 15 minutes. "Give Mr O A Failing Grade!"

Power to the people!
At 10:10pm on February 27, 2009, Curt/Ohio State Coordinator said…
Hi son...i'm interested in having the bulletin for the Ohio State Action group....I really like the way your State page looks...please let me know how to get the bulletin...you can e-mail me at fightthedespotism@yahoo.com..thank you...Curt
At 8:54pm on February 22, 2009, Charles Kolb said…


Topic is:


Fantastic news! Attorney Stephen Pidgeon is spearheading a NATIONAL GRAND JURY. This is a major step towards establishing a legal foundation upon which to examine the conduct (or misconduct) of the existing government—Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and President.

TeamSarah patriot-shout presents ...

Please pass this on;
you don't want to miss this broadcast

Sunday night (02-22-09) 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Pacific Standard Time -- 11p.m. Eastern

“Pursuant to First Amendment (The right of the people peaceably to assemble), the Ninth Amendment (The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people), and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America

Detailed information about this endeavor is available at www.decalogosintl.org or go to www.StephenPidgeon.com.

Mr. Stephen Pidgeon will be the featured guest on www.blogtalkradio.com/usapatriots-shout this Sunday evening, February 22, 2009 between 8 and 10 pm Pacific Standard Time. You may call 646-727-3865 to ask questions.

We are proud and honored to welcome Stephen Pidgeon, Esq.
who will be discussing the NATIONAL GRAND JURY

What a great opportunity to call in or write and share and discuss these issues!

You can write to the chat room at www.blogtalkradio.com/usapatriots-shout
and call in for guest talk 646-727-3865
You can also post comments at


~ CK

At 3:42pm on February 22, 2009, George Stupas said…
Hi Son
There will be a protest March Feb 28 @ JC Nichols fountain by the Plaza 10am. It is against McCaskill bring a protest sign and march.
At 4:11pm on January 7, 2009, WTPUSA said…
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