We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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Comment by Hoffi Gwlithlys on October 28, 2019 at 3:36pm

I find this most interesting.... Thank You for posting ......

My how the world turns to even have to consider such a topic.... self preservation and prep for the worst; as the open promises of self protection being eliminated, that the medical coverage you have again is at risk of being gone, but at least this time they are openly telling you that " YOUR COVERAGE" you have now WILL be gone.... it seems much is planned to be gone if this next election goes belly up on the citizenry and I am of the school of being prepared and not having to use it. 

There is so much more to Prepping than just self protection, which of course is important. Self care, sheltering, in place or else where, food, foraging, EMP protection, medical care and simple med aid is as vital, 

If the actions of the Radical Left commences in what could be described as a belligerent act to the citizenry, one will have to take into account the needs of ones home and hearth,  

It might be of interest to you, your family and add too your community to research the CERT Programs offered to every state and locality. Citizens Emergency Response Teams had been established since after 911, but has been a valuable asset in the West Coast in fire prone areas many years ago.  Check with your state and local Officials for a local CERT Team already established, or gather to establish an active team in your area.  In my state, the State Police and County Freeholders over see the CERT and CART Teams (CART is for the Emergency Responses for Animals) and it is free!!!!!  All training is free.  You can take a peek at the link I hae at the end of this response.  It provides vital info to supplement any self prep maneuvers one has done as well as to reach out to your community.  Any and all info and training is a great benefit under any circumstances.

Prepare or any thing today, and not be caught short tomorrow.... !!!!!


I have been a CERT Member for almost 20 years...... highly recommend it.  :)



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