Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Posted byAlice Trinity Littlefoot ,This video is (Rated PG). The true founders of the United Nations, The Lucifer Trust - Jesus is Savior, Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations (UN) material. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. Due to public outrage over the creepy name of the publishing company, it was changed one year later to Lucis Trust. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the United nations (UN).
United Nations Index: Hard Truth / Wake Up America:
Lucis Trust:
A Brave New World by Anonymous-YouTube
Good bye Mr. Colorado.
I guess you could say it has started one of the largest internet wars since RP Anarchists, in the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present.
For the reason that- because, of the corruption of Government, and the actions therein. the rise and fall of a system and false hope by the Tea Party Nation Review, a one sided support for Ted Cruz, and Trump supporters are deleted. It was only a test and they as we'll as you failed MC Colorado.
The GOP has handed Trump the nomination:
I can not remember if this was shared so here it is again ?
Thank you Kevin,
here is a linked comment from another site, and Mangus is a little upset to say the least as he watches the Obama Cruz Dream Team get their butts kicked.
Lets clear this up, a kind of end game why did Ted Cruz lose. First to be in Congress legal, you have to be on the inside of the Political arena, or he is seen as a hamster on the wheel of Constitutional Scholars, going its been a tough year.
Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz was born in 1939 in Cuba. Rafael’s father, Rafael Cruz, was a salesman for Radio Corporation of America (RCA) at the height of the era of radio. Rafael’s father was originally from the Canary Islands in Spain. And, Rafael B. Cruz’s mother, Laudelina Diaz, who was also from the Canary Island, was a school teacher.
Fulgencio Batista Zaldívar was a native of Cuba, with mixed Spanish, African, Indian and Chinese blood. He initially came to power as part of the 1933 “Revolt of the Sergeants” which overthrew the authoritarian ruler Gerardo Machado.
Following the revolution, Batista appointed himself Chief of the Armed Forces. Batista was able to maintain his control through puppet presidents until 1940. In an attempt to legitimize his control, Batista was elected President of Cuba on a so-called populist platform. He served until 1944.
After his Presidency, he moved to the United States, splitting his time between the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City and his home in Daytona Beach, Florida. During this time he clearly made in-roads in American political circles. Connections he would come to draw upon to stifle young revolutionaries such as Rafael Cruz.
When Batista returned to Cuba to run for president in 1952, faced with obvious defeat, he chose to lead a military coup. The coup was a success and he reigned as Dictator of Cuba from 1952 to 1959 and Rafael Cruz, along with others from his school, would often clash with Batista’s officials.
Suffering torture at the hands of Batista’s men, Rafael Cruz decided to join forces with Fidel Castro’s guerrilla group. Rafael’s main desire was to see the overthrow of Batista, and like so many people, it blinded him to Castro’s Communist politics.
However, by the age of 18, Rafael realized his future was not going to end well in Cuba. So, his family bribed a Batista official to get him out of the country. Sadly, Ted Cruz’s aunt, Rafael’s younger sister, joined the counter-revolution and for this was tortured by Fidel Castro when he became Dictator of Cuba.
By 1960, on a trip back to Cuba, Rafael Cruz realized how mistaken he had been about Fidel Castro. Earlier, the young revolutionary Rafael Cruz had gone around his new home of Austin, Texas and raised money to send to Castro for his revolution.
An able fundraiser, he had huge checks written by numerous Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs members in Texas. But, following his 1960 trip to Cuba, he returned to Austin and spent a great deal of time going to each group, where he had solicited funds, and personally apologized for misleading the people. He publicly told everyone how wrong he had been about Castro.
His father’s public act of apology would have a profound effect on Ted Cruz. He would grow up knowing the perils of naively placed political ideology. Senator Ted Cruz learned from his father’s mistakes and his courage to take responsibility for those mistakes.
Ted Cruz’s mother was not Rafael Cruz’s first wife. While working in Texas in the Energy Industry, Rafael Cruz met his first wife, Julia Anne Garza.
While working in Texas in the Energy Industry, Rafael Cruz met his first wife, Julia Anne Garza and had two daughters. One is now a Physician in Texas and the other sadly deceased. Ted Cruz’s mother had also been married before and had one previous child, another son who tragically died during his early childhood.
Following his divorce from his first wife, Rafael Cruz moved to New Orleans, Louisiana for a new job in the Energy Industry. It was while working in New Orleans that Senator Cruz’s parents would meet. His mother, Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh Wilson, was originally from Delaware.
Senator Cruz’s mother had come South to study Mathematics at Rice University in Houston, Texas. As she likes to tell it, she refused to learn to type so that when asked about her typing skills, she would say she couldn’t and they would have to hire her as a Computer Programmer instead. It was while working as a Computer Programmer in the Oil Industry, that she met Rafael Cruz.
After their marriage, Senator Cruz’s parents took their careers to the Oil Industry in Canada. It was in Canada that Senator Cruz was born. He was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on December 22, 1970.
Now that he is running for President of the United States, a lot has been made of the fact that Senator Cruz wasn’t “born on American soil.” But, unlike the issue surrounding Obama’s purported birth in Kenya and its subsequent cover-up, Cruz’s birth in Canada is and was public knowledge, not in the slightest covered up.
In order to clear up any misconceptions, it should be stated, without a doubt, that Ted Cruz is an American citizen. Citizen is bestowed by both “soil” and “blood.” For individuals not born on American soil, the statues on citizenship are very clear. Prior to 1985, to be a American citizen, one of your parents, at the time of your birth, must be an American citizen, at least 19 years old and must have spent at least 5 of past 10 years in the United States prior to your birth.
Cruz’s mother, Eleanor, certainly qualified. That’s why Ted Cruz (and Senator John McCain and the late-Senator Barry Goldwater for that matter) is unquestionably a American citizen.
Incidentally, Barack Hussein Obama can’t claim citizenship by “blood.” His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was only 18 years of age when he was born. For Barack Obama to be a citizen-at-birth, it is essential that he was born on U.S. Soil. That’s why the issue of the birth certificate became so important. Obama needed proof that he was born in Hawaii to be considered a citizen-at-birth.
Incidentally, Cruz’s mother never applied for the Canadian Citizenship that was thrust upon Cruz as she assumed that he was only an American Citizen. Not until a Dallas Morning News article during his Senate Race appeared, did Cruz even realize that he had Citizenship in Canada; and in 2014 Senator Cruz revoked his unsought-after Canadian Citizenship.
Shortly after Cruz’s birth, his parents decided to return to Texas. They chose Houston, a city with a strong Oil Industry presence, to relocate their seismic-data processing firm for oil drillers. Shortly thereafter, Cruz’s father become a Born-Again Christian. And, while their marriage had been strained, Senators Cruz’s parents stayed together following his father’s acceptance of Jesus Christ into his life. Thus, the move to Houston, Texas would shape a great deal of Senator Cruz’s current political and religious views.
Taking a clerkship with Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Cruz became the first Hispanic to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
Following his stellar academic career at Harvard Law School, in 1996 Ted Cruz headed to Washington, D.C. and accepted a clerkship with Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
Rehnquist was appointed to the Supreme Court by Richard Nixon and served as Chief Justice from September 26, 1986 until September 3, 2005. Chief Justice Rehnquist, the 16th Chief Justice of the United States, led the bench for nearly 19 years. Prior to serving as Chief Justice, he served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from January 7, 1972 until his appointment as Chief Justice in September of 1986.
Cruz and Chief Justice Rehnquist were aligned on their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. As a Conservative, Rehnquist took a Federalist position which focused on the U.S. Constitution’s Tenth Amendment favoring State’s rights.
In 1999 Cruz worked on the George W. Bush Presidential Campaign. He later became an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice and served as the Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.
After his time in Washington, D.C., Cruz returned to Texas to become the first Hispanic Solicitor General of Texas. Appointed by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, Cruz served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 until 2008.
As Solicitor General of Texas, Cruz argued before the U.S. Supreme Court nine times, more than any currently practicing attorney in Texas. His landmark case in 2004 was the Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow case. Cruz wrote the successful U.S. Supreme Court brief on behalf of all 50 of the United States.
Obviously, he’d like to be the first Hispanic President of the United States of America. Unfortunately, because of his “sin” of being a Conservative, many Hispanics in the United States are being told to not support him. Showing usual liberal media bias, Jorge Ramos, of Mexican Univision, has even gone so far as to ask Senator Cruz, “Do you have a Latino problem?” This criticism is particularly ironic coming from Jorge Ramos, whom many have accused of simply being what is called a “White Hispanic” or an American citizen or resident who is racially white.
But regardless of this criticism from the liberal left, Cruz is determined to press ahead to become the first Hispanic President of the United States of America. And, if his track record of “firsts” is any indicator of future success, he has a good shot at achieving this goal.
Cruz posted, “Kudos to First Lady Michelle Obama for standing up for women worldwide and refusing to wear a Sharia-mandated head-scarf in Saudi Arabia. Nicely done.”
Such praise can only come from someone who is not a career politician, but make no mistake, Cruz is a committed conservative. At a time when career politicians are associated with the likes of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Saunders and a whole host of “Republicans in Name Only,” Senator Ted Cruz has the background to backup his claim that he is truly from “Outside the Beltway.”
The first political campaign ever run by Cruz was in 2012. Never one to think small, Cruz began his political career in 2011 by announcing that he would run for the Senate seat vacated by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. The Republican Primary pitted Cruz against the strong Texas Republican candidate, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst.
But, Cruz’s Conservative roots garnered him support with the then newly emerging Tea Party movement. So popular was Cruz’s campaign, he picked up endorsements from such Conservative heavy hitters as:
Sarah Palin
Club for Growth
Erick Erickson
FreedomWorks for America Super PAC
Mark Levin
Former Attorney General Edwin Meese
Tea Party Express
Young Conservatives of Texas
Senator Tom Coburn
Senator Jim DeMint
Senator Mike Lee
Senator Rand Paul
Senator Pat Toomey
Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul
George P. Bush, then Deputy Finance Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas
Rick Santorum, former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania
Cruz and his family take their commitment to the private sector as seriously as their commitment to public service. His wife, Heidi Cruz worked as an Investment Banker prior to her husband’s campaign in 2011. In addition, Ted Cruz is currently in private practice as a partner of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Limited Liability Partnership (Morgan Lewis). Morgan Lewis was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1873 and is still headquartered there.
Senator Cruz is so much not a career politician, he will heap praise across the aisle if he believes it is due. This commitment to fairness was evidenced in an early 2015 Facebook post, following Michelle Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia with her husband, Barrack Hussein Obama. During the visit to the most conservative Muslim nation, where women have little to no rights, Michelle Obama did not cover her head. Cruz praised her for this. He posted, “Kudos to First Lady Michelle Obama for standing up for women worldwide and refusing to wear a Sharia-mandated head-scarf in Saudi Arabia. Nicely done.”
Clearly not a Career Politician, willing to reach across party lines when it is appropriate, Senator Cruz tries to set a new benchmark for what it means to be a Republican in Washington, D.C.
All the media was overwhelmed with the sensationalist news that President Obama had the audacity of handshaking the hand of Cuban President Raul Castro. This simple act of civility created a wave of insults from the Right, as if behaving civilly during the farewell ceremony honoring Mr. Nelson Mandela is proof that the United States President is a communist.
The Cuban-American relationship has been broken since 1959; the United States useless embargo has been in place since 1962 and has done nothing to break the grip the Castros have on the island, quite the contrary, it has promulgated the sympathy of the world for the Castro’s regime… after all, it is one tiny island that has survived the powerful attacks from the most powerful nation on this planet. The embargo has created a martyr of the dictators of the island.
Many from the Cuban community in the States are outraged by the Obama-Castro handshake. They want things to continue the way they are indefinitely, they have too much to lose if the embargo is lifted and negotiations between the two countries become a reality.
In Miami, you see many businesses offering services to Cuba, from sending medicine to relatives in Cuba to sending money at outrageous prices. There are also travel agencies that promote trips to Cuba, at a price equal to traveling to the most expensive country in Europe, if not more. Offering these services is a very lucrative business that will crumble if the embargo is ever lifted.
Because of this, the Cuban-American community has the most to lose if the embargo is lifted and if they suspect any negotiation or civil approach with the Cuban regime they don’t waste a millisecond to scream at the top of their lungs their disapproval and if anyone thinks differently than them, they quickly use the old and abused label of “Communist!” So far, their tactics have worked and the useless and counterproductive embargo it’s still in place after 51 years.
And now, they’re up in arms again because of a single handshake. It is a well-known fact that the Right Wing has selective memory and some even suffer from a severe case of amnesia. They forget how many times their political representatives have done the same in the past, and even when they remember it they come up with a thousand and one excuses to justify their actions. and Cruz are not natural born citizens....This shows why they are not.
You have a nice day Nom de plume :)
Wow thats a stupid comment, Michael is very very intelligent, his ability to consume information is borderline special opps.
So if you two do chat................:)
I was in the army and have been shot at before so not much fear in the old man. And I can most likely out shoot everyone in that picture. LOL
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