We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

101 Reasons The Tea Party Should Not Support Ted Cruz- Part 1

 Posted byAlice Trinity Littlefoot ,This video is (Rated PG). The true founders of the United Nations, The Lucifer Trust - Jesus is Savior,   Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations (UN) material. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. Due to public outrage over the creepy name of the publishing company, it was changed one year later to Lucis Trust. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the United nations (UN).


United Nations Index: Hard Truth / Wake Up America:https://www.google.com/search?q=+a+santanic+business+involved+with+...

Lucis Trust:https://www.google.com/search?q=Lucis+Trust&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

 A Brave New World by Anonymous-YouTube


101 Reasons The Tea Party Should Not Support Ted Cruz- Part 2: http://teapartyorg.ning.com/profiles/blogs/101-reasons-the-tea-part...

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Comment by Mangus Colorado on February 20, 2016 at 10:03am

You folks need to do your research before going off and making your group look bad and just a pure conspiracy group.

Cruz's mother's birth certificate has been published and therefore is available if you look. Sorry but your report is just flat out wrong on the false narrative and wrong on the law.

Comment by Alice Jordan on February 20, 2016 at 9:40am

Cruz Citizenship Timeline (documented)    

State of Delaware Vital Records says, no record of Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh Wilson birth exist. Ted Cruz's mother does not have a US birth certificate.

 FACTUAL CRUZ CITIZENSHIP TIMELINE:https://www.google.com/search?q=Cruz+Citizenship+Timeline+%28docume...

Unfortunately, there is no evidence to suggest that the parent or parents of Ted Cruz ever filed a CRBA form with the U.S. Government in or around 1970, which is why Ted Cruz released a copy of his Canadian citizenship records and not any U.S. citizenship records. At present, all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests filed in search of any U.S. citizenship documents to confirm the true official U.S. citizenship status of Ted Cruz have been denied access. All citizenship records for Ted Cruz are sealed unless and until Ted Cruz agrees to allow any such records to be released by either U.S. or Canadian agencies.

As a result, there remains no authentic evidence to support the claims that Ted Cruz is either a “natural born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States.

On the basis of all available evidence today, Ted Cruz is in fact holding a seat in the U.S. Senate illegally, with no documented proof of legal U.S. citizenship whatsoever, and proof of Canadian citizenship between the years of birth in 1970 and May 2014.

It is unfortunate that a person so many have placed their political faith in has proven willing to defraud his supporters for both votes and millions in campaign donations. But it is better we know now, than after he wins the GOP nomination only to be destroyed by Democrats later, using the same facts and evidence presented here.

What will the people do with this knowledge? Are they really motivated by restoration of Constitutional compliance, or mere political expediency?

Comment by Alice Jordan on February 18, 2016 at 5:21pm

Breaking => Press Conference: 55 Colorado Sheriffs File Law Suit Against Colorado UnConstitutional Anti-Gun Bill Legislation.

Shall Not Be Infringed

Published May 17, 2013

The Independence Institute held a press conference on May 17, 2013 announcing the lawsuit against the new anti-gun bills passed by the Colorado legislature and signed by Governor John Hickenlooper. The lead attorney is Dave Kopel.

Press Conference: 54 Colorado Sheriffs File Suit Against Anti-Gun Bills


Comment by Alice Jordan on February 18, 2016 at 5:19pm

Update by Tif :)

 On September 17, 1787 George Washington was the first to sign and accept the Constitution even though it had no Bill of Rights. It was Patrick Henry with his great speeches and lectures who in 1788 forced an agreement which promised that continued ratifica- tions of the document depended upon a Bill of Rights to be forthcoming.

FIREARMS FUTURE | Chapter 1: Borderless-YouTube

In 1789 Washing- ton took office and was faced with the arduous task of pioneering the first presidency including the structuring of the militia system. By January 1790 the influence Patrick Henry had over him became quite apparent. When Washington chaired the 1787 Constitutional Convention, provi- sions had been made for the defense of the country against invasion and for stifling rebel- lions, but there was an insuf- ficiency of safeguards to be applied against tyranny brought on by public officials.

By 1790 Washington began work on his “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia.” By now he was more able to see the weaknesses in the Constitution. He openly discussed the threat of tyranny emanating from within the government. By then, Patrick Henry’s wisdom was spread throughout the 13 original states, and it was inculcated as the basis for the policies and functions of the militia. Henry perpetuated the people’s liberty. He sustained the ultimate authority of the people. Washington well under- stood the need to safeguard the nation from its foreign enemies. In his “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia” he undertook to warn about the dangers of domestic enemies: tyranny in government.

Washington himself took the farmers out for practice, and he utilized the knowledge and experiences of his generals and other valuable officers in the War for Independence by having them instruct and train the citizens (the whole people) in the techniques of soldiering, and the maintenance of an ‘energetic national militia’.

His “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia” was communicated to the Senate, on the 21st of January 1790. This lengthy Plan was permeated with the proposition that it is the direct duty and responsibility of the people themselves to guard against tyranny from within government.

Washington declared that the purpose of the militia was “to oppose the introduction of tyranny.” He had come a long way from the days when he accepted the Constitution without a Bill of Rights.

To view Washington’s statement in the context in which it was delivered, please look over the following excerpt taken from Pages 7-8 of an old document published by Gales and Seaton in 1832 entitled “American State Papers – Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States, from the First Session of the First to the Second Session of the Fifteenth Congress, inclusive: commencing March 3, 1789, and ending March 3, 1819”.

This excerpt is a part of Wash- ington’s lengthy Plan No. 2 of 1790. While he also made re- ference to the prevention of invasion and rebellion, Washing- ton said that “the well informed members of the community (the people) were meant to be the real defence of the country”; and “the virtues and knowledge of the people would effectually oppose the introduction of tyranny.”

He warned that “the government would be invaded or overturned, and trampled upon by the bold and ambitious” — meaning people in our own country who operated without adherence to vital principles. The absoluteness of the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a basic principle. Unless the right to arms is absolute, the people cannot remain the ultimate power. The Bill of Rights confirmed that we possess many other rights beside the absolute right to arms. All of the other rights for the preservation of their own existence, depend entirely upon the absoluteness, the force, and the reasoning that have shaped the Second Amend- ment. Washington agreed with Patrick Henry on the purpose of the militia: It was to “oppose the introduction of tyranny.” Make no mistake about it: The prime reason for the Second Amend- ment is prevention of tyranny in government.


“An energetic national militia is to be regarded as the capital security of a free republic, and not a standing army, forming a distinct class in the community.

It is the introduction and diffusion of vice, and corruption of manners, into the mass of the people, that renders a standing army necessary. It is when public spirit is despised, and avarice, indolence, and effeminacy of manners predominate, and prevent the establishment of institutions which would elevate the minds of the youth in the paths of virtue and honor, that a standing army is formed and riveted forever.

Comment by Hankelvis on February 17, 2016 at 12:40pm
WFE (wasted electrons) he he
Comment by Mangus Colorado on February 16, 2016 at 6:50pm

Alice read my comment where did I instruct anyone to decide except on the facts - and you have none . .

Comment by Alice Jordan on February 16, 2016 at 6:49pm

Sir, why dont we allow people to make up their on minds, instead of you do it for them, it just a simple share, get some sleep old boy and good night.

Comment by Mangus Colorado on February 16, 2016 at 6:43pm

Oh Alice you are like all of your alleged group - there is no evidence of your delusional ramblings. find some verifiable facts and we will continue our discussion other than that you are a waste of time and electrons.

Comment by Alice Jordan on February 16, 2016 at 6:38pm

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Comment by Mangus Colorado on February 16, 2016 at 3:10pm



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