We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

A Million Go West

Join our petition campaign to collect

A Million Signatures for Allen West!

Click here to Print the Petition

Click here to Print the Flyer

"A Million Go West" has the ultimate goal of collecting one million signatures so we can present the entire list to Allen West personally. If his Constituents want him to run, and we collect a million signatures of other Americans that want him to run, we are convinced that he won't be able to say 'NO'.

To join our new project, just follow the steps below:

  1. Download the "A Million Go West" petition by clicking the link, above, to print right off of your computer/printer.

  1. Make one or multiple copies of the petition. If you plan to collect many signatures, you can also print up many copies of the flyer.
Fundraising Thermometer

  1. Collect signatures! We will accept a petition with one or two signatures on it, but the goal is a million. So, it is preferred that you print up many copies and carry it with you wherever you go. Have other people sign the petition. Fill up as many copies as you can with signatures then mail them to the address given below.

You can recruit friends and family to take petitions to work, Tea Party meetings, to Church gatherings, to political rallies and Town Hall events. Use your imagination. Have people sign the petitions at these functions and ask people if they too would like to help with getting more signatures.

Use your imagination to find ways to get the petition into the hands of people that are sick of the present administration and want a president they can be proud of. Here's one idea... If you belong to a Tea Party, 912 group, or any other related activist group, organize your chapter to use copies on clipboards at the largest gathering of people for the 4th of July Celebrations in your area. Have your group mingle with the crowd gathering signatures for Allen West and handing out flyers. Although we encourage everyone to use their imagination, please make sure that you always follow all local, State, and Federal laws.

  1. Hand out flyers wherever you go. If you want to add more impact while collecting signatures, you can hand out flyers at the same time. Many people do not know who Congressman West is, so it's up to us to introduce the American people to this honorable man. Once you give someone a flyer, make sure you get them to sign a petition while you have their attention. (If people start asking questions and you are not sure of the correct answer, tell them to go to www.AllenWestforPresident.us to learn more. It’s on the flyer!) Flyers can be left on counters at Gas-Stations and on tables at local events. Or you can even hand them out to people at parades, craft shows, or any event with large crowds of people this summer.

Tracking Our Progress
The thermometer, at the top of this page, will keep track of the number of signatures received. As completed petitions are sent to us via US Postal Service, we will add to the thermometer so everyone can follow the progress. Our goal is to get a million signatures! At the very end of the project we will hand over each and every petition to Congressman West, so we would like to see a stack of signed petitions 4-5 feet tall! The official kick-off for the "A Million Go West" project is Monday June 6th. It will continue through July. Join us in this historic campaign to draft Allen West for President!

Mail all petitions to:

A Million Go West
PO Box 1641
Mars Hill, NC 28754

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