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Copyright © 2011 Vanguard of Freedom

A Socialist By Any Other Name Would Still Stink

Romney and Gingrich Socialists? Horrors!

Let's not mince any words shall we? This is, after all, the Tea Party, and the Tea Party and its proponents have survived some of the worse repression ever unleashed upon a political movement, short of genocide, in recent history.

Ask Sarah Palin.

Just three years ago, Vanguard of Freedom Blog articles were denied publishing on certain web sites because it was not "proper" to call Democrats, and in particular Obama, as a candidate, and then subsequently as President, "socialist." Here we are just three years later, and Obamahimself references to a national audience that he has been referred to in such a manner.

During those three years, Tea Partiers have spoken the truth about "Progressives," and shown repeatedly that Progressives and Socialists are one and the same, even though some differ from others in methodology. While many still refer to the corruption between big money and politicians as "crony capitalism" a term hatched by Socialists to hide their motives and deeds, the proper term to use is: "crony socialism."  One must be able to "see" through the Socialist fog.

Borrowing from Ayn Rand, a "looter," is a looter, regardless of whether he is a "suit" from Wall Street or a denim clad union "proletarian."

And so we have, thanks to the Socialist - Liberal Media (SLIME), three Socialist choices for President in 2012: Barry, Newt, and Mitt. And no, I will not compare them here to the three stooges.

It is rather nauseating to see, especially on the Republican side, two Socialists competing for which one is the most "conservative" of the two.

It conjures images from the Mexico political party model, in which Socialist Revolution is "institutionalized," and in which they refer to one of their candidates occasionally as more "conservative" than the other. Vicente Fox comes to mind, who because he had headed "Coke" (the soft drink) in Mexico, was considered more conservative as a Presidential candidate than his opponent. His party of course was the "Partido Accion Nacional," or Political Action Party, quite the Socialist organization.

While the Tea Party and the candidates that more closely seemed to represent its platform have been essentially side-lined in the 2012 political process, they continue to stump for relevance, and they continue to be ignored by the Socialist Media, as the two new "front-runners" advance the propaganda circus, and Mitt and Newt dominate the headlines currently.

It is remarkable that although the non-Socialist candidates had much to say in the last televised debate, the only two that emerged positively from that were Newt and Mitt. Not even one week later you would be hard pressed to remember who else participated in that debate.

The perceived lack of choice has sparked some to remark that they will stay home on election day, which essentially would hand the election over to Obama. The alternative would be "our" Socialist, Newt or Mitt.

Or would it?

Following the recent Tea Party "template," it didn't matter what Karl Rove or any of the Progressive Neo-Con Socialists said in 2010, the Tea Party, nevertheless prevailed in taking a majority of House Seats in those elections. While it may take a different strategy for 2012 for the Presidency, we may be due for some creative thinking between now and the Primary elections set to begin in three weeks.

What might that strategy be, I wonder?

One thing is certain. Going into apathy and doing nothing, except to accept the Socialist dominated farce is sure to result in a catastrophe, not just for the Tea Party, but the nation itself. The question is not should one stay home on election day, but whether you should stay home today or get involved in doing something about it or demanding that something be done right now: not this afternoon, or tonight, but NOW.

"Sitting it out" this election year, is not an option. Yielding to the Socialists will result in more Socialism, not less. Yielding to the Socialists will only give them more power to keep on looting.

And loot they will.

Will you let them?

Vanguard of Freedom Network Patriot Action Network / Liberty News Network

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