We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic





WHEN: 4 MAY 2010

TIME: 0730 ????

Take the time to read each of the following emails from Leo Haffery, Tennessee Atty, working in support of Cmdr Fitzgerald and Carl Swensson in Madisonville, Tennessee.

These patriots, Lt Cmdr Walt Fitzpatrick and supporters who were present in Madisonville, Tennessee for the "Bond hearing" on the 20th of April, 2010, are putting their lives and their freedom on the line in support and defense of the U.S. Constitution and, the freedoms and way of life that we freedom loving Americans were enjoying, until the evil Muslim communist USURPER, barack hussein obama, his evil followers and now the cowardly and evil Madisonville, Tennessee "GOOD OLE BOY GESTAPO" crawled out of their holes like the snakes they are!!!

PATRIOTS, we will need thousands of patriots assembled in Madisonville, Tennesse for the 4 May 2010 court hearing of Lt Cmdr Walt Fitzpatrick. The U.S. Constitution and our freedom are the stakes. Since this date is a couple of weeks away, make time and plan on being there.

We will keep you posted on any and all updates by email or monitor prevere@riseupforamerica.com

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
- Lt.-Col. John McCrae (1872 - 1918)

You don't vote a communist government out, got that? I repeat, you don't vote a communist government out! The buzz words are "You don't vote a communist government out!!!" In fact, with a communist government in place, you don't get to vote!!


There are always ...
Too many Democratic congressmen,
Too many Republican congressmen,
And never enough U.S. Congressmen.
~Author Unknown ~

A United States Veteran is someone who,
At one point in his or her life,
Wrote a blank check made payable to,
"The People of the United States of America",
For an amount "...Up to and including my life."
~Author Unknown ~

Bob Pinkstaff
Gunnery Sergeant
United States Marine Corps Retired


From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 7:02:45 PM
To:Subject: Just posted on The PostEmail.com

After speaking with Walt Sunday night, I planned on representing him today in Madisonville. Then yesterday afternoon I got a call from my attorney who told me that I would be arrested again if I went to Madisonville today.

Having been separated from my wife and daughter for nearly a year (60 Days in Jail and the rest of the time Falsely Imprisoned at "treatment centers," halfway houses, and separated elsewhere by court order), I simply could not take the chance of another arrest. BHO supporters nearly killed me in the Nashville Jail.

They withheld my Blood Pressure medications. I am lucky that I did not have a heart attack or stroke. Inducing me to have a heart attack, stroke or seizure was clearly the intent of the BHO supporters.

I do plan on being in Madisonville on May 4th. If they illegally arrest me again, it will only be 13 days in Jail before my next hearing in Nashville on May 17, 2010, but what Walt asked us all for and what I ask my fellow Patriots for is your support. If you can be in Madisonville on the 4th, PLEASE be there and bring video cameras. If you can not be there PLEASE blog about this at every site on the Internet that will post it.




From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 7:46:19 PM
To: Subject: PLEASE do whatever U can 2 keep Lt. Cmd. Fitzpatrick out of Jail

BHO supporters nearly killed me in the Nashville Jail. They withheld my Blood Pressure medications. I am lucky that I did not have a heart attack or stroke. Inducing me to have a heart attack, stroke or seizure was clearly the intent of the BHO supporters.

If it had not been for Patriot Journalists like Dr. Sam Sewell of The Steady Drip, Citizen Wells, Carl Swensson and John Charlton & Sharon Rondeau of thePostemail.com, I probably would have died in the Nashville Jail.

I hear that conditions are even worse in the Monroe County Jail. So please if you can be in Madisonville on the 4th for Lt. Cmd Fitzpatrick's court hearing, PLEASE be there and bring video cameras. If you can not be there PLEASE blog about this at every site on the Internet that will post it.




From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 12:52:34 PM
To: Subject: PostEmail.com re: News of Arrests of more Patriots @ Fitzpatrick's hearing N Madisonville

Very disturbing news. I spoke with Carl last night and told him that it was communicated to me that I would be arrested if I went to Madisonville. Having been arrested on False Charges by BHO supporters in Nashville and having spent 60 days in Jail, I know what the Criminal supporters of BHO are capable of.

I am surprised that this has happened to Patriots in Monroe County since that is a relatively conservative part of our State. However, we do have a BHO supporting Governor Bredesen who evidently is afraid he will soon be Indicted by Patriots for crimes in connection with the BHO campaign in Tennessee. Governor Bredesen him had a front page article in the Tennessean Newspaper wherein he expressed how intimidated he was by Citizen Grand Juries.

Also, on the phone last night, Carl told me that he was told by a government staff member that Governor Bredesen was attempting to abolish the Grand Jury system in Tennessee, very disturbing, but as we say in Tennessee, we Patriots can’t worry about the Mules going blind, we just have to load the wagon.

Leo Patrick Haffey


From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 12:20:31 PM
To: Subject: Crimes committed by BHO co-conspirators: Murder, Identity Theft, Child Abuse

Crimes committed by BHO co-conspirators: Murder, Identity Theft, Child Abuse are enough to get life sentences for BHO and all of his co-conspirators; and that is just Nashville that I am talking about. If you multiply those charges by every City in America wherein BHO & his co-conspirators committed similar crimes, you literally will have thousands of Indictments against BHO and his co-conspirators.

Thus, it is baffling that some Patriots limit their cases against BHO and his co-conspirators to a single issue, e.g., the birthplace issue and the Natural Born Citizen issue are not either or; I.e., if BHO was not born in the USA, then he is not a Natural Born Citizen. Furthermore, the fact that his father was a British/Kenyan subject (citizen) means that he is not a Natural Born Citizen regardless of his place of birth.

In short, in your Indictments, Patriots, you should charge BHO and his co-conspirators with all of the Crimes committed by his campaign in your Cities and Towns (Voter Fraud, Identity Theft etc.) along with charges of fraud regarding his Natural Born Citizenship status should be one of the charges.

In Honor of Our Constitution,

Leo Patrick Haffey

From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 11:11:31 AM
To: Subject: Taking BHO Directly before SCOTUS

Taking BHO Directly before SCOTUS


Leo Patrick Haffey

It is noteworthy that it has been over a year and a half since I first began to write about the Citizens Grand Jury Process and Original Jurisdiction in the Supreme Court of cases against Barrack Hussein Obama and, to date, BHO's lawyers have never been able to refute my Constitutional Theories.

The precedent for getting standing and bringing a case directly to the United States Supreme Court upon Original Jurisdiction is the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. (1 Crunch) 137, 2 L.Ed. 60 (1803). As succinctly stated by Chief Justice Marshall in Marbury, "If a persons duty is backed by law and not by political in nature, then he becomes subject of the law and is examinable by the court."

Article III, Section 2 of the United States Constitution states, "In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction."

Marbury was a case involving a minor public minister. The case against Barrack Hussein Obama involves all "Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls" of the United States and of all foreign nations with diplomatic status with the United States. Furthermore, the case against Barrack Hussein Obama involves all States of the United States as parties.

As in Marbury, We the People shall prosecute our cases against Barrack Hussein Obama petitioning the United States Supreme Court for a Writ of Mandamus compelling Barrack Hussein Obama to abide by the Constitutional Contract that he entered into with We the People on January 20, 2009 and uphold his Oath to abide by the Supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States of America.

It is stated in United States v. Butterworth, 18 S. Ct. 441, 169 U.S. 600 at 602 (1898),
"The office of a writ of mandamus is to compel the performance of a duty resting upon the person to whom the writ is sent. That duty may have originated in one way or in another. It may, as alleged in the present case, have arisen from the acceptance of an office which has imposed the duty upon its incumbent. But no matter out of what fact or relations the duty has grown, what the law requires, and what it seeks to enforce by a writ of mandamus, is the personal obligation of the individual to whom it addresses the writ."

Following much good faith research regarding the issue of original jurisdiction in the Supreme Court of the United States, We the People have found no cases in the history of jurisprudence of the United States of America wherein a Defendant disputed the Constitutional fact that the Supreme Court of the United States has original jurisdiction over "all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls" as plainly stated in the Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 2.

That being the case, "We the People" respectfully request that the Barack Hussein Obama stipulate to the fact that the Supreme Court of the United States has original jurisdiction over all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; or, in the alternative, that Barack Hussein Obama show good cause why the Supreme Court of the United States shall not have original jurisdiction

These 12 Simple Steps are the way Patriots can use our Bill of Rights to keep control of the Government and to Clean up Corruption in government:

1) Advertise and Promote the Fact that you are forming a Grand Jury in Blogs, Local Newspapers and Community Organizations.

2) Form the Grand Jury and select a Foreman.

3) Select a Private Attorney General to make Presentments to Grand Jury, if local DA refuses to make presentments.

4) Select a convenient Meeting Place.

5) Communicate with all Citizens who have criminal information to present.

6) Schedule presentments by said Citizens.

7) Subpoena documents from Government Offices and Officials.

8) Schedule presentment of said Documents to Grand Jury by Grand Jury Attorney General.

9) Have Grand Jury Attorney General present said Documents to Grand Jury.

10) After investigation and deliberation is completed, vote and issue a True Bill (Indictment) or No True Bill.

11) Announce all Indictments to the Press and schedule News Conferences in front of your local Court House.

12) Serve the Indictment on the Judiciary at Court House News Conferences for the Issuance of Arrest Warrants.







Leo Patrick Haffey is a lawyer in Nashville, Tennessee who has worked in the music, motion picture and television industries as a producer. Mr. Haffey’s productions have been broadcast on most of the major television networks. Mr. Haffey has done extensive legal research on the Constitution, in particular the Constitutional qualifications for the Presidency of the United States of America.


From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 10:16:06 AM
To: Subject: 60 Days in Jail & over 6 Months of False Imprisonment by BHO's supporters in Nashville

60 Days in Jail & over 6 Months of False Imprisonment by BHO's supporters in Nashville


Leo Patrick Haffey

As I write this account of my Family’s "ordeal," I am afraid. Afraid not for myself, but for my Family and the Families of Good Patriotic Americans all across America. Afraid that my account will make other Patriots afraid to act on the Bill of Rights that were bestowed upon us by our Founding Fathers.

Remember that glorious final scene in the movie, "Witness" wherein Harrison Ford armed with nothing more than the Truth and the support of the peaceful Amish stared down the Criminally Corrupt police chief and said, "What are you going to do, kill us all?"

Despite my "ordeal" and the oppression of the BHO regime, I still believe that if we do as Ben Franklin said, "hang together," We will prevail in our struggle to restore the Rule of Law in our Nation. After all, we have something that Ben did not have at the time he urged his fellow Patriots to "hang together," a Constitution, a Bill of Rights and a 4th Branch of Government, a Citizens Grand Jury system.

I am an entertainment lawyer who took an interest in Constitutional Law after seeing BHO steal the primary elections from the Democrat Party in 2008. I heard Former President Bill Clinton say that the qualifications for the Presidency are contained in the Constitution. I heard Chief Justice John Roberts say, "Read the Constitution. It’s not that hard to understand."

I read everything that Phil Berg, Leo Donofrio, Mario Apuzo, Dr. Sam Sewell, Larry Wells and Orly Taitz wrote on the ineligibility of BHO. I communicated with all of them. I wrote my first essay on the Constitution for Orly’s original Blog. For weeks, I spoke with and/or communicated with Orly almost every day. My daughter, Olivia, and I attended the National Religious Broadcasters Convention as her quests. I wrote legal briefs and motions for Orly.

In my humble opinion, the most important thing I did for Orly was research and write about the 4th Branch of Government, our Citzens Grand Jury system. Thereafter, Orly organized a Citizens Grand Jury in Georgia. Although Orly’s Grand Jury process was flawed from the formation, it did serve a very important purpose. It publicized the Citizens Grand Jury process.

Withing weeks of my writing about BHO not being Constitutionally qualified to be President and calling for Citizen Grand Juries to investigate crimes committed by the BHO campaign in Nashville in 2007 and 2008, I was arrested 4 times in May of 2009 on False Charges. On September 14, 2009, my bond was unconstitutionally, illegally revoked. Since 9/14/09, I have been Falsely Imprisoned in the Nashville (Davidson County) Jail for 60 days and Falsely Imprisoned at other facilities for over 6 months.

Being that I was abiding by our Constitution and advocating against anything and everything associated with a call for violent "Revolution," I was shocked when I was first arrested in May of 2009 on False Charges. My ordeal at the hands of Criminally Corrupt BHO supporters in Nashville has been documented on the websites listed below for those interested in the details.

I hasten to add that, although my Family has been terrorized by Criminally Corrupt BHO supporters in Nashville, We the People still have our Bills of Rights. Consequently, I am still able to exercise my right to Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Assemble and Freedom to Form Citizen Grand Juries, at least, for now.

However, to speak colloquially, What you don’t Use, you will Lose. Thus, I once again urge all Patriots to form Citizen Grand Juries and regain control of Our government before it is too late.




From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 8:47:46 AM
To: Subject: The Patriot's Choice: Constitution or Tyranny; Liberty or Death

The Patriot’s Choice


Leo Patrick Haffey

John Charlton gave a clear and concise statement of the Patriot’s Choice in his article regarding the latest legal maneuvers by BHO’s "justice" department lawyers in the Kerchner case, "It’s a simple choice then: the Constitution or tyranny; liberty or death!"

If you think that lawyers, judges or congressmen are going to save our Republic, our Constitution, our Liberty, you are in for a rude awakening. As the boy said to the dead man in the movie, The Sixth Sense, "the lawyers and judges are the ones doing the hangings."

At least, it is true that BHO’s lawyers and judges are lynching our Republic, destroying our Constitution, and killing our Liberty.

I digress. Now back to Kerchner and the issue of standing. It was almost two years ago that I first wrote in The Steady Drip about the problems with standing in the cases against HBO. For a detailed analysis of the myriad problems with standing in the previously filed cases against BHO, please visit the following sites:



As expressed in my original article on The Steady Drip, the Constitutional Contract is an executory contract binding upon anyone and everyone who takes Oath to uphold the Constitution for consideration of a position, e.g., the Presidency of the United States. Thus, Barack Hussein Obama became bound to our Constitutional Contract on January 20, 2009.

As succinctly stated by Chief Justice Marshall in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison, "If a persons duty is backed by law and not by political in nature, then he becomes subject of the law and is examinable by the court."

Furthermore from Marbury, "Specific duty is assigned by law and individual rights depend upon the performance of that duty, it seems equally clear, that the individual who considers himself injured, has the right to resort to the laws of his country for a remedy. The question whether a right has vested or not, in its nature, judicial and must be tried by the judicial authority." This means that anyone that can show that they were injured by BHO’s actions has a right to sue him for said injury.

All of the eligibility cases, previously filed, have focused on the "individual injured" theory which is an inherently weak legal argument in terms of present day law and a case involving the President of the United States, particularly in terms of getting standing.

Consequently, most of the cases previously filed have been dismissed for lack of standing. Simply stated, the lawyers did not include Plaintiffs who had a present contractual right or detriment recognized by law; or, the lawyers did not include Defendants who owed a present duty to the Plaintiffs or had somehow injured the Plaintiffs.

As you might have concluded, a Marbury argument overcomes the standing problem in that, all citizens got standing by the contractual commitment that Barrack Hussein Obama made to us all on January 20, 2009.

All of the aforementioned begs the question, how can We the People enforce our Constitutional contract with Barack Hussein Obama?

Our Founding Fathers provided for enforcement of our Constitution when violated by recalcitrant politicians like Obama in the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to Our Constitution. Our Founding Fathers provided a Citizen Grand Jury system for Patriots to form Grand Juries to exercise self-governance and take Our Country back from corrupt and/or criminal politicians.

In United States vs. Williams (USSC 1992) Justice Scalia eloquently wrote, "Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history...the Grand Jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the three branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right.” In other words the power of the Grand Jury is assigned to We the People in order that we may obtain a "more perfect Union."


These 12 Simple Steps are the way Patriots can use our Bill of Rights to keep control of the Government and to Clean up Corruption in government:

1) Advertise and Promote the Fact that you are forming a Grand Jury in Blogs, Local Newspapers and Community Organizations.

2) Form the Grand Jury and select a Foreman.

3) Select a Private Attorney General to make Presentments to Grand Jury, if local DA refuses to make presentments.

4) Select a convenient Meeting Place.

5) Communicate with all Citizens who have criminal information to present.

6) Schedule presentments by said Citizens.

7) Subpoena documents from Government Offices and Officials.

8) Schedule presentment of said Documents to Grand Jury by Grand Jury Attorney General.

9) Have Grand Jury Attorney General present said Documents to Grand Jury.

10) After investigation and deliberation is completed, vote and issue a True Bill (Indictment) or No True Bill.

11) Announce all Indictments to the Press and schedule News Conferences in front of your local Court House.

12) Serve the Indictment on the Judiciary at Court House News Conferences for the Issuance of Arrest Warrants.

Leo Patrick Haffey is a lawyer in Nashville, Tennessee who has worked in the music, motion picture and television industries as a producer. Mr. Haffey’s productions have been broadcast on most of the major television networks. Mr. Haffey has done extensive legal research on the Constitution, in particular the Constitutional qualifications for the Presidency of the United States of America.







From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 8:31:37 AM
To: Subject: The Secret Word Game Played by BHO judge’s

The Secret Word Game Played by BHO judge’s


Leo Patrick Haffey

In his dissent in Flast v. Cohen Justice Harlan wrote, "Constitutional standing is a word game played by secret rules."

This word game is made evermore complex by the fact that each judge can make up his own rules for standing in his court on a case by case basis. The only hard rule in the game of standing is that the judge, and only the judge, decides who wins and who loses the standing game. Thus, one man’s standing becomes another man’s fall.

As Steven Winter wrote in his Landmark Essay on Standing for the Stanford Law Review, "…a painstaking search of the historical material demonstrates that — for the first 150 years of the Republic — the Framers, the first Congresses, and the Court were oblivious to the modern conception either that standing is a component of the constitutional phrase ‘cases or controversies’ or that it is a prerequisite for seeking governmental compliance with the law."

Thus, it is understandable that lawyers get frustrated by a game that requires near psychic-psychological abilities to win. It is most frustrating in the Federal Court system, where the fox is in charge of the courthouse, in that, BHO appoints Federal judges.

However, there is a fair gambit for the smart lawyer. That is the proper choice of venue, the choice of the Court in which you have your case heard. All you have to do to properly play the venue hand is to file your case in the Court where you want it heard.

For example, if you had a criminal case against O.J. Simpson, you might want to file it in Las Vegas rather than Los Angeles. Likewise with B. H. Obama, it would be prudent to file criminal charges against that suspect in a Red County in a Red State of the USA, rather than in BHO’s Federal courts in Washington DC.

You might wonder how can I, and average citizen, bring a case against BHO. You might start by doing as Chief Justice John Roberts instructed, "Read the Constitution. It is not that hard to understand."

If you do read the Constitution, you will find that our Founding Fathers, in a prescient fashion, provided remedies to the circumstance of having a Constitutionally Unqualified man occupying our White House. That remedy is in the form of Citizen Grand Juries.

In United States vs. Williams (USSC 1992) Justice Scalia eloquently stated, "Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history...the Grand Jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the three branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right." In other words the power of the Grand Jury is assigned to We the People in order that we may obtain a "more perfect Union."

For more information on Citizen Grand Juries, visit the following websites:



These 12 Simple Steps are the way Patriots can use our Bill of Rights to keep control of the Government and to Clean up Corruption in government:

1) Advertise and Promote the Fact that you are forming a Grand Jury in Blogs, Local Newspapers and Community Organizations.

2) Form the Grand Jury and select a Foreman.

3) Select a Private Attorney General to make Presentments to Grand Jury, if local DA refuses to make presentments.

4) Select a convenient Meeting Place.

5) Communicate with all Citizens who have criminal information to present.

6) Schedule presentments by said Citizens.

7) Subpoena documents from Government Offices and Officials.

8) Schedule presentment of said Documents to Grand Jury by Grand Jury Attorney General.

9) Have Grand Jury Attorney General present said Documents to Grand Jury.

10) After investigation and deliberation is completed, vote and issue a True Bill (Indictment) or No True Bill.

11) Announce all Indictments to the Press and schedule News Conferences in front of your local Court House.

12) Serve the Indictment on the Judiciary at Court House News Conferences for the Issuance of Arrest Warrants.

Leo Patrick Haffey is a lawyer in Nashville, Tennessee who has worked in the music, motion picture and television industries as a producer. Mr. Haffey’s productions have been broadcast on most of the major television networks. Mr. Haffey has done extensive legal research on the Constitution, in particular the Constitutional qualifications for the Presidency of the United States of America.







From: Leo Haffey
Date: 4/20/2010 8:01:05 AM
To: Subject: Lost Battles in BHO's Lost War against the American People

BHO’s Lost Web of Deceit


Leo Patrick Haffey

In his final scene of Shakespeare’s play, Richard the Third, King Richard, lying in writhing physical and psychic pain over all the battles lost, screams, "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!"

King Richard lost his kingdom and he got no horse. In his final scene, he no longer had any subjects, followers, allies or friends. The people of England were no longer fooled by his tangled web of deceptions.

Like King Richard, Barrack Hussein Obama is about to lose a series of major battles. The looming loses for BHO have been foretold for anyone who cared to listen.

When the Mayor of Champaign, Illinois, the home of the major State University in his Home State, questioned the validity of BHO’s citizenship, it became clear that BHO has credibility problems with those who really know him. Incidentally, the Mayor is a former Police Officer and Chief of Police in Champaign. Mayor Schweighart does not think that BHO is a citizen of the United States. He may be right about that, but, to my mind, the facts surrounding BHO’s birthplace are immaterial.

Being that his father Barrack Hussein Obama Sr. Was a British/Kenyan subject (citizen) at the time of his birth, Barrack Hussein Obama Jr., by his own admissions, is not a Natural Born Citizen of the United States; and, thus, BHO Jr. Is not Constitutionally qualified to be the President of the United States, regardless of where he was born.

When I first began writing about the "Natural Born Citizen" qualification for the Presidency, few lawyers had an understanding of what I meant. Fewer still, had read the basis for that Constitutional language derived by our Founding Fathers from Vattel’s Law of Nations. At the time of its publication, Vattel’s Law of Nations was used as a textbook in colleges in the United States and Europe. Furthermore, it was the principal legal treatise used by our Founding Fathers in writing our Constitution. To this day, the Law of Nations is still used as a reference text by such legal scholars as Justice Antonin Scalia.

The following is the passage from Law of Nations that was used as the definition for a Natural Born Citizen by our Founding Fathers:

The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.

Barrack Hussein Obama’s father was not a citizen of the United States. Consequently, BHO is not a Natural Born Citizen and is not qualified to be the President of the United States according to the Presidential Qualifications Clause of Article II Section 1 of our Constitution.

As Sir Walter Scott said, "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!" That is Barrack Hussein Obama’s predicament, he is lost in his own tangled web of deceit; and, like King Richard in his final lost battle, BHO has no way out.

Our Founding Fathers gave us a Bill of Rights that insures us with the method to regain control of our Government, the Citizens Grand Jury which provides We the People with the power to Indict Corrupt Politicians with or without the approval of any judge or district attorney.


These 12 Simple Steps are the way Patriots can use our Bill of Rights to keep control of the Government and to Clean up Corruption in government:

1) Advertise and Promote the Fact that you are forming a Grand Jury in Blogs, Local Newspapers and Community Organizations.

2) Form the Grand Jury and select a Foreman.

3) Select a Private Attorney General to make Presentments to Grand Jury, if local DA refuses to make presentments.

4) Select a convenient Meeting Place.

5) Communicate with all Citizens who have criminal information to present.

6) Schedule presentments by said Citizens.

7) Subpoena documents from Government Offices and Officials.

8) Schedule presentment of said Documents to Grand Jury by Grand Jury Attorney General.

9) Have Grand Jury Attorney General present said Documents to Grand Jury.

10) After investigation and deliberation is completed, vote and issue a True Bill (Indictment) or No True Bill.

11) Announce all Indictments to the Press and schedule News Conferences in front of your local Court House.

12) Serve the Indictment on the Judiciary at Court House News Conferences for the Issuance of Arrest Warrants.

Leo Patrick Haffey is a licensed lawyer in Nashville, Tennessee who has worked in the music, motion picture and television industries as a producer. Mr. Haffey’s productions have been broadcast on most of the major television networks. Mr. Haffey has done extensive legal research on the Constitution, in particular the Constitutional qualifications for the Presidency of the United States of America.





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