We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Candidate for Congress makes Spanish available on his website

Most of us live in America, we go to work, come home to our families, enjoy the evening and go to sleep. We repeat this many times a week and hundreds of times a year.

We don't go to work because we want to, but because we must to provide for our families.

I have been put out of work 4 times in the last 8 years not because of lack of work, but because the employer could pay someone else less to do the work. ( and they could not speak English )

I happened to stumble across this YouTube video that really expresses my views on people in this country that are not able to speak or read english. They want this freedom we all love but with it comes a price. If they won't take the time to learn our language, how will they ever understand our values.

Now this Congressman put's his website on the internet with a Spanish option. We really need to go back to basics here if we are going to go forward.

Whoever did these YouTube videos must also be upset but at least they brought some humor into it.

Check out these videos and comment. This Candidate for Congress that is in Washington State is a good example of what we don't want in Congress.

Press #1 for English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIQ_SyNpAtU

Political Rules (Family Feud) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUa96wj_-wo

Give me 10 dollars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgdkzSs6yc0

Political Rules #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw0OKPMT6i8

Reading his Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOdSDbIJht4

Well I got a laugh out of them. Thank God he is not in my District

There are alos others there I did not list.

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Comment by Carol H on June 17, 2010 at 4:03pm
Just in case you didn't understand the English comment - here you go.
Los que publican videos quejándose de una opción en español en un sitio web son un asco los racistas de odio. ¿Viste los videos? No es la gente se pregunta de cualquier otro color no quiere postularse para un cargo cuando el racismo como éste todavía está hacia fuera allí. Tengo una opción en español en mi propio sitio web, pero eso no me hace menos de un patriota americano. Los medios de comunicación sigue diciendo que la fiesta del té son racistas y que es una mierda como esta que hace que parezcan que son correctos. Muy triste!
Comment by Carol H on June 17, 2010 at 3:16pm
The people posting videos complaining about a Spanish option on a website are disgusting hateful racists. Did you watch the videos? It is no wonder people of any other color don't want to run for office when racism like this is still out there. I have a Spanish option on my own website but that doesn't make me any less a patriot American. The media keeps saying the tea party are racists and it is crap like this that makes them look like they are correct. Pretty sad!
Comment by Lew Waters on June 16, 2010 at 5:14pm
So, I guess the Washington Republican National Hispanic Assembly should be encouraged to just join the Democrats? Castillo has been consistent in his call for e-verify and the SAVE Act. Just because someone makes a site also available in Spanish (google translate, by the way) doesn't mean they support amnesty. Many naturalized citizens are more comfortable when they read in their first language. Or, should we just deny their votes and send them off to the Democrats too?
Comment by Merrill on June 16, 2010 at 12:00pm
Castillo is an ass. He will be an extension of Brian (the closet Nazi) Baird.




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