Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
GySgt Bob Pinkstaff
USMC Retired
-------Original Message-------
From: Bob Pinkstaff
Date: 5/9/2010 12:36:24 PM
Cc: 'Barry Farber'; 'Bill O'Reilly'; Glenn Beck; Glenn Beck; 'Gregory Steven \(LA\)'; 'Huckabee'; 'Lou Dobbs'; 'Matt Bruce'; 'MB Libertgarian7'; Megyn Kelly Fox News; Michael Savage; 'Monica Crowley \(WXNT\)'; 'Patrick Gibson '; 'Rick Roberts KFMB'; 'Roger Hedgecock'; 'Rush Limbaugh'; 'Sean Hannity'; 'Steve Malzberg'
Like Anderson Cooper, Bill O'Rielly and Shepherd Smith are in my opinion the communist side or their so called "fair & balanced" news making of fox news! The "fox in the hen house" is no longer the news reporting network, they ("fox in the hen house") have joined forces with the alphabet networks, CNN, BBC ... The MSN!! I no longer listen to alphabet networks, CNN, BBC, "fox in the hen house" ... The MSN and their communist garbage!!!
Cooper, O'Rielly, Smith, Beck, Hannity, the Communist News Network (CNN) and the rest of the "fox in the hen house" news making network, the "draft dodgers of America" don't know the first thing about the oath all of us former and current military members swore to ... TO SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES AGAINST ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!!! That includes the evil Muslim communist USURPER, barack hussein obama, all of his evil followers and the alphabet networks, CNN, BBC, The MSN!!
The only news reporting I trust now and forevermore is WORLD NET DAILY (WND)!
-------Original Message-------
From: Neil Turner
Date: 5/8/2010 11:26:53 PM
Cc: 'Barry Farber'; 'Bill O'Reilly'; Glenn Beck; Glenn Beck; 'Gregory, Steven \(LA\)'; 'Huckabee'; 'Lou Dobbs'; 'Matt Bruce'; 'MB Libertgarian7'; Megyn Kelly; Michael Savage; 'Monica Crowley \(WXNT\)'; 'Patrick Gibson '; 'Rick Roberts KFMB'; 'Roger Hedgecock'; 'Rush Limbaugh'; 'Sean Hannity'; 'Steve Malzberg'
For those of you who would like to know what really happened Friday evening on CNN’s ‘360 with Anderson Cooper’ interview with Lt. Col Terry Lakin, following is a clear exposé of: · the ‘eligibility’ issue, and what ‘Natural Born’ Citizen-at birth-really means; · how it relates to LTC Lakin and his sworn oath to not obey illegal orders (unless they can be proven to be originating from a ‘Constitutionally eligible’ Commander in Chief); · how Anderson Cooper furthers the treason by promoting a proven fraudulent and inadmissible document (the Certification of Live Birth – aka the COLB) as evidence and proof of Obama’s Constitutional ‘eligibility’ - on national TV; · the treachery of Cooper and CNN, as spelled out in a searching but unambiguous open letter to Mr. Anderson (Cooper) by citizen patriot Arnie Rosner of Orange County CA, who ends with this burning question: You know Mr. Anderson, through-out history, every traitor has had a price … what was yours? Neil B. Turner CNN places eligibility in primetime spotlightMay 8th, 2010CNN, one of the mainstream media outlets that have either belittled or ignored the question of Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president since before the 2008 election, tonight gave the topic a primetime spotlight as Anderson Cooper defended the computer-generated online image of a Certificate of Live Birth that lists a 1961 Hawaii birth for the president. Cooper invited onto his “360″ program Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an Army doctor who is facing court-martial because he has told the military he will not follow orders unless Obama can document his eligibility to be commander-in-chief. The questions he is raising are like those raised in numerous lawsuits and other challenges to Obama – whether he qualifies to occupy the Oval Office under the Constitution’s requirement that a president be a “natural born” citizen. While the term is not defined in the Constitution, many legal analysts believe at the time it was written it meant a person born in the U.S. of two U.S. citizen parents. Obama clearly does not qualify under that definition, since he has admitted his father never was a U.S. citizen. Some legal challenges have argued he wasn’t even born in Hawaii. Lakin is not the first officer to raise such a challenge, and in at least one other case the Army rescinded orders so that a confrontation over the dispute would not develop. And a new Washington Post/ABC poll reveals that tens of millions of Americans doubt Obama’s eligibility. Cooper dominated the combative interview, demanding answers from Lakin, telling his lawyer, Paul Rolf Jensen, to let his client answer and then forging ahead with his own arguments. Lakin was able to explain that it is a constitutional issue that applies to the presidency. “I submitted Article 138 [requests],” he said. “It was the only way I could research the issue. I was asking and begging my leadership for guidance on how to address this issue. “It’s fundamental to the Constitution. My oath of office is to the Constitution. I believe we need the truth on this matter,” he said. In the absence of substantive responses, Lakin eventually created a situation that he hopes will result ultimately in some answers. Cooper argued that Lakin previously had taken orders from many officers without demanding their birth verification, and Jensen explained that was because the Constitutions sets the specific requirement for the president, not military officers. Cooper also cited the online “Certification of Live Birth” as proof of Obama’s Hawaii birth. Jensen responded that the law in the state created opportunities for individuals to obtain the Hawaii records – Cooper kept referring to the “Certification” as a “Certificate” – without having been born in the state. The COLB is “an official document,” Cooper claimed. “That is not correct,” said Jensen. Cooper also accused Lakin of following “false” information about Obama. Jensen urged Cooper to “tell the truth to your viewers.” Eventually Cooper cut off Jensen and Lakin, telling them, “I appreciate you being on this program.” Lakin is working with the SafeguardOurConstitution website, which is generating financial support for him. He is scheduled to have an Article 32 hearing sometime in the next few weeks, probably in the early part of June. The hearing will begin the court-martial process for him. (The entire disgusting display of ignorance, arrogance, and complicity in TREASON by Anderson [Pooper-Scooper] Cooper can be seen here: NT) INTERVIEW: Anderson Cooper VS. LTC TERRY LAKIN LTC TERRY LAKIN INTERVIEW. Anderson Cooper goes on the attack rather than let the issue be (SPELLED) played out. Response by American Grand Jury: We have been over this a 100 times before. The MSM is covering for Obama. This is not a complicated issue and the truth is so obvious that a 10-year old child can understand. Last night Anderson Cooper tried to convince the listeners that the entire “birther” argument revolves around some kind of fantasy belief that Obama is eligible simply because he was born in Hawaii. That is utter propaganda. The Obama “eligibility” issue, as it applies to LTC Lakin’s defense, has little or nothing to do with where Obama was born. Obama could have been born in Hawaii, Kenya or on the moon for all we care. The real issue is about the status of birth, not the place of birth. And now for the ump-tee-nth time on this blog I will quote the Constitutional requirement for serving as President of the United States: No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. a) “Natural born” is a “class” of citizenship. If a person is elected or ascends to the Office of the Presidency that person must prove he or she belongs to that “unique” class of citizenship. I could spend hours telling you why the Founders established this requirement but in general, it goes to “loyalty” to the United States of America. The Founders wanted to guarantee that no President had “dual-citizenship” or could claim allegiance to another Country while serving as President. If you question the Founders on this most important requirement then you believe the Constitution is invalid. Shame on you! b) “Native born” is NOT the same class as “natural born.” The liberals all try and mask the issue by using this slight in words. “Native” can apply to any person that was born in the United States or its territories. Obama may be “native born.” We don’t know for sure as he has never proved his citizenship. Is Obama a native born citizen, of dual-citizenship or an illegal alien? Obama has spent close to $2.0 million dollars in attorneys’ fees trying to avoid answering this question in court. Why do you suppose any person in their right might would spend that kind of money to avoid proving citizenship status? c) “Certification” is NOT the same as “Certificate.” This slighted term used by supporters of Obama falsely claim that Hawaii’s Certification of Live Birth (commonly known as the “short form” or COLB) proves Obama is eligible to hold office. This is false. A “Certification” is missing the documentation necessary to prove “natural born” status. For the folks out there that refuse to accept the truth it is like breeding a dog. If you want a pure-bred dog then you breed an AKC registered male with an AKC registered female (and you have the papers to prove it). If you want a “natural born” citizen then you breed a United States male citizen with a United States female citizen (and you have the papers to prove it). If you breed a United States citizen with a foreign national citizen then you get “less” than natural born. You may get “native born” but you don’t get “natural born.” In the most basic of terms, “natural born” REQUIRES the breeding of TWO US citizens. Obama’s father was a British subject. He was not a US citizen at the time of birth. Case closed. I don’t care how you try and slant the argument, Obama can never be a “natural born” citizen of the United States because of the citizenship status of his father. d) There is one last and final argument. MOST scholars and legal minds believe that “natural born” status ALSO implies that this class of citizen must be born within the United States or its sovereign soil to qualify. This is open to debate, but even the liberal judges who try and defend or skew the “natural born” clause do agree on one thing, that “natural born” citizenship means born of TWO US citizen parents. Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg (a liberal) is a good example. She claims her grandson born of 2 US citizen parents in Paris, France is a “natural born” citizen. I believe she is wrong but even if she is right what good does that do Obama? Now you know why the liberal press and people like Anderson Cooper slant their words to try and convince people that Obama is eligible. They know they are lying, I know they are lying and now you know they are lying. “Native born” is NOT the same thing as “natural born” and the myth that an Obama birth in Hawaii gives us a qualified “natural born” citizen President is just that, a myth. Below is what a REAL Hawaiian CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH (long form) looks like. This is the famous Nordyke Birth Certificate that was issued in 1961 around the same time as supposedly Obama was born in Hawaii. This document includes ALL the information necessary to “certify” a birth in a hospital by an attending physician, attest to the citizenship status of the parents and to further certify (without question) the citizenship status of the child. This document can prove “natural born” citizenship status. Here is an image of the document alleged to be Barack Obama’s birth certification (COLB). It is NOT a “long form” birth certificate. It does NOT prove “natural born” citizenship status. This document doesn’t even prove that the mother was a United States citizen. Many scholars and eligibility attorneys believe that Obama is nothing more than an illegal alien. How does that make you feel? (BTW. What RACE is ‘AFRICAN’, my very white South African, now naturalized U.S. citizens, would like to know? NT) And now, for a special treat for all who like to hear an honest and learned response directly to the ignorant, arrogant, and treasonous Anderson [Pooper-Scooper] Cooper, please read this open letter by Mr. Arnie Rosner of Orange County, CA. Did I tune in to the wrong channel?May 8th, 2010Mr Anderson, Forgive me sir…I must have misunderstood the intent of your show. Was I wrong to believe you were a component of the free press; a professional journalist? I was very confused about the manner in which you attempted to attack your guest, Lt. Col Lakin, as opposed to engage him. Did I miss something? Maybe I got it all wrong, Mr. Anderson, but it looked like your intentions were to discredit this principled, highly decorated, honorable warrior, who demonstrated his dedication to the Constitution and the American people. Unlike you sir, Lt. Col Lakin has put his life on the line on many occasions just so ingrates like you could heap abuse on him. He is obviously a much better man than you. Now in my book, your conduct tonight, places you in the same incredibly unique category as that of Ms. Ma’am Boxer. You both represent an insult to the American people and especially intelligent society. You knowingly participated in disseminating false and misleading information with regard to the eligibility issue, a subject in which you proved your gross incompetence, and at the same time because I believe you did so deliberately, in my opinion, you are also guilty of the crime of misprision. Further, in my view, this is a violation of the FCC license under which your broadcast network operates. So in principle, At the very least CNN should be sanctioned and fined for your transgressions. But not to worry Mr. Anderson, the damage has been dramatically contained due to the small size of your viewing audience. Well that is with the exception of those like me who just tuned in out of curiosity to see CNN live up to their biased reporting. I am happy to say you certainly met my expectations! Your actions and behavior were classic Alinsky style techniques. It is hard to imagine that the management of CNN and you really are this stupid. Hey…but I suspect you drink enough Kool-Aid and as a natural consequence it has distorted your judgment, your ethics, your morality and your humanity. But take heart! The American public sees right through your treachery. A brief glance at the CNN ratings confirms this fact. The losses at CNN continued a pattern in place for much of the last year, as the network trailed its competitors in every prime-time hour. (CNN still easily beats MSNBC in the daytime hours, but those are less lucrative in advertising money, and both networks are far behind Fox News at all hours.) But it is all relative isn’t it Mr. Anderson…CNN beat out MSNBC in the ratings. WOW…what a coup. Next thing you know you will start paying viewers to watch you. Maybe even offer unimaginable incentives…compliments of the American tax payers of course via the WH. So maybe the viewing public is not as dumb as you first thought….Maybe the public sees through your criminal intent. Maybe, just like Joe Wilson, the viewing public does not like liars and propagandists. What do you think? But really who cares what you think; certainly not most of your viewers. You know Mr. Anderson, through-out history, every traitor has had a price…what was yours? Respectfully, |
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