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Does Google spy on you for NSA? Judge says, 'None of your business'!

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On July 15, 2011:

A federal judge has ordered that whether Google is spying for National Security Agency or not, you have no right to know.

“The NSA need not disclose ‘the organization or any function of the National Security Agency, [or] any information with respect to the activities thereof,’” U.S. District Judged Richard Leon has ordered.

“Once the agency, through affidavits, has created ‘as complete a public record as is possible’ and explained ‘in as much detail as is possible the basis for its claim,’ … ‘the court is not to conduct a detailed inquiry to decide whether it agrees with the agency’s opinions,’” he said.

The demand for information had been raised by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, which said the ruling would be appealed.

“EPIC had sought documents under the FOIA because such an agreement [between Google and NSA] could reveal that the NSA is developing technical standards that would enable greater surveillance of Internet users,” the organization explained.

“The [response] to neither confirm nor deny is a controversial legal doctrine that allows agencies to conceal the existence of records that might otherwise be subject to public disclosure,” the group said. “EPIC plans to appeal this decision.”

The court opinion came as a result of a situation in which a Chinese hacking incident in January 2010 raised questions.

The group had wanted information about “arrangements with Google on cybersecurity, as well as records regarding the agency’s role in setting security standards for Gmail and other web-based applications.”

The organization explained that it was on Jan. 12, 2010, when Google said hackers from China had attacked Google’s corporate infrastructure. The company had said evidence suggested “that a primary goal of the attackers was accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists.”

The press then reported Google and the NSA “had entered into a ‘partnership’ to help analyze the attack by permitting them to ‘share critical information,’” EPIC reported. Those reports came from the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and others.

EPIC was seeking records on any agreement between NSA and Google, communications between the groups and others. NSA denied the request even though Pamela Phillips of the NSA admitted the organization was working “with a broad range of commercial partners and research associates.”

But the agency refused to release further information, “explaining that any response would improperly reveal information about NSA’s functions and activities,” the judge said.

The agency said, “To confirm or deny the existence of any such records would be to reveal whether the NSA … determined that vulnerabilities or cybersecurity issues pertaining to Google or certain of its commercial technologies could make U.S. government information systems susceptible to exploitation or attack.’

According to the judge, the agency said “even an acknowledgment of a relationship between the NSA and a commercial entity could potentially alert ‘adversaries to NSA priorities, threat assessment, or countermeasures.”

According to Courthouse News, the Washington federal judge’s decision was to grant the NSA’s request for a summary judgment dismissing the case.”



Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Net Neutrality is the Future of Censorship!-Posted on Big Government-By Seton Motley-On July 11, 2011:


II. Google and Obama: Joined at the Hip-Posted on Big Government-By Capitol Confidential-On May 1, 2011:


III. Google & The U.S. Government-Posted on InsideGoogle.com-On January 24, 2011:


Note What follows is an eye opening web site and article and/or blog post that meticulously reveal how George Soros is meddling with the courts in an attempt of buying off Left wing judges to use them as pawns to push his hidden agenda of dismantling our current system and implementing his New World Order and/or one-world government-You Decide:

Alliance For Justice (AFJ)-Posted on DiscoverTheNetworks.org:


Soros meddles in courts, attempts to buy Leftwing judges!-Posted on National Examiner-By Anthony Martin-On June 27, 2011:


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and reports reveal how George Soros, along with other liberal backers use their money to fund and/or manipulate media outlets, to include Hollywood because they see that as a powerful way to influence the American public.

It’s a strategy that Soros has been deploying extensively in media both in the United States and abroad. Since 2003, Soros has spent more than $48 million funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news - journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations-You Decide:

Nearly 30 Soros-funded Media Operations Part of 'War on Fox'!- Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On June 1, 2011:


Soros-Funded Lefty Media Reach More Than 300 Million Every Month!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 25, 2011:


Soros Spends Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 18, 2011:


Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 11, 2011:


Citizen Soros Manipulating the Media!-Posted on Capital Research Center-By Matthew Vadum-On January 2011:


The Intersection of Politics and Hollywood Propaganda!-Posted on Big Hollywood-By Liberty Chick-On July 26, 2010:


George Soros, Movie Mogul: ‘Social Justice’ Cinema and the Sundance Institute!-Posted on Capital Research Center-By Rondi Adamson-On March 20o8:


The Hidden Soros Agenda: Drugs, Money, the Media, and Political Power!-Posted on AIM-By Cliff Kincaid-On October 27, 2004:


Note:  The following article and/or blog post reveals how the Main Stream Media is assisting President Obama and minions to bring down capitalist America, as the propaganda machine of the neo-fascist Left-You Decide:

The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The FCC Should Not Interfere With The Internet!


Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!


Semper Fi!


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Comment by M on July 19, 2011 at 5:44pm
Actually Wal-Mart has a more sophisticated computer system for information gathering than the NSA and there was a story about all the networks being forced to allow Government access to all their files about 6 years ago under the Patriot Act and administered by Homeland Security.



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