We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


An AMERICA must read:

Most members of the 912 Project – North Jersey Group do not know of my involvement with the terror attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. By way of background, before retiring a few years ago, I was the Chief Executive for the American Red Cross of Metropolitan New Jersey headquartered in Fairfield.


In the minutes, days, and weeks following the attack I led the primary Red Cross response in Manhattan starting at 10 AM on that fateful morning. My emergency crews crossed through the Holland Tunnel just before it was closed – literally minutes after the attacks and even as the towers were collapsing in on themselves. For weeks, our staff and volunteers tirelessly worked 18 hour days, both in lower Manhattan assisting the emergency responders “on the pile” and here in New Jersey helping families cope with the loss of loved ones. As a result, I have a great deal of empathy for what these families went through and continue to suffer with.


The recent controversy regarding the building of a mosque at Ground Zero has had me concerned about the direction of our country and its leadership. Tolerance has morphed into extreme political correctness, and now seems to be headed toward fearful appeasement. As a result, over the past few days my concern has turned to outrage as I watch the arrogance, and now threats, in interviews with the project’s leadership.


The following link is to the September 9 Fox News Channel interview by Megyn Kelly of Debra Burlingame, a 9/11 family member. It also contains a clip from a Larry King Show interview with the Imam who is the head of the organization that wants to build the mosque. I invite you to view the 8 minute interview and see if you don’t agree with Debra’s conclusions.




If you are as outraged as I am I ask that you consider joining us starting at 3PM this Saturday – the 9th anniversary of the terror attacks – in lower Manhattan. Details of the rally are available at the following link.


This message was sent by Walter Gramm (waltergramm@optimum.net) from
The 912 Project - North Jersey.
To learn more about Walter Gramm, visit his/her
member profile

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