We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

George Washington prayer: on Preparation for the Worst

January 7, 2009 by texasdarlin.wordpress.com

TD NOTE 1/8/09: See Dr. Kate’s Update at the end regarding the Washington Prayer Journal.
By Dr. Kate, Guest Author

The People of America and the U.S. Congress: Preparation for the Worst

© 2009 Dr. Kate
Exclusive for TD Blog

(Author’s note. Hat tip to ‘don’ttrampleonmyflag’ for posting the George Washington piece, and to TD’s readers for inspiring yet another post for the love of my Country)

George Washington saw this time period coming in a vision he had while at Mt. Vernon. The spirit who visited him finished by saying:

“Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful for her is the third. But the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union.”

With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been showed to me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States. - from George Washington’s Prayer Journal

The three perils shown to George Washington were the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and a third “most fearful” time for the Republic. I believe we are on the precipice of that third period.

Remember what we have been through as a nation. Washington’s second vision of America’s destiny came this way:

“Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn.”

And this time a dark shadowy angel turned his face southward. From Africa I saw an ill omened spectra approach our land. It flitted slowly and heavily over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued look I saw a bright angel on whose brow was traced the word ‘Union.’ He was bearing the American flag. He placed the flag between the divided nation and said, “Remember, ye are brethren.”

Instantly the inhabitants, casting down their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.

The Agonizing Week Ahead

As we enter this momentous week in what has seemed an eternity to the 2008 election, we must prepare on many levels for the disappointing level of commitment to the Constitution and lack of courage that Congress may will likely demonstrate on January 8th. We must also steel ourselves for the Supreme Court’s action or lack thereof, despite the promising signs of scheduled conferences for January 9th and 16th.

Let us take a moment to remember how we got to where we are now: largely through our own dedication to our Country, through the laser-like analyses of Judah Benjamin and TexasDarlin, and through our voracious appetite for the truth. There are many patriots here from all walks of life, from all political perspectives, from every culture and tradition.

In agonizingly brief summary:

**Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama is not eligible to serve as the President of the United States because of his dual citizenship at birth and allegiance to the British Crown and Kenyan government inherited through his father. It does not matter where he was born, he is not a NBC because both of his parents were NOT US citizens.

**Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama is not eligible to serve as President of the United States because he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen and has not shown that he ever reclaimed his U.S. citizenship.

**Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama may be a U.S. citizen, but he is a naturalized U.S. citizen.

**There has been one Alinsky-style diversion after another that has been used to both mask what is going on behind the scenes, and to ‘throw us off the scent’. Everything from the birth certificate (which would in fact provide vital information and will be needed after all), to the Kenyan birth, to the marriage or non-marriage of his parents, to the scrubbing of any records, to the outright telling of lies by fabricating truths.

**The election was ‘fixed’ for Obama including the deliberate, willful, and dangerous allowing of a usurper to violate the constitution and seize the reigns of the U.S. government.

We are now faced with a Congress that is poised to empower a usurper, a Supreme Court that may or may not act, and the general public moving along as if everything was ‘hunky-dory’. We want someone in Congress to object, to make a “Point of Order”, on January 8th. The democrats want to push Obama down our throats; the republicans want this to ‘blow up in the democrats’ faces and ruin them for years’. Hey, what about ‘we the people’?

And in the greatest Alinsky-style diversion/distraction of all—the fuss about Barack Hussein Obama himself—the banking cartel (aka Federal Reserve) and its enablers in Congress took the last nickel and dime of every American’s savings, and printed money out of thin air to bail out everyone but the American taxpayer, all the while making money by charging interest on that ‘thin air’. But that is indeed another, and forthcoming, post.

Again I heard a mysterious voice saying,

“Son of the Republic, look and learn.”

At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these continents arose thick black clouds that were soon joined into one. And throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men. These men, moving with the cloud marched by land and sailed by sea to America, which country was enveloped in the volume of the cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities, which I had seen spring up.

What do you think this means today?

Small Steps that Make Big Movements

It seems that the main focus ‘we the people’ have right now are small steps that we are all taking: writing to the Supreme Court, our representatives and Senators, Secretaries of States, and many, many letters to the editor. And of course we are talking and letting all who will listen, and then some, know. Individually it seems miniscule; collectively it becomes the awakening of the ‘sleeping giant’ of true American patriotism.

I wanted to pick up on the idea of a “Petition for Redress” to Congress which has been mentioned a few times in threads here at this site. Our Founding Fathers and early patriots started the revolution by endlessly petitioning King George for redress, to no avail. While ‘we the people’ have recourse under the First Amendment to petition congress for redress , it does not obligate Congress legally or morally to respond to ‘we the people’. Hence the many petitions for redress by the We the People Foundation and others regarding the 16th amendment, taxation, and the federal reserve have gone un-answered, and now the United States is going after the petitioner! Do you think ‘we the people’ are getting closer?

The ‘Petition for Redress” also has to happen after the ‘crime’ or injury to the people has been committed—in this case, after Congress fails to object to the Electoral College vote on January 8th. Ideally, such a petition should be filed immediately in the DC Federal district court, as well as all 50 states, although the attorneys out there might help us figure this out. Each member of Congress should receive the petition. The We the People Foundation had 50 people from each state hand deliver petitions for redress on taxes to each member of Congress and several executive offices.

As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I again heard the mysterious voice saying,

“Son of the Republic, look and learn.”

When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast. Instantly a light, as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments of the dark cloud, which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shown the word ‘Union,’ and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh over come, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks, and renewed battle.

Another declaration of independence, as is our right and burden as Americans?

A Petition for Redress: Can We Force Congress to Act Now?

I, like many of you, have written passionate and factual letters to our representatives, only to be rudely dismissed as a ‘conspiracy theorist’, ‘racist’, or threatened with FBI visits. Like many of you I am not going away no matter what happens on the 8th, 9th, 16th, or 20th of January.

What would happen if we also let them know in our letters that we all are not going away by including a ‘draft petition for redress’? Would it make any difference to them? Maybe or maybe not. But it would put them on notice that we are not going away and that these petitions could be easily filed in every state of the Country. I wonder if any one of these so-called representatives understands that willfully participating in an attempt to defraud the United States and the voting system is a criminal offense?

While I am an optimist at heart, I know that we are staring down the barrel of a gun right now. The peril we face may be that third vision of George Washington—the last and most dangerous for the Union.

Again amid the fearful voice of the conflict I heard the mysterious voice say,

“Son of the Republic, look and learn.”

As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped the water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark clouds rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious. Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seem them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard cried with a loud voice: “While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.”


ON JANUARY 8, 2009


WHEREAS, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides, in part, that “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of…or the right of the people…to petition the government for a redress of grievances”, and

WHEREAS, this Petition for Redress is thusly submitted to Congress regarding the Congress’ certification of Electoral College votes on January 8, 2009,

WHEREAS, this petition asserts that Congress certified the Electoral College votes without performing due diligence on the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, and thus failed to uphold their sworn duty to uphold the U.S. Constitution…


WHEREAS, Article II of the United States Constitution specifies that “no person except a natural born citizen….shall be eligible to hold the office of the President of the United States”, and

WHEREAS, the ‘natural born citizen’ requirement has been interpreted to require birth in the United States or its territories and to two American citizens, and

WHEREAS, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution does not confer the ‘natural born citizen’ title on naturalized U.S. citizens, and

WHEREAS, Barack Hussein Obama admits his father was a Kenyan National, and that at birth Mr. Obama was born of first allegiance to the British Crown, through the citizenship of his father under the British Nationality Act of 1948, and

WHEREAS, Barack Hussein Obama admits he was adopted by an Indonesian National named Lolo Soetoro and evidence exists that Mr. Obama used the legal name “Barry Soetoro”, and

WHEREAS, Barack Hussein Obama admits he is a ‘native’ born U.S. Citizen under the 14th Amendment;

WHEREAS, Barack Hussein Obama signed notarized documents regarding his eligibility to serve as President under the U.S. Constitution, including sworn statements of his ‘natural born’ citizenship;

WHEREAS, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi verbally and in written form certified to State Secretaries of States that Barack Hussein Obama was indeed eligible under the U.S. Constitution to serve as President without having seen key documentation, and

WHEREAS, to date no legal authority has verified that Barack Hussein Obama is a ‘natural born citizen’ as required by Article II of the United States Constitution, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Obama has sealed all of his records and expended nearly one million dollars in defending his right NOT to show that he is a natural born citizen and thus eligible to serve as President, and

WHEREAS, despite this information that strongly suggests Mr. Obama is ineligible for the Presidency, and despite their oath to uphold the Constitution, their privilege to raise a Point of Order, no member of the Congress raised an objection or Point of Order in Congress on January 8th 2009, on the reading of each State’s electoral certificates of the total vote for Barack Hussein Obama II ( 3 U.S.C. Ch. 1, §15, §17, §19(a) (1), and §19), nor when the President of the Senate called for objections, and

WHEREAS, while every member of Congress has an affirmative duty to ensure the protection of the U.S. Constitution, Congress willfully ignored the disqualifying information, the danger to our Constitution, the Country, and the Citizenry, and nevertheless certified the Electoral College vote for Mr. Obama;

WHEREAS, Congress has violated the trust of the people by failing to conduct due diligence and verify the eligibility of Mr. Obama thereby endangering the Citizenry by precipitating a constitutional crisis.


WE, the undersigned, do petition Congress for relief and redress in the following manner:

1. Verify beyond any doubt that Mr. Obama is a natural born citizen under Article II of the U.S. Constitution, specifically by refuting or affirming the following:

a. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II is not qualified to serve as President because he is not a natural born citizen as required by Article II, Section I of the Constitution, having “Foreign Allegiances” at birth and by adoption, by renouncing US citizenship, and by failing to provide unambiguous evidence that he is “a natural born Citizen” without other allegiance. In particular:

i. Mr. Obama had first allegiance to the British Crown and to Kenya, being born a British Citizen under the British Nationality Act of 1948 and then a citizen of Kenya through his Kenyan birth father Barack Obama, Sr.

ii. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Barack Obama, also has primary allegiance to Indonesia, having Indonesian citizenship by adoption Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, a citizen of Indonesia. By Constitution of Indonesia, Law No. 62 of 1958, Art. 2 (1), and as required to enroll in Indonesian schools. As evidenced by school records and travel to Pakistan in 1981, Mr. Obama retains his Indonesian citizenship.

b. Mr. Obama has failed to produce unambiguous evidence that he is a “natural born Citizen” born to two U.S. citizens “in the allegiance of the United States” and that he has retained that exclusive allegiance to the United States.

2. De-certify the January 8th Electoral College vote if Mr. Obama is found ineligible through Congressional examination;

3. Invoke the 20th Amendment to appoint an ‘Acting President’ until Congress can agree upon a process to provide an eligible President;

4. Seek whatever guidance is needed from the U.S. Supreme Court.

5. Develop federal regulations and procedures to ensure that Presidential Candidates are natural born citizens and fully vetted for their eligibility to serve.

Submitted on this 9th day of January, 2009 by


Representing 50 courageous patriotic plaintiffs
From all 50 States in the Union

Or by thousands of individuals

Views: 6


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Comment by virginialee on February 1, 2009 at 5:34am
Let's do it!
Comment by usfrog on January 12, 2009 at 4:09pm
Very good petition. We must keep at it.



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