We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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Comment by M on July 19, 2011 at 9:58am
Gunrunner was deliberately set up to allow the Administration to start the process of confiscating all Civilian firearms/weapons by the same process that every dictatorship in recorded history has done. they start by requiring all firearms owners to register with the central authority because it is somehow supposed to help lower the lawlessness. The criminals just ignore the law and the law abiding public obeys it. That is how the NAZI's disarmed the Jewish segment of their society, and when that segment had no way to defend itself then came Crystal Nacht ( the night of broken glass). Seems that the Government is powerless to control the true criminal element so they have opted to over control the law abiding section of the public. Every Dictatorship removes the means of self protection from their citizens just before they enslave them. It usually ends with a lot of bleeding and dying for those who would oppose the dictatorial regime.
Comment by Catherine Linton on July 18, 2011 at 10:26pm
We have enough people...awake, thinking, and mad as hell, as evidenced by the thousands online on sites across America.  If we take the wait and see approach, we will lose our internet and will no longer be able to connect. Don't for a moment believe that can't happen. We need leadership in our movement, that is what is truly lacking.That is key. As an aside, didn't the Arab Egyptians celebrate a robust Spring , by the thousands, just using Twitter?  Right now, we still have enough freedoms to take it further than that. Suggestions, Anyone????



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