We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

He Who Would Be President in 2013


He or she who would be president in 2013 must confront Obama’s issue of eligibility as well as his criminal violations of the Constitution.


Approximately two thirds of Americans doubt Obama’s nativity story that he was born in Hawaii.  Most believe he is an illegal alien who has usurped the presidency. 


There currently are thousands of citizens who are sending letters regarding Obama’s felony when he flaunted on TV, April 27, 2011 a proven “forged document” he claimed to be his long form birth certificate. They are sending these letters to the FBI, their local sheriffs, Congress, Senators or to whom ever has judicial authority.  These letters are called “misprision of a felony” which states that people who have witnessed a felony are legally obligated to notify a legal authority. Obama’s “audacity of hope” is so flagrant he hoped if he audaciously produced any document on TV and calls it his birth certificate, the American people would be so gullible they would believe it. When that insulting denigrating to America’s intelligence backfired on him, he immediately went to plan B—the alleged murder of Osama Bin Ladin.


This fraud and his equally criminal wife have been using and abusing the office of presidency for their own personal interests and wealth since they illegally moved into the WH.  America has been witnessing one misprision of felony after another while entering a grave state of shock because the watch dogs of America failed to make this imposter accountable for his crimes with all sorts of lame and cowardly excuses—“no one had standing to sue him”, demanding his proof of eligibility “might embarrass the president”. . .. “Disgusting or obscene” are words that don’t even begin to describe that sick feeling in the stomach and hearts of millions of honest Americans of all colors.


Obama’s eligibility is America’s number one crisis today.  All other issues are secondary to this.  For example—no bill or law signed by a usurper is valid.  Therefore Obamacare is not legal. Therefore all the rotten anti American treaties he made with other countries are not legal.  It will be very easy to undue all the rest of the vile, disgusting laws and bills he got through via executive order—EPA, the DREAM ACT.


What we the people really, really want is an honest-non-corrupted-by-Obama Congress, Senate, judicial system, CIA, FBI, DOJ and Hawaiian health department.  We must insist that every SOS of all 50 states demand Obama produce his credentials proving beyond the shadow of a .50 cent forgery he is eligible or forbid him to be placed on the ballot.


The 2012 election is upon us.  This is America’s last gasp to get it right.  Time is of the essence.  There is no potential powerful courageous candidate sniffing and wagging for the Republican nomination I would vote for today--from Romney to Bachman to Perry to Pawlenty.  They all have avoided the issue of Obama’s eligibility as if it were of no importance while simultaneously advising the public to focus on “the Obama policies.”  It is another smoke and mirrors act that the public must not permit. Americans already know issues of employment, borders, Obamacare, economy, foreign policy, housing, national security, yadda, yadda are going to be the usual ho hum political menu politicians have run on for the last hundred years.  Regardless of who is in office after the election these issues would be addressed.  The real blood and guts issue is “who the hell is Obama and why he is still in the WH.”


We need to remove or at best diminish political corruption. We want to replace the Washington crooks with honorable men and women who are oath keepers, patriotic Americans.  We must elect leaders who believe in America first, the wisdom of the Constitution and who hold the belief America must be restored to Capitalism and its Christian/Judeo beliefs.  If just those ideas are upheld and practiced, so many other issues would automatically begin to resolve themselves.  We the voters must choose the leaders who support these ideas and reject the cowards who chose to ignore Obama’s eligibility while claiming attacking his policies is more important. By the way—after America voted in November 2010, did you notice how they immediately forgot their promises to hold Obama accountable?  They all turned into Scott Browns who wasted no time getting into bed with Obama.


Any politician running for any office in 2012 who makes statements like the following regard these statements as red flags as to the type of job they will do once in office. Politicians who refuse to confront the single most important issue in America Today are not only in denial, they are unfit to hold the office for which he/she is running. They are complicit in Obama’s crime of usurpation and are unwittingly revealing to you he/she will—once in office—place his/her career above the integrity of America. Any politician who places his career above his country is a traitor. This type of politician can and will be easily corrupted by Obama bribery or intimidation. 


“Let’s not confront Obama’s eligibility.  Attacking his policies is more important”.


“Obama is qualified to be president.  He was born in Hawaii.  He is a NBC”


“If Obama is ruled ineligible than this will cause America’s black to riot.”


“There have been hundreds a cases regarding Obama’s eligibility, and they have all been dismissed.”


“If I confront Obama’s eligibility while I am running, I will be labeled as a “birther” and considered crazy and will never get elected.”


What Americans really, really want is for the judicial watch dogs to stop stone walling, pigeon holing, obfuscating, cork screwing and mind molesting we the people and investigate Obama’s eligibility, false social security numbers, his persistence in the war on Libya, his participation in “Gun Runner”, and the entire collection of election frauds, constitutional violations, and the Vatican Bank.


He who will become president in 2013 will excel far ahead of any competition—in spite the Republican Committee’s failure to confront Obama’s eligibility from 2008 to now. 

Donald the Trump’s short flirtation as a possible candidate proved this to be hottest issue. Obama’s eligibility issue supersedes all others.  The Donald, a non politician garnered ratings higher than any possible presidential contender in the shortest amount of time.  It wasn’t due to Trump’s popularity—he wasn’t that popular.  It was due to his “audacity” to confront what every American who does not believe Obama is eligible wants done.  Expose the imposter and all his false identity crimes from Harrison J. Bounel to his own mother’s false security number. Shout out all the Obama’s lies, fiction, and fantasies too every American. Demand accountability via his producing each and every document from his birth certificate to his school records to his Harvard activities to what in the hell we are doing in Libya.  It is not only our duty but our right.  Once a man becomes the president of the United States then ALL HIS RECORDS BELONG TO THE PUBLIC. Obama’s first act as a usurper president was to violate the law by sealing all his records.


The candidate who fearlessly confronts Obama’s eligibility will become the next president—even if he runs on a third party.  By law, Obama should not even be permitted to run until he has proven he is qualified.


© July 2011, Therese Daniels


Saturday, July 09, 2011


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