We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Help Defeat Agenda 21 EPA Over Reach

The Latest From Karen B. on the fight against Agenda 21;

Many of you have asked for a link so you can post our call with Senator Paul on Facebook an Twitter.  Please see below for the link.  We need to ensure a huge turn out for this call.   This bill is as important for us as it is to Senator Paul.  It is a win win for all!!!   ALSO, joining us on the call will be Tom DeWeese.

Senator Rand Paul needs our help.  I know you will all agree that Senator Paul has been a true advocate for liberty and has been a true ally to the grass roots movement.  It is now time to show our appreciation and help Senator Paul.  He has written a bill (S.2122) and if passed it will put a crimp in the overreach of the EPA.  I have attached the entire bill, a one page summary and a section by section summary.  


JOIN the Telephone Town Hall:

Senator Rand Paul Town Hall Registration Link:


The Town Hall is on March 13th at 6pm Pacific Time/9m Eastern Time. Please help us get as many people on this call as possible!!! We need Patriot Groups across the country to get on this  call!!!


Senator Paul will explain the importance of this bill and how we can help him get this bill passed.  So be ready to put a plan of action in place to help support Senator Paul.  We all have worked so hard at a local level trying to stop the assault on our property rights and the tenants of Agenda 21.  How many times have we heard/said  "If only DC would help us?"  Well we have a chance to show DC the Tea Party is alive, well and stronger than ever while at the same time we can be a part of history and take the EPA down a peg or two.


The conference bridge has unlimited call in ports so spread this to everyone you know.  Lets make this TOWN HALL invitation go VIRAL.  PLEASE send the Town Hall flyer to EVERYONE you know.  Post on Facebook, Twitter and as an event in your MeetUp/Website.  Please send to your entire membership.  


NOTE:  The number you use during the registration will be the number used to connect you to the Town Hall.  If you miss the call you will not be able to join the Town Hall.


Senator Rand Paul Town Hall Registration Link:



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