We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Hocus Pocus Neurosis - Gauntlet of Justice and the Lack Thereof


Complete copy and paste text copy and resources available at:

https://www.youtube.com/watch/v/SxuzgWK3gxA ~ thanks PR Fira, YT AforP

https://www.youtube.com/watch/v/G6nyGTWN2fY ~ thanks YT AppalachianAmer1can

We MUST Restore the Constitutional Republic

https://www.youtube.com/watch/v/xdD3pQnI880 ~ thanks YT deanhaskins

https://www.youtube.com/watch/v/_HX6vbhAYaU ~ thanks TS Julie, YT Flineo

https://www.youtube.com/watch/v/NfGdbFh6cSI ~ thanks TS WMassRepub, YT ReflectedFan



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Patriots united whilst We Idle

It is dangerous to live in a country where the 'branches of government'
have deceptively insurrected the governing documents of it's citizenry.
... the Republican Party must stand on it's original principals and
~ One of these cases must find judgement for the People ~

Hocus Pocus Neurosis - Gauntlet of Justice and the Lack Thereof

~ it's the lack of resolution in a demeaning world ~

I've been following these cases for several months now and have taken the time to collect some of the information that is out there to better educate the public. Quite honestly, I'm distraught over the condition of our country. I love my country. I appreciate our land, our founding fathers, and all that was sacrificed that we might have the freedom we have today. After looking at all the different cases and the people behind the cases and all the other news circulating around this man, the allegations and associations, one thing has become clear to me. We're in big trouble. These words are resonating in my heart right now:
"America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good,
America will cease to be great."

Eligibility Lawsuits


Hollister v. Soetoro: Judge Denies Specific Motions in Pending Case
Judge Denies Specific Motions in Pending Case
The following Order from DC District Court Judge James Robertson was issued for Hollister v. Soetoro yesterday: Plaintiff's motion to file interpleader and deposit funds with the court [#2] is frivolous and is denied. His motion to shorten time for defendants …

Berg v. Obama: Clerk Orders Case Submitted to Merits Panel
Clerk Orders Case Submitted to Merits Panel - Attorney Philip J. Berg, the Plaintiff in his Third Circuit Court of Appeals case Berg v. Obama, yesterday had his case referred to a Merits Panel.

Broe v. Reed: Updates on WA State Case, Investigations
Updates on WA State Case, Investigations
Today, at the plainsradio.com forum, the following was left by Stephen Pidgeon, part of which covers the next step for Broe v. Reed: Here is an update concerning Broe v Reed.
The plaintiffs have elected not to make …

Hollister v. Soetoro: Defendant Motion to Dismiss
Defendant Motion to Dismiss - I just received a copy of the Motion to Dismiss in Philip Berg's recent case, Hollister v. Soetoro. Aside from the usual defensive arguments, the following footnotes are very telling: Regarding Berg's claim of ineligibility: 1 President Obama …

Hunter v. Obama: TX Case Dismissed on Failure of Claim, Jurisdiction
TX Case Dismissed on Failure of Claim, Jurisdiction - Darrel Reece Hunter of Amarillo, TX, on January 16, 2009 received a response as Plaintiff pro se in Hunter v. Obama where he filed in US District Court against Defendants US Supreme Court, Barack H. Obama, John McCain, Democratic National …

Stamper v. US: OH Federal Case Against McCain, Obama, Surrick Dismissed
OH Federal Case Against McCain, Obama, Surrick Dismissed - Gordon Allen Stamper of Richmond Heights, OH, on November 4, 2008 received a response as Plaintiff pro se in Stamper v. US, where he filed in US District Court against Defendants USA, Judge R. Barclay

Latest on Franken-Coleman; Rep's $9k Taxpayer Amendment; Dynamics of Deliberation
- the Administrative State Former Clinton advisor-turned-liberal critic and activist Dick Morris has an interesting report on the state of the Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) / Al Franken race (key excerpt): Media Hiding Truth About Franken Election Theft - It's a disgrace …

Lightfoot v. Bowen: Application for Stay Denied; Other Case Info; Dr. Taitz to File for Writ
According to today's Supreme Court Orders, Dr. Orly Taitz' case, Lightfoot v. Bowen, has been disposed of accordingly: 08A524 LIGHTFOOT, GAIL, ET AL. V. BOWEN, CA SEC. OF STATE The application for stay addressed to The Chief Justice and referred …

Chris Strunk FOIA: State Department Responds
Chris Strunk, who has filed two Freedom Of Information Act requests concerning Dunham / Soetoro (Obama) records, received a response to a 101608 FOIA on Ann Dunham and 112208 expanded FOIA dated 01/12/09. Further, Mr. Strunk mentioned the following: As …

Brockhausen v. Andrade: Judge: "This Court has no Jurisdiction"; Update: US Attorneys Getting Involved ...

Kerchner v. Obama: Complaint, Petition Filed in NJ Federal District Court
Mario Apuzzo, a New Jersey attorney, filed a case early Tuesday morning, a Complaint for Emergency Injunction, Declaratory Relief, Mandamus, and Petition for Quo Warranto:
On early Tuesday morning, January 20, 2009, at about 3:00 a.m., I …

SCOTUS Docketing System Acting Strangely; Dr. Taitz Issues Subpoenas; Obama Re-Sworn In; Update: The docketing system now correctly shows dockets of eligibility cases (see my "Supreme Court Info" widget on the sidebar for links). Hopefully this was an honest mistake by some IT person somewhere.Let's hit the hot …

Ankeny v. Daniels: Indiana Eligibility Case Update
As originally covered here, Steve Ankeny and Bill Kruse are currently Plaintiffs in a case against Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels and the Democrat and Republican National Committees challenging that these Defendants had not upheld the …

Berg v. Obama: SCOTUS Denies Stay Application
According to today's Supreme Court Orders, the second Conference disposition of Berg v. Obama for injunctive relief has been denied: 08A505 BERG, PHILIP J. V. OBAMA, BARACK, ET AL. (08-570) The application for stay addressed to Justice Scalia and
referred to the …

Keyes v. Obama: Legal Action Filed in CA Federal Court Based on Executive Order
On Friday, January 16, President George W. Bush's recent Executive Order on reinvestigating individuals at the federal level. According to RovingPatrol bog, this Order could be another way to approach the President-Elect's many legal issues. …

Keyes v. Bowen: Subpoena Issued for President-Elect's Occidental College Records; WND Update - Yesterday, the ObamaDailyWaffles blog reported the law office of Gary Kreep, lead attorney in Keyes v. Bowen, requested, on January 15, the President-Elect's collegiate records (see the PDF here). According to the subpoena: 3. The records to be produced …

Berg v. Obama: Clerk Orders Case Submitted to Merits Panel

Lawsuit with Military and ex-Military Plaintiffs
Dr. Taitz' Upcoming Military Lawsuit to Include Obama Relative
Per Dr. Orly Taitz' recent commentary (now said to have approximately 50 Plaintiffs, one of whom is a blood relative of Obama)


Dr. Orly's YouTube channel:

A recent interview with Dr. Taitz:

State Initiatives

Various State-based initiatives towards reforming the American government, a constitutional republic.

Arizona: (02/04/09) * AZ State Reps Introduce State Sovereignty Resolution
Colorado: (12/16/08) * Candidate Qualification: CO Legislative Council Begins Ballot Initiative Process * Ballot Initiative to Certify Candidate Eligibility Submitted in Colorado
Georgia: (02/03/09) * From Georgia: Georgia Constitutional Convention and the FairTax, School Vouchers, Proof of Citizenship to Vote
Massachusetts: (02/06/09) * Concerned Citizen Submits State Sovereignty Bill to State Rep
Michigan: (02/04/09) * MI State Rep Introduces Resolution on State Sovereignty
Missouri: (02/04/09) * MO State Reps Propose State Sovereignty Bill Regarding FOCA
Montana: (02/04/09) * MT State Rep Introduces Bill to Exempt Firearms from Federal Regulation (2nd and 10th Amendments)
New Hampshire: (02/03/09) * NH State Reps Introduce Bill Reaffirming States' Rights
North Dakota: (01/22/09) * ND Initiative Update: Considering Legislation to Modify Statutes
Ohio: (12/11/08) * OH State Rep Offers Joint Resolution Asking Electoral College to Confirm Citizenship
Oklahoma: (01/31/09) * OK State Rep to Reintroduce State Sovereignty Bill * Ballot Update: OK State Rep Ritze Pre-fills Bill * OK State Rep to Introduce Bill Requiring Documentation for Ballot Placement
Pennsylvania: (10/31/08) * PA State Rep Authoring Legislation on Candidate Eligibility Based on Obama Citizenship Questions
Utah: (01/22/09) * State Initiative Update: ND, UT Considering Legislation to Modify Statutes
Washington: (02/04/09) * WA State Reps Introduce Bill on State Sovereignty

The Obama Timeline: 1961-2009 - Don Fredrick, advocate of freedom and free markets

http://www.atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs http://www.investigatingobama.blogspot.com
http://www.obamacitizenshipfacts.org http://www.naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com

Senator Jim DeMint joins other Senators at AFP NoStimulus Rally
70,000 petitions delivered
We are making a difference by signing the No Stimulus petition.
Americans for Prosperity
http://www americansforprosperity.org
Tim Phillips delivered 69,480 signed petitions to the Senate Friday.
He is asking us to all go to www.nostimulus.com, sign it and forward it to your friends.
He has delivered 2400 signed petitions to Arlen Specter and Specter's staff is admitting to being rattled by all the telephone and petition activity.
The nefarious 3 turncoats - currently these 3 GOP Senators are indicating a potential to likely YES Vote on HR1. They are: Republican Senators COLLINS AND SNOWE of MAINE and Republican Senator SPECTRE of Pennyslvania. If they do so, we will all be subjected to dangerous laws hidden in this Socialist Stimulus for Obama backers!
All Team Sarah and Patriotic Resistance members are urged to contact the members of the U.S. Senate listed below. If any one of the people on this list votes against the bill, the American people will have more time to see what is in the $800 'stimulus' bill, and express their opinions to the Senate. They include the ten most conservative Democrats.
Nelson, Ben, D-Neb. (202) 224-6551 bennelson.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Landrieu, Mary, D-La. (202) 224-5824 landrieu.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
Pryor, Mark, D-Ark. (202) 224-2353 pryor.senate.gov/contact/
McCaskill, Claire, D-Mo. (202) 224-6154 mccaskill.senate.gov/contact/
Baucus, Max, D-Mont. (202) 224-2651 baucus.senate.gov/contact/emailForm.cfm?subj=issue
Conrad, Kent, D-N.D. (202) 224-2043 conrad.senate.gov/contact/webform.cfm
Lieberman, Joe, ID-Conn. (202) 224-4041 lieberman.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm?regarding=issue
Dorgan, Byron, D-N.D. (202) 224-2551 senator@dorgan.senate.gov
Carper, Thomas, D-Del. (202) 224-2441 carper.senate.gov/contact/
Webb, Jim, D-Va. (202) 224-4024 webb.senate.gov/contact/
Tester, Jon, D-Mont. (202) 224-2644 tester.senate.gov/Contact/
Gillibrand, Kirsten, D-NY (202) 224-4451
Keep up the pressure! Keep emailing, faxing and calling! They're feeling the heat, so don't let up now! The vote is scheduled for Monday at 5:30 EST.
To see pictures of the petitions being delivered: http://www.flickr.com/photos/35146845@N03/show/
Video of petitions being delivered: https://www.youtube.com/aforp
TS Sharon would like you to vote on a new poll, "Are You for the Big Spending by our government". You can find the poll at http://www.teamsarah.org/profile/0djnkqbabddq4

Stimulus to Ban Religious Worship
'This isn't like a convenient oversight, this is intentional'
President Obama's proposed economic stimulus plan makes a deliberate—and unconstitutional—attempt to censor religious speech and worship on school campuses across the nation, according to a lawyer who argued related cases before the U.S. Supreme Court 20 years ago and won them all.
"This isn't like a convenient oversight. This is intentional. This legislation pokes its finger in the eyes of people who hold religious beliefs," Jay Sekulow, chief of the American Center for Law and Justice - http://www.ACLJ.org
Many American Christians believe, as an article of faith, that we are to pray for the success of our leaders. It has become a sort of conventional wisdom among soft-minded believers. The biblical proof-text for this misguided way of thinking is Romans 13:1-4:
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." "Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: "For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." What could be more clear-cut? At face value, it would seem the Bible is telling us government is a God-ordained good and that we are not to resist its terrors. Many a coward has been bolstered in his conviction against challenging tyranny by not reading too deeply into the Scriptures. Yet, nowhere does the Bible ever suggest evil rulers are to be obeyed. When the rule of men conflicts with the commands of God, the Bible leaves no doubt about where we should stand. That's why I do not hesitate today in calling on godly Americans to pray that Barack Hussein Obama fail in his efforts to change our country from one anchored on self-governance and constitutional republicanism to one based on the raw and unlimited power of the central state. It would be folly to pray for his success in such an evil campaign.

Nine Principles to Believe In by Glenn Beck
Share This America, I want to talk straight to you now !
But I am here to tell you something important: You are not alone, and if you believe in a majority of these nine principles then keep watching because I am going to prove it to you to.
1. America is good place, not perfect, but good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never
did.' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you,
but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate
on this sentence... 'The will of God will never take you where the
Grace of God will not protect you.'
~ many thanks to all TeamSarah and
Patriotic Resistance members

We MUST Restore the Constitutional Republic
Http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/xdD3pQnI880 ~ thanks YT deanhaskins
Clear and Present Danger - Opening Nov 4th
https://www.youtube.com/watch/v/_HX6vbhAYaU ~ thanks TS Julie, YT Flineo
The United States is a REPUBLIC not a democracy
https://www.youtube.com/watch/v/G6nyGTWN2fY ~ thanks YT AppalachianAmer1can
Senator Jim DeMint joins other Senators at AFP NoStimulus Rally
https://www.youtube.com/watch/v/SxuzgWK3gxA ~ thanks PR Fira, YT AforP
The Howard Beale Show (1976) (PG13 mild profanity) - excerpted from Network
Http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/NfGdbFh6cSI ~ thanks TS WMassRepub, YT ReflectedFan



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