We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


BE ADVISED ... Take time to read this entire email sent to me from Neil Turner and ... Watch/listen to the approx 2hr video presentation of "The (new) Republic for The united States of America".
The following are the only two issues described in the video that I firmly disagree with (see attachment) ...
1. The evil USURPER barack hussein obama, all members of the 110th, 111th & 112th congress, SCOTUS & federal judges must be immediately arrested, charged and tried for treason as traitors! These traitors allowed the American people to be duped by their own admission, of not vetting the evil USURPER, barack hussein obama prior to the 2008 POTUS election and, their failure to honor their sworn oath to support and defend the constitution of the United states against all enemies foreign and domestic.
The same analogy applies to SCOTUS and the federal judges! They too must also be arrested, charged and tried for treason for their failure to honor their sworn oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States by not allowing the many qualified attorneys immediate full disclosure of any and all information they deemed necessary, in their attempt to prosecute the ineligibility of the evil USURPER barack hussein obama to act as POTUS and CIC of the Armed Forces!!
BE ADVISED ... The only congressional members not subject to immediate arrested, charged and tried for treason as traitors are the new 112th house and senate members.
2. What part of ILLEGAL is not understood?!?! All illegal invaders, regardless of age or how they came to live in the United States must be deported, no amnesty, no how, no way!! The reasoning used in the video for not deporting illegal invaders now living in America is not a satisfactory solution to the illegal invader invasion!!
I too am color blind ... Except for seeing the yellow stripe of cowardice as completely described below by patriot Neil Turner!!
Please send this to all of your email contacts far & wide.
God Bless "The (new) Republic for The united States of America"!
There are always ...
Too many Democratic congressmen,
Too many Republican congressmen,
And never enough U.S. Congressmen.
 ~Author Unknown ~
Bob Pinkstaff
Gunnery Sergeant
United States Marine Corps Retired

-------Original Message-------
Date: 2/7/2011 7:17:58 PM
Subject: I am Color blind, . except for seeing the yellow stripe of cowardice

Citizens for the Constitution;


Words matter. The Truth matters. The Constitution matters.
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No person except a natural born Citizen, … shall be eligible to the office of President; …


I am Color blind, … except for seeing the yellow stripe of cowardice running down the backs of many of those who are committed to or sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States.


That would include all members of the 111th Congress, and all members of the 112th who were previously members of the 111th Congress.


And that would also include all members of the judiciary who:

1.    Say that they themselves (the judges) lack jurisdiction to rule on the eligibility issue, or

2.    Tell the People that they don’t have ‘standing’ to demand that the Constitution be upheld;


And that would also include:

·         Rep Allen West (R-FL), originally sworn to uphold the Constitution as a U.S. Army Officer (LTC), and now sworn as a new member of the 112th Congress, as he shows his yellow stripe of cowardice by:

1.    Ignoring the plight of his fellow officer, LTC Terry Lakin, now sitting in Leavenworth, for demanding that the defacto pResident and Commander in Chief prove that he can give anything but unlawful orders;

2.    Ignoring the plight of his fellow officer, LTCDR Walter Fitzpatrick, falsely accused, imprisoned for 60 days, and fined by a corrupt law enforcement and judiciary in Monroe County TN, for performing his lawful and constitutional right and duty to execute a citizens arrest (it was actually an act of reprisal against Fitzpatrick for lawfully bringing charges of Treason against Obama to the Monroe County Grand Jury);

3.    Saying that he will deal with the muslims in Congress (like Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN, sworn in on the Koran) with respect, knowing full well that the founding documents of Islam and the Koran call for the unconstitutional overthrow of our government, a blatant act of Treason;

4.    Refusing to even address the demands of 180 million Americans who want proof that the de facto pResident and Commander in Chief can issue anything other than unlawful orders;


·         Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) who, having shown his stripe as a member of the 111th Congress (counting and accepting the vote of a CA elector for Soetoro/Obama, Ms. Irene Huber, well-known to have been dead for 6 years prior to the 2008 elections!), is again showing his yellow stripe of cowardice as chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, as he continues to ignore the people and his constituents demands that he investigate the number 1 most important issue facing America today - the ineligibility issue, as well as Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number for his pay as the illegal occupant of our White House.

·         Governors, Judges, Sheriff’s, Attorneys General, etc. … too numerous to mention.  Put the name of your favorite yellow-striper here: __________________; then contact them and tell them how you feel about cowards.


The color of the Usurper occupying our White House matters not one whit to me. What matters is the yellow stripe of cowardice that has overtaken our elected officials, our people, and our Nation – once the greatest and bravest nation on earth.


cowardly lion.jpgThe ‘Cowardly Lion’ from the 1939 movie version of ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’


I ask that you join in helping to overcome the fear that has overtaken us ‘cowardly lions’ that L. Frank Baum wrote so succinctly about in ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ (that’s who the cowardly lion is really meant to portray in this great story written back in 1900 in defense of the Gold Standard – the Yellow Brick Road, remember?)


Start by learning about “The Republic", a now fully-planted and established grass-roots organization of patriotic Americans who simply want their freedoms, their country, and their Constitution back - and have done something about it.

Watch this video as it explains what has been done so far, who is joining forces with it, and where we go from here. It will make you hopeful for the future, and proud to be an American again.


Introducing: The (new) Republic for The united States of America



On January 15, 2011, Tim Turner explained the history, formation, and ratification of the new and sovereign ‘Republic for the united States of America’:

·         Why and how it was formed;

·         What will happen with the Military;

·         Sheriffs and Law Enforcement’s positive responses so far;

·         International Treaties (Compacts) already entered into, plus hundreds of others now in negotiation;

·         What will happen with the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, etc.

·         The new gold-backed currency;

·         And much, much more


For more details, go to www.RepublicForTheUnitedStates.org, and click on CONTACT US to see whom to contact in your State (they are established now in all 50 States).


In Liberty;


Neil B. Turner
Citizens for the Constitution


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